Preferred Set Rewards

QuiksilverHg Posts: 128 Tile Toppler

I personally would prefer that Oktagon stick to _____ for rewards.

Preferred Set Rewards 43 votes

The most recent set in the vast majority of cases
versemageandrewvanmarleHomeRnMainloop25Bubbles_CSTIMEWARPQuiksilverHgArielSiraAmpersandReadingRamboNickBKKgozmasterMrHolland420SmokincookzTechgspellsmasherNoctisJTK421phix07Xuriel 26 votes
Mostly the new set (75%+), but with some of the previous set sprinkled in
MachineertaiiGormhausWulFgaR77TaranisFirstofhisname419KrizzBNamelesstoon 8 votes
Mostly the new set, but with a good distribution of all others sprinkled in (50%+ new set)
StormcrowHiportesMetaBunnyVolk13AbracadaversTheHunterwraszowixuXuxiEpitymbidia 8 votes
An equal distribution of all standard sets
Fireguy 1 vote


  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Mostly the new set (75%+), but with some of the previous set sprinkled in

    As I have a full legacy collection I would vote for newer set but I think we have to think of newer players. Of course with the orbs they will get from duplicate cards they can craft older sets but it doesn't feel much the same crafting a new card Vs drawing it from a booster pack.
    Above everything I'd like octagon to finally design a decent way to get vanguards (especially the rare one) in any other way than try-your-luck-pinkies. Craft them, get them from Flbthp, whatever.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    The most recent set in the vast majority of cases

    Cmon yall, We're 1% short of epic win here

  • Fireguy
    Fireguy Posts: 70 Match Maker
    An equal distribution of all standard sets

    I think the biggest priority regarding this game is to make sure the devs don't go broke. If they don't make money, we don't have this game. The game is not perfect and there is always room for improvement (bugs primarily) but I trust their resource and reward structure is a fair balance for our nerdy fingers and their necessary budgets. They can't give it all away and then expect to meet financial responsibilities.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @Fireguy said:
    I think the biggest priority regarding this game is to make sure the devs don't go broke. If they don't make money, we don't have this game.

    It feels a bit like they've given up though, doesn't it? Nobody cares about bugs in the countless unplayably bad cards in the game, but I've been playing around bugs in even top tier cards like Endless Detour, Void Rend, or Time Reversal since they were released last year. Each new coalition event seems to get less creative than the last, and every single time a new event is released it's bugged because they didn't playtest it even once. And terminal bugs are getting worse.. over time we've become used to losing points and prizes in events due to loading errors when the app loses connection (we shouldn't have to, but we have), but this year the app has started crashing randomly out to the phone OS while in game.

    The most important factor when wanting players to pay for a game is to make a game that players want to pay for.

    I've paid money for the game in the past, but I can't see myself doing it any time soon with the way things are going now. Instead of fixing bugs and giving us interesting new events, we get increasingly complex low power common cards that nobody plays with, increasingly complex coalition event node supports that have little or no effect on play, and the announcement of features that never come to fruition. The dev teams's time and effort needs to be utilised in the right way: making the user experience better, because it's been getting worse.

  • QuiksilverHg
    QuiksilverHg Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2023
    The most recent set in the vast majority of cases

    @ertaii said:
    As I have a full legacy collection I would vote for newer set but I think we have to think of newer players. Of course with the orbs they will get from duplicate cards they can craft older sets but it doesn't feel much the same crafting a new card Vs drawing it from a booster pack.

    The issue I have with this is that in the fall we have a new block start and the fall set runs for three months by itself normally. Then we have a new set out and if the new set gets diluted instead of getting the full three months that the fall set did, then the fall sets get opened a disproportionately high amount of time throughout the year.

    If each time a new set comes out it gets a full three month run before the next set comes out then we will end up with an even distribution of each set having three months in the spotlight throughout the year (assuming we can stick to releases about every three months)

  • wraszowixuXuxi
    wraszowixuXuxi Posts: 72 Match Maker
    edited May 2023
    Mostly the new set, but with a good distribution of all others sprinkled in (50%+ new set)

    KInda thinking of what ways there would be for newer players to get cards from sets like New Capenna if and when it's coalition event rotates out. It is full of good and interesting cards, but currently besides that event, when it is in the store, and while it still has a tab in the crafting orbs menu, what ways will there be to get the cards? It is at least in better shape to acquire than Strixhaven is/was, but eh.

    I still would support a Strixhaven-themed Jumpstart event. But that could be kinda pricey...

  • QuiksilverHg
    QuiksilverHg Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    The most recent set in the vast majority of cases

    I’d like to bump this poll to highlight an EASY way for the new development team to improve player relations.

    You can see that over 80% would prefer the most recent set in at least 75% of the packs and a supermajority would prefer ONLY the newest set. Changing the revolving planeswalk to the newest set is an easy way to make this happen. There are plenty of other events that have other standard sets sprinkled in.