Top 10 Character Wishlist



  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 603 Critical Contributor

    1: Zemo (with power stones)
    2. Zemo (Thunderbolts era)
    3. Charcoal (would be so fun to create his powers in game)
    4. GLA (all in one, because that's so ridiculous it's hilarious and fits)
    5. Shroud (because I haven't seen anyone mention him here, ever, but I remember him being really cool)
    6. Mephisto (because I want to use Hawkeye to shoot him in the face with a chaos arrow in an attempt to free Mockingbird... The rest of that story gets complicated, but if you're willing to shoot the devil in the face for the woman you love, there's not much else the rest of us can do to compete... Will also need a chaos arrow support)
    7. Night Thrasher (very 90's but a compelling character)
    8. Songbird (I miss the original Thunderbolts)
    9. Viper (so many connections to other characters and Hydra)
    10. I'd love a 5* Mockingbird, but I'm trying to avoid characters already represented so...Sunspot...I just think his powers would be fun to implement in game and he's had some great moments with character evolution in the comics.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,379 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'd like to add Diamondback and Crossbones to my list

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2023

    Honestly. Having Hydra minions alongside the release of a 3 star/5 star Red skull with it being 3 Star Classic and 5 Star of that iron man suit thingie would be neat. Then release a 4 star Crossbones or Viper to be his feeder.

    Heโ€™d also be befitting as his own Raid boss

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Blackstone said:
    1: Zemo (with power stones)
    2. Zemo (Thunderbolts era)
    3. Charcoal (would be so fun to create his powers in game)
    4. GLA (all in one, because that's so ridiculous it's hilarious and fits)
    5. Shroud (because I haven't seen anyone mention him here, ever, but I remember him being really cool)
    6. Mephisto (because I want to use Hawkeye to shoot him in the face with a chaos arrow in an attempt to free Mockingbird... The rest of that story gets complicated, but if you're willing to shoot the devil in the face for the woman you love, there's not much else the rest of us can do to compete... Will also need a chaos arrow support)
    7. Night Thrasher (very 90's but a compelling character)
    8. Songbird (I miss the original Thunderbolts)
    9. Viper (so many connections to other characters and Hydra)
    10. I'd love a 5* Mockingbird, but I'm trying to avoid characters already represented so...Sunspot...I just think his powers would be fun to implement in game and he's had some great moments with character evolution in the comics.

    Ah, The Shroud aka when Steve Englehart decided he would just do the origin of Batman in a Marvel comic book. I guess in the end they added stuff but hey - let's have the Night Shift! We should already have Werewolf by Night anyway but there are some proper weirdos there. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 603 Critical Contributor

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @Blackstone said:
    1: Zemo (with power stones)
    2. Zemo (Thunderbolts era)
    3. Charcoal (would be so fun to create his powers in game)
    4. GLA (all in one, because that's so ridiculous it's hilarious and fits)
    5. Shroud (because I haven't seen anyone mention him here, ever, but I remember him being really cool)
    6. Mephisto (because I want to use Hawkeye to shoot him in the face with a chaos arrow in an attempt to free Mockingbird... The rest of that story gets complicated, but if you're willing to shoot the devil in the face for the woman you love, there's not much else the rest of us can do to compete... Will also need a chaos arrow support)
    7. Night Thrasher (very 90's but a compelling character)
    8. Songbird (I miss the original Thunderbolts)
    9. Viper (so many connections to other characters and Hydra)
    10. I'd love a 5* Mockingbird, but I'm trying to avoid characters already represented so...Sunspot...I just think his powers would be fun to implement in game and he's had some great moments with character evolution in the comics.

    Ah, The Shroud aka when Steve Englehart decided he would just do the origin of Batman in a Marvel comic book. I guess in the end they added stuff but hey - let's have the Night Shift! We should already have Werewolf by Night anyway but there are some proper weirdos there. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Parents being killed when he was a kid isn't very original, but there's a lot that comes after including several things that make him somewhat unique. And I think his powers would lend themselves well to MPQ.

    If the orphan thing makes him undesirable, I'd happily switch him out for Morgan Le Fey.

    My list has a few I really want to see because I have an attachment to the characters from comics, but the main theme is opportunity for creativity in implementing them in the game.

    I'm down for Night Shift though.

    This is reminding me how old I am.

  • samael64
    samael64 Posts: 65 Match Maker
    1. Morph (Animated Series version is preferred, AoA version would be nice too)
    2. Strong Guy
    3. Speedball
    4. Darkhawk
    5. Spider-Woman (Force Works)
    6. Multiple Man
    7. X-Man
    8. Sauron
    9. Kazar
    10. Trevor Fitzroy

    Morph is the character I most want to be added to MPQ, the remaining characters are not in any specific order.

  • SuperCarrot
    SuperCarrot Posts: 181 Tile Toppler

    @samael64 said:
    1. Morph (Animated Series version is preferred, AoA version would be nice too)
    2. Strong Guy
    3. Speedball
    4. Darkhawk
    5. Spider-Woman (Force Works)
    6. Multiple Man
    7. X-Man
    8. Sauron
    9. Kazar
    10. Trevor Fitzroy

    Morph is the character I most want to be added to MPQ, the remaining characters are not in any specific order.

    This list speaks to me.

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards

    10 in no particular order.

    1. Red Skull
    2. The Mandarin
    3. Absorbing Man
    4. Super Adaptoid
    5. Hank Pym (classic Ant-Man, Yellowjacket, Goliath, Giant Man, half-Ultron, dude could exist at all five tiers, just give us ONE)
    6. At least one Brotherhood member (Toad, Pyro, Avalanche,
    7. A big villain like Galactus that should maybe only be a boss (Dormammu, Mephisto, Annihilus, etc)
    8. Someone Thor-related (Sif, The Warriors Three, Malekith, Mangog, Ulik, tons of others to pick from too)
    9. Someone Spidey-related (Shocker, Hobgoblin, Smythe and his spider-slayer bots, Chameleon, Electro, Mr Negative, plenty more to pick from here, but let's start with those)
    10. Ben Reilly. Scarlet Spider. A 3/5 release of Scarlet Spider and Sensational Spider-Man would be pretty rad. I love that we get some brand new comic characters from time to time, but giving us Chasm when no other version of Ben is in the game was a crime.

    That would be my list, but I see plenty on other lists I like as well. That's the nice thing about Marvel for a game like this. Characters to keep going FOR YEARS.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Blackstone said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @Blackstone said:
    1: Zemo (with power stones)
    2. Zemo (Thunderbolts era)
    3. Charcoal (would be so fun to create his powers in game)
    4. GLA (all in one, because that's so ridiculous it's hilarious and fits)
    5. Shroud (because I haven't seen anyone mention him here, ever, but I remember him being really cool)
    6. Mephisto (because I want to use Hawkeye to shoot him in the face with a chaos arrow in an attempt to free Mockingbird... The rest of that story gets complicated, but if you're willing to shoot the devil in the face for the woman you love, there's not much else the rest of us can do to compete... Will also need a chaos arrow support)
    7. Night Thrasher (very 90's but a compelling character)
    8. Songbird (I miss the original Thunderbolts)
    9. Viper (so many connections to other characters and Hydra)
    10. I'd love a 5* Mockingbird, but I'm trying to avoid characters already represented so...Sunspot...I just think his powers would be fun to implement in game and he's had some great moments with character evolution in the comics.

    Ah, The Shroud aka when Steve Englehart decided he would just do the origin of Batman in a Marvel comic book. I guess in the end they added stuff but hey - let's have the Night Shift! We should already have Werewolf by Night anyway but there are some proper weirdos there. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Parents being killed when he was a kid isn't very original, but there's a lot that comes after including several things that make him somewhat unique. And I think his powers would lend themselves well to MPQ.

    If the orphan thing makes him undesirable, I'd happily switch him out for Morgan Le Fey.

    My list has a few I really want to see because I have an attachment to the characters from comics, but the main theme is opportunity for creativity in implementing them in the game.

    I'm down for Night Shift though.

    This is reminding me how old I am.

    No Steve actually intentionally did Batman's origin! He handed in the script and Editorial phoned him up:

    "Steve, you seem to be doing Batman's origin here!"
    "You can't do that!"
    "Yes I can"
    "DC will sue"

    DC didn't sue but the companies were frosty at this time and there had already been the Doom Patrol/X-Men debacle so they were also suspicious.

    Englehart had also famously been involved in other secret unapproved Marvel/DC crossovers so he had form. Mostly the companies never noticed even if the fans did, the exception being when Mike Friedrich got caught by Julie Schwartz when he did the Avengers in a JLA issue. When he left Marvel Englehart even took Mantis with him and sneaked her into a JLA issue.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    @SuperCarrot said:

    @samael64 said:
    1. Morph (Animated Series version is preferred, AoA version would be nice too)
    2. Strong Guy
    3. Speedball
    4. Darkhawk
    5. Spider-Woman (Force Works)
    6. Multiple Man
    7. X-Man
    8. Sauron
    9. Kazar
    10. Trevor Fitzroy

    Morph is the character I most want to be added to MPQ, the remaining characters are not in any specific order.

    This list speaks to me.

    Whereas I think the word "Force Works" should be struck from the dictionary...๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    Jack of Hearts
    Unus the Untouchable
    Mole Man
    Red Skull
    Captain Britain
    J. Jonah Jameson (spider-slayer)

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,210 Chairperson of the Boards

    5 star Trion Juggernaut
    5 star Red Skull with Cosmic Cube
    Long Shot
    AoA Nightcrawler
    Wonder Man
    AoA Sabretooth

  • Jellybat
    Jellybat Posts: 30 Just Dropped In

    2-Red Skull
    3-Scarlet Spider
    7-Fin Fang Foom

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Purple Man
    2. Omega Red
    3. Red Skull
    4. Bob, Agent of Hydra (Joke 5*)
    5. Stilt-Man
    6. Multiple Man
    7. Scarlet Spider
    8. Ant-Man (Hank Pym)
    9. Mephisto
    10. Night Nurse