Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#387: New character Rex the game

XaOs72 Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker

Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#387: New character Rex the game


  • TDejaAuthor
    TDejaAuthor Posts: 107 Tile Toppler

    F' the f'in joke dinosaur characters....I LOATHE these two not just because they're joke characters, but because they're taking spaces that could be taken up by characters we all want...like Batroc.

    As for the clue, I'm surprised everyone's overlooked the obvious choice. 'Glint of a blade' implies it's a character whose big deal is he has a sword...and The Swordsman not only was a reformed villain who became an Avenger during Steve Englehart's run, but he was Kate Bishop's stepdad in the HAWKEYE TV series. And his big deal was...he had a sword.

    ....or it could be Swordmaster, the character introduced in the all-Asian AGENTS OF ATLAS mini who also had his own mini and is, along with Aero, the character who's done more than slip into obscurity...

    After rolling Johnny Depp in my head, the character I came up with is Jamie Braddock, the reality-warping, off-the-wall brother to Captain Britians Brian and Betsy Braddock. I can imagine Depp just sinking his teeth into all that lovely, lovely scenery. I will also admit to a flash of him as Pete Wisdom, but I think Jamie is a much better fit....

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    If we get Batroc and he does not have a power that is simply called "Leap" then I am probably quitting. Fun fact - Batroc kicked Batman in the face, like we would all like to do!