10 years - Memories & Milestones

Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

Inspired by the Shield Resupply thread, feel free to share any of your memories & milestones. I have some of the below from forum postings, others from a spreadsheet I kept for a while and the rest from hazy brains.

Started Feb 13 2014 (ish as I prob missed a day or so early on) - right before valentines... how romantic!
First 3* Cover - Wolverine (Patch) - vague memories of collecting this and it being a big deal - don't have as specific a memory on 4* & 5* covers, prob Nick Fury for 4* through the original season rewards
First max 3* - Hulk (Indestructible) - before champs and back when 3* covers were rare and iso much less plentiful, this felt like a big deal!
First 3* Champ - ?? - returned from daily play to champs being a thing that I totally missed when first announced. Champed a bunch right away
First 4* Champ - Cyclops (Classic) - around day 1,000! Didn't play much beyond daily when champs were first a thing so when I came back had a big ISO hill to climb
First 5* Champ - Thanos (Mad Titan) - day 1,321 - clearly marked in my spreadsheet at the time. 2nd was Gambit at 1,415, then shortly after stopped daily tracking. After was just tracking covers on 5s until I had them all done. Scary to think how much quicker this can be done today.
First Max 4* - Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - thanks to the period of time when recent 4s had high odds, dupe already at 337
First Max 5* - TBC - Kitty at 497 so still a long way to go!

Alliance history - messages in here help track some of that:
CareBareStare - July 2014 until Dec 2014 in the early days of seasons
Break and limited daily play until:
Lock and Load Family - Aug 2016 to some time late 2019
Another daily play break until:
Deadpoolstacos - Early 2021 to present

Forum member since May 2014 - joined to ask about MMR in PVP


  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    Started May 22, 2015
    First 3* cover: Dr. Doom (Purple)
    First 4* cover: Thing (Yellow) - I remember it not helping much, but I HAD to keep it.
    First 5* cover: Silver Surfer (Blue) - Stupidly levelled it up to 270 immediately. :s
    First 3* Champ: Dr. Doom - RNG kept giving me more and more of his covers.
    First 4* Champ: Riri Williams - Prior to Wins-based PVP. I pushed SO hard in a PVP event of hers to get that last cover. Even used my first-ever shield to help me get it.
    First 5* Champ: ... Haven't quite figured that out yet... ;):D;) Those darn Soft-cappers!!
    First Max 3*: Magneto
    First Max 4*: Medusa - Only just earlier this year.
    First Max 5*: Ha Ha Ha!! Yeah right...

    Alliance History:
    NewPGHAvengers from start until February 2019
    Fluffers from Feb 2019 to December 26, 2022
    Merc (in pseudo-retirement) since leaving Fluffers

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    Started Oct, 2014
    First 3* cover: Luke Cage (Red) - I remember being so excited about that protect tile in 2* land
    First 4* cover: Wolverine X-Force (Green) - Daily resupply (day 149).
    First 5* cover: Silver Surfer (Black) - Daily resupply 2 year anniversary (was hoarding LT/CPs)
    First 3* Champ: Not sure - I softcapped for a long time and not sure who was covered first but I leveled every 3* up at once when PvE changed from roster based scaling.
    First 4* Champ: Carol - Obtained when they briefly changed LTs to only award latest 12 and she was the one I had the most of at the time this happened and I was able to cover her in full before she rotated out
    First 5* Champ: Daredevil - Technically he was first one covered but l am also a softcapper so none are actually champed
    First Max 3*: Captain America - He's by far and away (at least 50 levels) the 3* I've rotated the most in my farm
    First Max 4*: Miles - Only just earlier this year.
    First Max 5*: ??? - Predicting this will happen in roughly 5 more years :D

    Alliance History:
    Godslayers - I didn't join an alliance until the first Civil War Boss event. I randomly joined one to get the rewards which you essentially can't get in a 1 man alliance.

    Forum Member
    Late 2015ish I think (is there a way to tell?). I lurked for a while reading Northern Polarities invaluable guide after trying to progress on my own for a year.


  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,206 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    Started playing: October 2013 (yes this year is also my 10th anniversary)

    I can't remember my first champed 3*, because I was softcapping my 3* to counter roster-based scaling
    First 4* cover: I can't remember if it was Invisible Woman or Xverine. Probably the former
    First 4* to hit 13 covers: Elektra in mid-2016. Why did it take me so long? I was playing casually until Jan 2018, when I joined a competitive alliance (which I'm still in. Shoutout to my alliance fam, love you guys!)
    First champed 4*: Thorrina a couple months after I completed Elektra above. Thorrina fuelled by 3* Iron Man is just beastly.
    First 5* cover: OML Black. Almost dropped my phone when I saw that purple token.
    First champed 5*: Silver Surfer. I have a story about this on the forums somewhere; you can go search for it. Long story short: It was mid-2017, and I was saving CP for GladiaThor's release during the Thor: Ragnarok movie. I had around 2500CP banked when the devs gave us a random Cosmic Store comprised of Silver Surfer, Thanos, and Starlord. At that time my Surfer had 8 covers, Thanos had 5, and I didn't care about Starlord (all of them were at lv255). I decided to take the plunge, and got my Surfer up to 5/4/4 plus a 14th cover and Thanos to a perfect 5/3/5. Back then saved covers didn't exist; covers would expire after 2 weeks, so I spent the next 2 weeks busting my a r s e to get the half a million iso needed to champ Surfer so that that 14th cover wouldn't go to waste. Good times. Surfer/Thanos is a very decent intro to 5* land, 5* PVP in particular, supplemented by 4* Captain Marvel.
    First maxed 4*: Xverine around the start of this year. Quite fitting, given he was the first 4* in the game (yes I know Invisible Woman also existed). And nicely complements my first champed 5* being Surfer, who was himself the first 5* in the game.
    First maxed 5*: lol
    Special mentions: Shoutout to Apocalypse. Because of this bugger I was finally able to hang in CL10 and get full progression. Onslaught as well, because he came out immediately after Poccy; he complements Poccy very decently; and I'd always wanted him in the game thanks to Marvel vs Capcom. MvC is also why I wanted Shuma Gorath. For some reason I just really like Annihilus Human Torch. And of course the man himself: Omega Red. A milestone moment is champing Black Bolt in Sep 2018. I was pleasantly surprised to see him in Multiverse of Madness, although he got screwed by Jim Halpert. Devs please buff him. I also want to give a special word of thanks to my original Challenge Node trio: Iceman/Okoye/halfThor. You three ensured I was able to do 4 clears of the CN long before Shang (and then Jane and Kang) burst onto the scene.

    Favourite 1* comic cover: Iron Man
    Favourite 2* comic cover: Bagman. No, really. Right beside this delightful joke of a character is Thor; I love Jason Aaron's run on the title.
    Favourite 3* comic cover: Vulture just came out, but I really like the design. If not for him it'd be IM40; I love that black-and-gold suit. I also have a soft spot for Captain Marvel, and Human Torch's original cover. The variant cover for Scarlet Witch was phenomenal.
    Favourite 4* comic cover: Kingpin. Another just-released character Mr Negative gets an honourable mention.
    Favourite 5* cover: Gwenom (yet another recent one!). If not for her it would be Scarlet Witch. Honourable mentions to Bruce Banner, Ghost Rider, Chasm.

    Joined the forum in June 2015, while I was holidaying in America (and getting barbecued by the Florida sun), around the time of the first Antman movie

    In other news, my Bagman is approaching lv144, and I'm 4 covers away from completing my last Classic 5* . Once the former is done, I will have truly beaten the game.

    Ten years...wew. What a ride it's been. As all of us know, 10 years is a longggg time; so much stuff can and will happen. It's crazy to think that this game has seen me through almost a third of my life. Also shoutout to many of the forumites here. One longtime one I know is @Punisher5784. Grateful mention to @PiMacleod, especially for updating the Daily Rewards. Mate why have you stopped uploading your token opening videos :D Also, I've mentioned this before, but two things I really love about this game are the usage of comic covers for each character (although recently they've been using more BCS-designed covers for the original characters, which I'm not a fan of) and the art style. The former is what made me begin to spend money on Marvel comics, and there are a good number of TPBs and issues that I've bought largely because the cover was used in MPQ. The latter is one of the most realistic art styles I've seen in any mobile game, and continues to be a very high point of my gaming experience.

  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 240 Tile Toppler

    Oh boy, I'm going off of memory here:

    First 3 Star Cover Might have been Doc Ock black, was super excited until I realized it was pretty worthless unless I was facing Daken. Pretty sure I sold it to free up a roster slot.
    First Champed 4 Star Captain Sam! Hahaha, thought it was great to finally have a fully covered 4 star. Yikes.
    First Champed 5 Star Either Thor or Jessica Jones. Can't remember, but got them around the same time. It worked.

    Game memory: Having to figure out how to spec characters out based on covers, then having to wait to pull two covers if I wanted to switch a power from level 3 to level 5. Allowing a fully covered character to be changed at will was such an upgrade

    Game memory: The horrible color switch a few years back. Still don't really like it. Ha!

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    I really don't remember the old old days; I know the game was still called Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Alliance when I started, but i set it down for a long time before picking it back up again, so I don't have a contiguous legacy of playing that long straight through.

    For a long time I didn't want to try and join anyone else's alliance, so I was running an alt-account on Steam so I could attempt to complete alliance events by myself - but that didn't work lol.

    I recall my first champion 4* was Medusa
    In 2018 when Fi5k was coming out, I was really enamored with Spider-verse, and so I decided I was going to commit to going all-in on Latest Legends to try and move up to 5* play. It didn't work, but I stuck with it and eventually got my first 5* in Ghost Rider sometime in 2019. From then on I was able to keep up for the most part with latest.

    My first max-champ 4* was Chavez who I was using to finish Jessica Jones back in the pre-shard days. It took a solid year of having her as my only favorite in the tier to get her to 360, then she organically got to 370 after that.

    I joined the forum in 2017.

    I've been the commander of WillowWatch since I was able to start an alliance. the name dates back to when a local podcast was doing a Lucasfilm segment right around the time Disney was buying the catalog, and they were really into trying to bring Willow back, partially in jest. So they had a segment called Willow Watch where they'd pull up any scrap of news about it, and I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, that podcast kind of shifted gears and moved on a couple years before Willow finally got revived, and turned out to be pretty underwhelming sadly.