MPQ Developer Q&A July 2023 (ANSWERS)

MPQBlaine ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
edited August 2023 in MPQ General Discussion
  1. @DAZ0273 [Official Forums]
    Question: I wondered whether there was an updates on new Story mode events upcoming anytime soon - tied to this what do the team think about 48 hour subs? Is there anyway we could have these not featured in new events and maybe even removed from current ones?

    Answer: We anticipate new storymodes to make their debut mid 2024 once we have sufficient tools in place to support their creation. As for 48 hour subs, we're open to any number of time formats and will take this into consideration.
  2. @Histamiel [Official Forums]
    Question: Is there any plans to include characters linked to Mojoworld ?

    Answer: Maybe.... :D
  3. ReturnalShadow [Reddit]
    Question: How challenging is it to create an event where players can choose the difficulty of AIs? There can be normal, expert, and crazy mode, and rewards scale accordingly.

    Answer: Honestly, we haven't done too much analysis on the game's AI (just here or there as needed). We are certainly interested in the ability to throttle this and essentially modularize AI for future features and game modes. As for the "choose your own adventure" approach, we think this is certainly enticing. Consider this seed planted!
  4. @Carnifex [Official Forums]
    Question: Apart from special occasions, is there any chance of Double/increased ISO events to occur more often? It seems like a very long in between time when these do occur currently. Thank you!

    Answer: We're exploring the idea more and more, but have no concrete plan or schedule yet. It does align with our current thought process.
  5. @UnityGamer [Official Forums]
    Question: What is the process for creating and deciding on powers for new characters? Were there any powers that were dropped or handed over to another character for one reason or another?

    Answer: Creating character abilities is a tough process. It starts really by marrying the character's essence (lore of the incarnation) with what the game "needs". Not all characters are great opportunities for the latter, and it doesn't feel great to force that upon them.
    We don't have characters planned out further ahead than a year (for example, we're still locking in 2024's lineup). This means that power development is an analysis of all existing characters, plus the sketched ideas we have for what we know is soon to come. That means a lot of compromise at times; 3 abilities aren't a lot, especially with the depth of the characters and the vast number of things we want to do with the game.
    We absolutely run into situations where we drop powers because they too closely align with something else that already exists, doesn't speak strongly enough for the character, doesn't address the "needs" of the game, or is something that we want to save because we know it would better suit another character further down the line.
  6. @mkilly [Official Forums]
    Question: 3* Arcade has "King of PWN" in his name, which is also the parenthetical/series name... I don't see a single other character like that. Is that not an error?

    Answer: Not an error; just felt like a fitting name for that version of him.
  7. @Cmej [Official Forums]
    Question: Is there any possibility or discussion of slowing out pausing the character release schedule to focus on other games aspects? It really impacts my excitement for the game with the relentless pace. Bonus: can we get the "powered up" filter on top?

    Answer: There are no plans or discussions for this at the moment but never say never. I can say that thus far the 2024 content release schedule is on track with the present release cadence.
  8. @DyingLegend [Official Forums]
    Question: Do the Dev expect us to sell every max character for the rewards or do they anticipate the player to duplicate every max character? Do the Devs think the sell value of a max character is sufficient? Or can it be improved?

    Answer: Players who have maxed out their characters have already received numerous rewards from their Champion rewards. Additionally, having duplicates of a character can be beneficial for future occasions such as extra Team Up gift opportunities. Although there may be future reasons to have duplicates, currently, most players are finding that possessing a second or third copy of a character is highly advantageous for receiving ongoing rewards.
  9. @Zhreveya [Official Forums]
    Question: Since taking over development of the game, what are you finding to be the most challenging aspect? e.g patchwork code, players expectations, bugged functionality

    Answer: One of the difficult challenges we face is ensuring testability. This game is incredibly difficult to test, and there are certain aspects that are impossible to test practically. Unfortunately, some bugs have slipped through the cracks and gone live. While some of these were due to learning on the job, others were simply mistakes that we take full responsibility for. As players, encountering issues in the game we love can be frustrating and make it seem like the developers are careless or preoccupied. We take this very seriously and are working to improve testability. Fortunately, major engine overhauls are in the works for next year, which will help address this issue. In the meantime, we are doing our best to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.
  10. @skittledaddy [Discord]
    Question: On average, how quickly after downloading the game do players champ their first 2*, 3*, 4*, and 5* character? Has that timeline increased in BCS took over?

    Answer: There are so many variables involved here; there is no clear cut answer. I can say that the duration does appear to have decreased since BCS took over, probably due to enhanced rewards that we have rolled out over time.
  11. @Mrcl25 [Official Forums]
    Question: Can the bug with the Krakoa support be fixed, so that it always gives you 3ap (rank 3 perk at 3 stars) in the character strongest color when requirements are met? I submitted a ticket about this but no change so far (more details in "note to team").

    Answer: We were not aware of this but have made note and flagged it with the QA manager.
  12. @Punzaman [Official Forums]
    Question: Would you consider letting us see more of the player and alliance leaderboards? Even being able to "page through" 20 at a time would be useful. I would love to see how friendly and not-so-friendly players/alliances are doing.

    Answer: Next year we have some big reworks planned for social and alliance interactions. Taking this into account!
  13. @Jdeanda [Discord]
    Question: What is the update on supports being upgradable and when can we expect to go live

    Answer: That is the current, most immediate, and highest priority task assigned to the features team and we have hopes to see that go live before end of year.
  14. @Scofie [Official Forums]
    Question: Are there any plans under QoL improvements to make time zones a bit more hospitable? Are they broadly in line with the main player bases?

    Answer: The time slices in the game are a major cornerstone in how MPQ players plan their play. Nothing currently in place to change that up, but we are always thinking of ways that we can improve flexibility overall.
  15. @Chipster22 [Official Forums]
    Question: Which of the following is likely to be the first to be updated in game?: Matchmaking, Game Chat, Supports, Chasm, New Play Mode, Other (Please Specify)

    Answer: A reworked Matchmaking algorithm has been built and lives in testing, but in its current incarnation we're pretty sure players would hate it so we're testing and iterating on it for a while longer.
  16. @Heartbreaksoup [Official Forums]
    Question: You keep introducing new characters, but we never get to play against them. Can't you rotate the enemies in (say) DDQ, Simulator, or Deadpool vs Marvel so we can fight against Jeffrey or Moondragon?

    Answer: Updates to PVE events are planned, but are actually currently fairly difficult to do with the tools at hand. As stated above, we've got some engine overhauls that include some tool streamlining that will make this quite a bit easier. Just including Jeffrey in the DDQ nodes was over a day of work, not including testing to make sure that things don't explode.
  17. @Punisher5784 [Official Forums]
    Question: Strange Sights is likely one of the more popular PvE events. Have you considered utilizing the ""Pick your Sub"" feature in new PvE events? I really enjoy the flexibility of picking the sub I want to do each day.

    Answer: Yes, this is a feature we love, and plan on bringing it to new story events once we start rolling those out next year!
    IceIX:Also, love your meeting posts! A few of the staff members have gotten chuckles out of them every time you've done them. Sure, can be a bit critical, but it's all in good fun!
  18. @CASSIDYFROST [Official Forums]
    Question: The MCU Elsa Bloodstone costume is just PERFECT!! Could this be confirmation that the Werewolf By Night and perhaps the Man Thing are about to arrive in the game??

    Answer: Glad you like it! Sadly at the moment neither of those characters are slotted for 2023 or 2024, but that doesn't mean they aren't coming!
  19. @Grizwald [Official Forums]
    Question: There are a lot of Affiliations in the game that don't really get used. Is it possible to add minor bonuses/effects to missions based on Affiliations? Example: While in Central Park in Meet Rocket & Groot, Street Level characters get something.

    Answer: Definitely a cool idea that we will toss over to the events team! We also have something fun coming up for affiliations...stay tuned!
  20. @Pwuz [Official Forums]
    Question: Are there any plans to revisit the TU system? Between the limit of 3 TU to bring per battle (at the expense of boost slots) and the random unpredictable nature of acquiring TU’s, the last TU event brought these issues into stark contrast.

    Answer: No near-term plans, but we certainly hear you and feel your pain. These need addressing, along with trap tiles and some other core systems.
  21. caos3468 [Reddit]
    Question: Any chance of reverting Bishop to his original powers? He allowed people to punch above their weight in pvp, which displeased some big roster players. But he wasn't that difficult to beat then, and less so now with all the new characters introduced.

    Answer: Possible, although we feel that High Evo in both of his forms allows for opportunities for players to transition to higher levels of play as well.
    (Note) Bishop allowed players to get a fairly easy stunlock infinite combo in.
  22. @fight4thedream [Official Forums]
    Question: With the recent symbiote festivities, would it be possible for you to change Black Suit Spider-man into the original symbiote version and rework his skillset? It would be a neat way to buff the character and pay homage to symbiote lore.

    Answer: Possibly a cool idea for a future version of Spidey and something we'll think about!
  23. @illusionist_KA [Official Forums]
    Question: when is classic token entering regular rotation istead of purchase only? can we remove elite tokens from progression and placement? move mighty down, add classic for mighty. just an idea

    Answer: We can't speak to specifics just yet, but now that Classic Tokens are in the spotlight, the plan is indeed to work them into the normal rewards structure.
  24. @StrangeWitch [Official Forums]
    Question: If you could choose one costume for Sabretooth, another for Nightcrawler and Iceman to put in the game NOW, what would it be?

    Answer: Devpool: Sabretooth: King of Hell
    Nightcrawler: Ultimate Nightcrawler
    Iceman: Ice Master
  25. @GHOSTCARD [Official Forums]
    Question: Is there any chance that in the future you will add more 5* variation of one character and a 3* variation of another but similar character? Ex: MCU Wolverine 5* and Jimmy Hudson 3* or Ka-sar 5* and Shanna 3*, same abilities x different characters.

    Answer: Yep, absolutely! No specifics or spoilers, but this is something we are open to and plan for.
  26. @phillsam [Official Forums]
    Question: What do you think about adding more and more mutants back to back in the game since a large (VERY LARGE) portion of Marvel (and game) fans love them so much? What is your opinion about this? (Thanks for finally having Omega Red!)

    Answer: We can't necessarily say that they will be back-to-back, but we can say that tons of additional mutants are coming to the game.
    Devpool: (and since mutants were my first Marvel love, I for one am stoked)
  27. @CarnageWing [Official Forums]
    Question: We know you're planning a new loading screen, but until that happens, what are the chances of at least letting the most recent characters slide? (Sorry but I can't stand the same characters anymore)

    Answer: We are planning on getting this group changed out AT LEAST for Anniversary, and hopefully more regularly after that!
  28. @OrorotheStorm [Official Forums]
    Question: Like in the comics, after this Hellfire gala the Fall of X era begins, in the game, after this MPQ 10th Anniversary, what would the theme of the game be? What are you going to focus on the most to improve/add?

    Answer: We don't want to give away too much about the narrative theming post Anniversary, but our core focuses as far as features are concerned will be upgrading Supports, improving social features, implementing more QoL requests, and the massive engine overhaul that's been in the works for some time now.
  29. @kleussaroot [Official Forums]
    Question: Will Hydro-Man and Molten-Man ever be playable characters like Ultron became? I would love to play Hydro (with reworked abilities), even if it was his Morris Bench version

    Answer: Never say never!
  30. @Bad [Official Forums]
    Question: I really enjoyed the chance to play scl10 with a bit harder and totally new foe, it added some change for once. Could you repeat it in all pves, or at least everytime you release a new 5*?

    Answer: This was something we did for Omega Red and didn't really have it planned to continue going forward. It's an interesting idea though, and we will take this up with the Character / Events team leads.
  31. @leviticuschoms [Official Forums]
    Question: situation: when you want to match a CD before expiring (Kate Bishop, Iceman, 4pool). Have you considered giving these CDs a ""uniqueness"" that would make it easier to find on the board? Felt like KB was a missed opportunity.

    Answer: We are actually very limited at the moment on changing the icons on many tiles. That isn't to say that it isn't possible, and what you describe is something we'd love to do and do more of. These types of changes need to happen at the engine level and can't be patched in. To obey our current release cadence, this simply means we need to be further ahead on the rebalance work with several more weeks of lead time, and thinking much further ahead than we presently are to tactically prepare for these types of changes.
    All that to say, we want this and will work toward it!
  32. Figzilla [Reddit]
    Question: What are considered the most successful rebalances, which rebalanced characters could still use a touch up?

    Answer: IceIX: Tougher answer than you'd expect, I think. Most successful would probably be X-Force Wolverine. Well received and he's being used a lot more than previously. Contentious one? Beast (Age of Apocalypse). I know! I know! There's a contingent of players that are crying out that it was a nerf within a niche, but our statistics show that he's being used on a regular basis over 3x more than he was before, so he's far more usable in general situations now. Second touch-ups? Northstar, Namor, and Wasp. All three kinda fell flat after their rebalance. Better, but nowhere near where we want a rebalance to fall.
  33. @Anne [Official Forums]
    Question: Would it be possible to have community challenge info in game under the events tab? Wouldn't have to be a tally, but info and end date would help

    Answer: We'd love this sort of integration and plan to have it built out in the future!


  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    Thanks for this. But @DevpoolMPQ_BCS / @MPQBlaine you forgot to include the answer to #16

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 902 Critical Contributor
  • ShionSinX
    ShionSinX Posts: 63 Match Maker

    Ive seen it a few times people asking on reddit and discord to have this thing where the new release appears on pve like OR, meanwhile Im here thinking it would be better to have us USE the new release to try it out, a maxed out loaner on their essential node for the first event.

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin

    @Zarqa said:
    Thanks for this. But @DevpoolMPQ_BCS / @MPQBlaine you forgot to include the answer to #16

    Not my whoops, but still a whoops. Added!

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    That’s encouraging news that trap tiles may be getting some attention. They’re a bit of wasted mechanic at this point.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    A day's work just for the Jeff DDQ, huh.
    That's kinda crazy.
    Then people didn't get to play it because the announcement wasn't made in time.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    Thanks for the answers, some very intriguing things going on particularly Re: Q15 answer - I guess the answer is "no" but I for one would love to give the lives in testing MMR a go in a one off PvP event just to see whether it lives up to player hate expectations!

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Thanks for the answers, some very intriguing things going on particularly Re: Q15 answer - I guess the answer is "no" but I for one would love to give the lives in testing MMR a go in a one off PvP event just to see whether it lives up to player hate expectations!

    You know, if even THEY realize that we would hate it, it must be REALLY bad.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Thanks for the answers, some very intriguing things going on particularly Re: Q15 answer - I guess the answer is "no" but I for one would love to give the lives in testing MMR a go in a one off PvP event just to see whether it lives up to player hate expectations!

    You know, if even THEY realize that we would hate it, it must be REALLY bad.

    Absolutely. Sounds like fun!

  • allen_koholic
    allen_koholic Posts: 103 Tile Toppler

    Second month in a row I’ve asked about relaxing the release schedule and second month in a row that y’all have dodged the question. Very cool.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've submitted a question every month and they've never answered any of them!

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards

    Y'all are better than I am. I gave up asking questions after being ignored several months in a row.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    @allen_koholic said:
    Second month in a row I’ve asked about relaxing the release schedule and second month in a row that y’all have dodged the question. Very cool.

    Doesn’t Q&A Item 7 answer your question (i.e., there are no plans to relax the release schedule through 2024)?

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards


    The reasons why you aren't answering some questions makes sense.

    On the other hand, EB has asked what appears to be a reasonable question about what percentage of players have at least 1 champed 5* character (ie what you'd call end game players). That question doesn't seem to fall into any of those categories and lots of us are curious about the overall player base given that 90% of the Forumites would fall into that category (at least 1 champed 5*). Knowing the answer would also help understand lots of other decisions that seem to us in a vacuum to be random.


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    I wonder if it's because I'm only posting questions in the forum thread and not on the Google form that he mentioned? I didn't even know there was a Google form!

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    I wonder if it's because I'm only posting questions in the forum thread and not on the Google form that he mentioned? I didn't even know there was a Google form!

    I totally read that also and thought "what Google form?"

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    I wonder if it's because I'm only posting questions in the forum thread and not on the Google form that he mentioned? I didn't even know there was a Google form!

    There's a link to the Google Form on the post. It's definitely a good question. Maybe I'll ask it for you next month or remind you to use the form :)

  • StanleyBurrell
    StanleyBurrell Posts: 145 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    I wonder if it's because I'm only posting questions in the forum thread and not on the Google form that he mentioned? I didn't even know there was a Google form!

    Same haha. I wouldn’t think raising boost buy limit would be a secretive drama filled question 😂