App is Crashing

The app is constantly force closing on my phone. I have restarted and cleared cache. If I uninstall, will I lose all progress upon reinstall? It's any body else having this issue?


  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    If you are not linked to FB and have no other D3 Apps (right now, that means Madagascar: Join the Circus), then yes, you'll lose all progress. If you're linked to FB, you can just relink after an uninstall and it'll pick your data back up. As for anything more specific, what handset are you using? Is this a recent thing or did it happen as soon as you moved to R42? Any other information would be helpful. Please send that information via email to While we read these forums for bugs and the like and pass things forward, we don't run customer support out of them.
  • I'm still on my junky first-gen iPhone 4 (not 4S), still on iOS 6 (because nothin' doin' iOS 7) and I've noticed a lot more crashing since R42. No specific situation either. Just after startup, just after finishing a match, browsing covers, etc. Things just seem more crashy now.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Well, the upside is that we have something that collects every time that the App crashes, and if there's anything in memory when you restart we ask you if you can send it along. So we can analyze any and all crashes, but getting as much info straight from the horse's mouth, as it were, is always helpful.
  • someguy wrote:
    I'm still on my junky first-gen iPhone 4 (not 4S), still on iOS 6 (because nothin' doin' iOS 7) and I've noticed a lot more crashing since R42.
    I've got an iPhone 4, I've not had any crashing problems. Are you closing all other open apps, maybe it's a memory problem?
    Also iOS 7 works fine on iPhone 4.