New Support - Helicarrier (S.H.I.E.L.D. Mobile Base)

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,315 Site Admin
edited June 2023 in MPQ General Discussion

Helicarrier (S.H.I.E.L.D. Mobile Base)

Equip to: Heroes

Rank 1 (Maxes out at level 100)
On battle start, create a 2-turn Fortified Countdown tile that generates 1 AP in a random color each turn, up to a maximum of 2, at which point it self destructs (destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP).
Bonus: While this tile is on the board, enemies deal 15% less damage.
Max Level: 4-turn tile to a max of 4 AP. Bonus enemies deal 20% less damage.

Rank 3 (Maxes out at level 200)
On the supported character's second turn, lock the strongest enemy Strike, Attack, or Protect tile, and create a 2-turn Countdown tile targeting the supported character, granting Invisibility and 10% increased damage.
Bonus: Instead of locking, convert the tile to basic instead, and the supported character's next ability destroys 1 random enemy AP.
Max Level: 25% increased damage. Bonus destroys 3 AP.

Rank 5 (Maxes out at level 250)
On the supported character's 3rd turn, destroys 4 random basic tiles and deals 4% damage to the enemy team (destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP).
Bonus: Deals 25% increased damage, and destroyed tiles include at least one enemy Special tile, if possible.
Max Level: Deals 6% damage. Bonus deals 40% increased damage.

Special: Equip to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Based on the supported character's strongest color, unlock one perk's bonus effect.
Perk 1: Black or Blue
Perk 2: Yellow or Purple
Perk 3: Red or Green


  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,052 Chairperson of the Boards


    Asked in another thread but repeating here for you. If you have this support at say Rank 3, and you equip to a character that has Red/Green as their strongest color do they still get the Rank 5 bonus perk even though they don't have Rank 5 unlocked?


  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,315 Site Admin

    @KGB said:

    Asked in another thread but repeating here for you. If you have this support at say Rank 3, and you equip to a character that has Red/Green as their strongest color do they still get the Rank 5 bonus perk even though they don't have Rank 5 unlocked?


    They do not. Only the bonus from an unlocked Rank.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker

    Seems a bit complicated. I think, if supports are going to be able to advance to the next rank somehow, it'd be fine to have simpler supports at low ranks.

    Like right now, many supports rank 1 is just extra health/colored damage/etc. This seems to do like...7 different things, with more changing at higher ranks and depending on colors.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,511 Chairperson of the Boards

    I asked this in another thread.

    At rank 3, if there is no strike, attack, or protect tile will the character still go invisible?

  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 62 Match Maker

    @dianetics said:
    I asked this in another thread.

    At rank 3, if there is no strike, attack, or protect tile will the character still go invisible?
