Classic legend pack overhaul

Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor

There's an in-game announcement about this saying there would be boosted odds for a "rotation" of characters. But there seems to be no change yet (other than overall odds of drawing a 5* -- was it always 1:6 vs. 1:7 for LLs?). Have we been told anything more about what's going on with this?


  • ArchusMonk
    ArchusMonk Posts: 189 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2023

    The store lists the 3 5* and 3 4* that have boosted odds. Those boosted characters will change each season.

    Currently 5* - OML, Crystal, Kamala Khan
    4* - Jugg, Karnak, Clea

    Discussion ongoing about 6 threads down in “Classic Focus Banners”.

  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor

    Oh, wow, I (can barely) see that now. Thanks! It is super tiny on my phone but it's there.