Farming 4's?

captainheath Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker

I now have 5 4's max champed: Medusa, Captain Marvel, Wolverine, and Kate Bishop.

I can now champ their dupes. Originally I was going to keep all the max champs for years until the dupes reached upper levels, but I'm starting to think just selling the max champ would be better. The only reasons to keep max champs are if you use them and if they aren't a feeder yet. I do use Medusa once in a while, but not the others.

I am almost post iso with only 400,000 needed to finish champing all 5 star classics.

What would you do?


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    You don't need the ISO, so keep the dupes.

  • Pottsie1980
    Pottsie1980 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In

    Would keep the max champs. Could be useful in pve/pvp depending on boost lists.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,785 Chairperson of the Boards

    I debate this with myself a lot. You don’t realise how not post iso you are until you start the ball rolling on 4* dupes. I’ve kept the max 3* and 4* For me the 5* game is so advanced I’m no longer looking or caring about 4* I’m facing and how many levels they have 99% of the time.

    But I still haven’t been able to let them go after years of work.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,297 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just looking at Kate who I have max champed and at 273, health and match damage are pretty much double for the max champ. The additional Iso will very much just sit on a pile soon and you'll wish you could buy max champ 4*s for 365k Iso just to sit on a shelf and collect dust! 😀

    Saying that, the number of times that 1) Kate will do match damage at all or 2) She's the last remaining survivor and you win because of the extra 14k health will be very minimal. But her boosted powers may well just take someone down and you could win faster.

    I'm keeping mine - far faster to get the extra Iso than the covers, especially with dilution. If I ever need the resources, I'll just sell the highest level at the time.

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would hate to sell a max champ 4 that I never use for them to be “reworked” and become an essential part of a great team.

    Generally I don’t use 4s much. I can certainly see the appeal of flipping them, I have 209 rostered so far (including dupes) with about 30 of those still needing to be champed. The 4 tier is bloated terribly.

    Anyway, the rewards for selling them aren’t enough for how long it takes to get them maxed. Even with a champed dupe.

  • 658_2
    658_2 Posts: 234 Tile Toppler

    I started selling them once I have rhe dupe champed. The 5s are so powerful now that even when there is a 4* pvp, I’m rarely going to use a 4* power, and the ones I do use aren’t for damage, so offense of 370 vs 270 is irrelevant, and I also don’t think more than a handful of people will skip you because you have a 370 4 instead of a 270, so no real benefit on defense. No benefit in pve. Any champed 4 will handle Crash easily. The feeder issue is all that gives me pause, so I’m going to hold onto ones like Ant-Man and America Chavez, but Hulkbuster or Cyclops or someone like that? Instant sell. Ymmv

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    As a 5* player, the difference between a baby-champ and max-champ 4* character rarely (if ever) affects my play at all. Heck, the difference between the max-champ version and the PvP loaner isn't even that big of a deal for 90% of the characters.

    That said, I usually only sell them when I need the HP. For example, last Anniversary, I sold all my max-champs (2, 3, and 4) for more HP to use in the vault that had all those 5* covers in it. I did end up missing out on some retro champ rewards, but I figure I made up for it in the number of 5* covers I pulled from buying out that vault numerous times.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,569 Chairperson of the Boards

    @LavaManLee said:
    Another reason to keep the max champed 4s is that you never know when they change the feeders and the 4 starts feeding a new 5* and you get the retro rewards.

    This. There are a few 4s that are utterly safe (i.e. they feed the 5 version of themselves,) but pretty much every other 4* could theoretically be turned into a feeder (or have who they feed changed,) based on how well they fit.

    America Chavez is a great example - if she rises to prominence in the MCU or gets a surge of popularity in the 616 (or maybe even because they want to take another shot at defining her,) she could well get a 5* and at that point she would almost certainly be changed to feed herself, since y'know there are actually plenty of characters who can feed Jessica (Luke and Hellcat spring immediately to mind, but there are definitely others.)

    When they made Oscorp Spider-Man feed 5* Deadpool I actually scrapped my max champ 4* Deadpool. That cost me 6 levels. Now 5* Deadpool isn't top tier, so it's mostly just rewards I lost out on, but still, I definitely regret selling that character. >shrug<

    So boiling it down - you want to sell your IMHB? Go for it. 4* Cyclops? Sure. Miles Morales? He feeds Kingpin, right? Eeeeh, maybe you shouldn't, there's definitely a non-zero chance we'll get a 5* Miles. Namor? He feeds Odin, right? Heck no - they've told us they're going to finish out the Phoenix 5 sooner or later, and unless there's no one better to feed Odin, they'll almost certainly change him.