Helicarrier Support

LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2023 in MPQ General Discussion

It would be really nice if these supports, with what they do, could be announced on the forums. On my phone, the text is so small and it is all blacked out when you don't have it, I have no idea what it does and can't enlarge it. Could anyone copy and paste the support abilities? Many thanks!


  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 902 Critical Contributor

    On battle start, create a 4-turn Fortified Countdown tile that generates 1
    AP in a random color each turn, up to a maximum of 4, at which point it
    self-destructs (destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP)
    Bonus: While this tile is on the board, enemies deal 20% less damage
    On the supported character's second turn, lock the strongest enemy Strike
    Attack, or Protect tile, and create a 2-turn Countdown tile targeting the
    supported character, granting Invisibility and 25% increased damage
    Bonus: Instead of locking, convert the tile to basic instead, and the
    supported character's next ability destroys 3 random enemy AP
    On the supported character's third turn, destroys 4 random basic
    tiles and deals 6% damage to the enemy team (destroyed tiles
    do not deal damage or generate AP).
    Bonus: Deals 40% increased damage, and destroyed tiles
    include at least one enemy Special tile, if possible.
    Based on the Supported Character's strongest color, unlock one
    perk's bonus effect
    Perk 1: Black or Blue
    Perk 2: Yellow or Purple.
    Perk 3: Red or Green,

  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2023

    That text is tiny!
    On battle start, create a 4-turn Fortified Countdown tile generates 1 AP in a random colour each turn, up to a maximum of 4, at which point it self-destructs (destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP).
    Bonus: While this tile is on the board, enemies deal 20% less damage.
    On the supported character's second turn, lock the strongest enemy Strike, Attack, or Protect tile, and create a 2-turn Countdown tile targeting the supported character, granting Invisibility and 25% increased damage.
    Bonus: Instead of locking, convert the tile to basic instead, and the supported character's next ability destroys 3 random enemy AP.
    On the supported character's third turn, destroy 4 random basic tiles and deal 6% damage to the enemy team (destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP).
    Bonus: Deals 40% increased damage, and destroyed tiles include at least one enemy Special tile, if possible.
    Based on the Supported Character's strongest color, unlock one perk's bonus effect.
    Perk 1: Black or Blue
    Perk 2: Yellow or Purple
    Perk 3: Red or Green

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler

    I am seriously loving this support. Was hoping a thread discussing it would pop up.

    One thing my brother pointed out, who also plays the game, is that this works on 5 star Hawkeye. And the support itself makes Countdown tiles for him. It can be pretty powerful on him.

    Meanwhile I wanna get it to put it on Maria Hill as I've been wanting to use her since forever now.

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 609 Critical Contributor

    These new supports highlight more than ever the need to filter by affiliations.

    Some are generally obvious (gamma mutates), but Hellfire Club? without being a fairly up to date comic reader I have no idea. Hawkeye is a S.H.I.E.L.D?

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2023

    They release a tiered deal every time a new support comes out. It gets you a 3 star, a 4 star, and a 5 star in each tier. Those characters are always able to use the Support in the bundle.

    The 5 star for that bundle is Hawkeye. So he must be SHIELD. Best bet in looking is to just look. If you think it'll be good on someone, see whether they have the affiliation.

    But. I agree. I think there should be a way to filter or sort by affiliation. Not just for supports but for game modes too.

    For example. I missed out on the Guardians of the Galaxy event since I thought I didn't have any.
    4 star Nova was a Guardian member. Only found out afterwards

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 609 Critical Contributor

    @Venomous said:

    The 5 star for that bundle is Hawkeye. So he must be SHIELD. Best bet in looking is to just look. If you think it'll be good on someone, see whether they have the affiliation.


    I mean, sure - but I haven't bought all levels (and can't review what's sold on each level), and I can't see who fits on, without owning it. just like I can filter everyone who uses Blue powers, it would be nice if I could filter affiliations somehow

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor

    @Venomous said:

    For example. I missed out on the Guardians of the Galaxy event since I thought I didn't have any.
    4 star Nova was a Guardian member. Only found out afterwards

    4* Nova really shouldn't be, but we're missing the version of Nova that is one.

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler

    @Omegased said:

    @Venomous said:

    The 5 star for that bundle is Hawkeye. So he must be SHIELD. Best bet in looking is to just look. If you think it'll be good on someone, see whether they have the affiliation.


    I mean, sure - but I haven't bought all levels (and can't review what's sold on each level), and I can't see who fits on, without owning it. just like I can filter everyone who uses Blue powers, it would be nice if I could filter affiliations somehow

    You can tell who is on all levels without buying it. Just view the images that correspond with each tier.

    And not wrong there. I'd love a way to do exactly that. But mostly when it comes to supports.

    Soooo. On the topic of supports and to keep the topic related to the thread. What if when you were to press the :"Equip Support" button, those who would be ideal people for it showing first. I believe this is already a character for Character Specific supports but not sure it is for "Affiliation" specific ones.

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 236 Tile Toppler

    @Timemachinego said:

    @Venomous said:

    For example. I missed out on the Guardians of the Galaxy event since I thought I didn't have any.
    4 star Nova was a Guardian member. Only found out afterwards

    4* Nova really shouldn't be, but we're missing the version of Nova that is one.

    Wasn't 4 star Nova actually a Guardians member though? His origins, I believe, were that the Guardians trained him how to use the helmet after his father died. So technically he is a Guardians.

    The part that bothered me was Nebula isn't consider a Guardian due to her being a villain for most of it.

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 538 Critical Contributor

    @Venomous said:

    @Timemachinego said:

    @Venomous said:

    For example. I missed out on the Guardians of the Galaxy event since I thought I didn't have any.
    4 star Nova was a Guardian member. Only found out afterwards

    4* Nova really shouldn't be, but we're missing the version of Nova that is one.

    Wasn't 4 star Nova actually a Guardians member though? His origins, I believe, were that the Guardians trained him how to use the helmet after his father died. So technically he is a Guardians.

    The part that bothered me was Nebula isn't consider a Guardian due to her being a villain for most of it.

    Looking around that does seem to be the case but I sure don't recall that whatsoever; couldn't have been a thing for more than an issue or two at most, and still I'm not sure if I'd rate a VERY brief situation like that as actual membership. I guess if we want to be generous it's fine but personally I think it's on the same level as calling Cyclops an avenger because he shook Cap's hand a few times.

    Nebula is a tricky one like you describe. On one hand affiliations like this can potentially give the game a lot more depth but actually keeping on top of it all and adding affiliations to older characters as situations change sure seems like a lot of work... it'd probably require something like a yearly update pass to stay more or less "current".