More 2* Characters

I've been playing the game for a while, and since my start the only 2* character they have added is Ares. It seems like every couple of weeks a new three star character is released which continues to slow down everyone's 2* -> 3* progression. Throw us a bone and give us a new 2* character to help ease the repetitiveness of using the same 2* rosters as we attempt to switch over to 3*. Hopefully, She-Hulk will be a 2*, in which case I'll shut my damn mouth.


  • I agree with you an extra 2* would be nice BUT you have a bunch of players who wouldn't particularly want, or ever use a 2* which is, TBH, anyone with 3 lvl 85 2* heroes or better. Unless they start introducing regularly scheduled 2* only PvP (which I would personally like along with regular lone star tourneys and any other restricted roster PvP like no mans land, DA, avengers, whatever).

    Also can't really make a 2* the essential hero for a PvE event because that's unfair as hell on people with high level rosters and more heavily scaled opponents. Which removes another reason for people who are past 2* heroes to pick a 2* hero up.

    So I guess my opinion is I want more themed PvP events rather than the constant 3* featured, lazy **** events they keep doing THEN I can get behind a new 2* hero that fits well into one or more of those events. Just need an excuse to get the hero.

    One spanner in the works is they hand out 2* covers like unwanted puppies in PvP now. So they would probably see it as a waste of effort to make one because everyone will get the covers for it with minimal effort over long enough playing PvP as per usual. Don't know a way around that one...