Daredevil has quite the task in front of em

WhiteBomber Posts: 505 Critical Contributor

Champions 2.0 forces Daredevil to finally have to rank 4stars! but also aaaaaall of the others! I don't know how he's gonna do it, but I am curious as to how this is going to play out. Let's give em something to think about:

Daredevil has quite the task in front of em 19 votes

DD should rank all muggle 5star champions against / with the pureblood 5stars
entrailbucketDyingLegendprimetime21dramatistjp1StillMonsoon3GrizwaldWhiteBomber 8 votes
DD should rank 2.0 champs separately (all other star levels together, or also separately)
Punisher5784EienRyuu 2 votes
DD should group them however he wants, but rate them for PVP and PVE separately
killercoolZalastaKGBPtahhotepVenomousHollisTpsimoesZarqa 8 votes
N/A, my personal rankings are more accurate for me, and that's ok
Domitronas 1 vote


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards
    DD should rank all muggle 5star champions against / with the pureblood 5stars

    I meant to ask him about this!

    From what I can see, the ascended characters have powers, HP, and match damage on par with the "natural" 5s, so such a list would be both possible and relevant.

    Will he actually do all of it? Man, that's an awful lot of work. But NOT doing it means the list is sort of obsolete.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    DD should rank all muggle 5star champions against / with the pureblood 5stars

    Ooof, yeah, I didn't really consider the obsolete part. At least they would be good for most people; I am like 6 plus years in and my highest 4star is like 306 (far from a single ascension). I'd love to hear about the ones that end up on top though, I have been dying for these 4stars to have value!

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    Of the ones I did (rogue, Valkyrie, hulkbuster, Medusa, and sabretooth), rogue is by far the best.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    Well, to be accurate, he would need to rank all characters at the same level, being 550, which would only take 10 yrs. Not 10 yrs to rank them, but 10 yrs to get everyone to 550

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards
    DD should rank all muggle 5star champions against / with the pureblood 5stars

    @bbigler said:
    Well, to be accurate, he would need to rank all characters at the same level, being 550, which would only take 10 yrs. Not 10 yrs to rank them, but 10 yrs to get everyone to 550

    I don't think he's got 550s now, does he? He ranks all the other 5* at whatever level he's got them at.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    DD should rank all muggle 5star champions against / with the pureblood 5stars

    I thought so, but I have no idea how true it is. He might need quite a bit of help I'm sure to get them all. Luckily you can generally tell how good they are with all covers and base champion. It will surely make the most sense to at least wait to see how they handle tweaking the numbers people have found the good stuff.