How I kicked my addiction to Prologue Healing

angua51 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
OK I admit it.
I have been a Prologue Healer since I first read about it on this forum and got my first OBW Blue just after I had graduated from playing the Prologue and started tentatively playing versus match with my puny roster of 1s and a few 2s.
I now have a 141 level Lazy Thor and Punisher and a few other 3s nearly there and I have been constantly using Prologue Healing to keep their beefy bodies whole.
BUT I hated doing it - healing Lazy Thor in Prologue takes for ever and playing the same boring goon match over and over is enough to make you consider giving up the game altogether.
Of course I only had to do this when I ran out of Health Packs or OBW failed to heal them in game but with the level of the teams I now face this happens fairly often.
I was also bored with the neverending OBW v OBW fights in PvP but couldn't see any way out. The whole thing became a necessary but boring chore a bit like washing up because it never seemed to be finished and there was more coming very soon.
So I decided to do a day without Prologue Healing or OBW.
Surprise Surprise!
It is possible and the game is fun again.
BUT only because I have finally (because of the last Fresh Cut and the Heroic 10 pack for 5000 pts in S2) a working CMAGS.
Please don't take him away. He is such fun to use, different from the other characters and is a foil to OBW while using her colors.
I need him to keep me away from the horror of Prologue Healing and OBW abuse.


  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    What's funny (but really just sad), is that they are going to take away Prologue Healing and nerf Cmags... They will be more sources of hate filled forum posts, and sour more people's tastes on the game.
  • p. healing was okay with pre-nerf spidey as you could make 5-6k heal a pop with fair success rate. With OBW/goons combo you get what? 600/1200 per run? Of course it is nuts.