Anyone else hoarding support tokens ?

tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
edited March 2023 in MPQ General Discussion

Any of you hoarding your support tokens ?

I've always spent support tokens as I go them, never really pulling any high level supports aside from puzzle gauntlet ones. However months ago when BC mentioned they planned to revamp supports, I decided to start hoarding support tokens. I don't have a ton, but I've got 4 basic and 35 of the advanced tokens. They're not necessarily the easiest tokens to get either.

I figured I'd stockpile the STs to wait and see exactly what BC would do with supports. Remains to be seen how much better supports will get if they release new ones and tweak older ones.



  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,046 Chairperson of the Boards

    Been hoarding for a while.

    Have 52 basic and 8 advanced squirreled away.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    Yea started doing it maybe 7-8 months ago, but not in anticipation of the supports revamp. I have all supports(except infinity stones) at 2* or above, mostly 2s and 3s. So I figured, I hoard LLs and CP to hopefully better my chances, why not do it here?

    Depending on the supports in the "store" determines if I'll pull or not. This current store is over half filled with supports I have at 2* and 3* so I did all my pulls, 16 or 17 beginner and advanced combined. All dupes except one, got my KRA-VAN from a 3* to a 4*. Forget if it was a beginner or advanced token that got it. I don't track supports much except when I do my progress reports(1 yr, 500 days, etc).

    Not sure if this way is any better than pulling as I go, but I wanted to try something different to try and move em along a little faster. Relying on the monthly gauntlet wasn't cutting it.

    Edit: I have the 3* Reality Stone that the majority of us loyal forum users got last summer-ish time.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    Yes. I have 35 beginner and 5 advanced tokens, plus 18 for the puzzle gauntlet vault.

    I started tracking which support are sold on which store at the beginning of the year(I searched hard and couldn’t find any info in this), and next rotation forward I plan to start using the same strategy as @WilliamK1983 : pull when it’s most likely to upgrade my support roster.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    No, and I expect them to create new ones when they're done with their overhaul.
    Ones you can actually buy with HP.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yes but I tend to hoard lots of stuff. I have something like 150 basic and 50 advanced.

    I am not really expecting these to give a huge leg up other than I imagine they'll simply provide some shards when you pull a duplicate. Given the number of supports overall I bet it barely moves 1 or 2 Rank 3 to Rank 4.


  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    There was never a reason to hoard support tokens. Once you had at least a 2* of each token it was a waste to hold them.

    Now that news supports are coming and the devs will rebalance rewards it will probably feel underwhelming if you were hoarding.

    Whether you hoarded or not, it made no difference, because the best bet for higher level supports came from Puzzle gauntlet and not the general support tokens we get.

  • EienRyuu
    EienRyuu Posts: 82 Match Maker

    Yes, me too. I have 73 Beginner and 9 Advanced.

    But it's mainly because I rarely have the needed 4's in the Puzzle gauntlet to gain the advanced token... Since it's usually someone who I don't have rostered or they are at 1 cover or somewhere low there...
    And some of the requirements are like - fortified tiles, web tiles, etc... Where I don't have Shuri or the Spiders on the 4th tier which make a lot of web tiles and so on.

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 609 Critical Contributor

    Honestly, the support tokens available today are such terrible odds that (in my opinion) they're not worth the.... digital... they're printed on.

    if the new devs truly want to renovate the supports, the first thing that needs to change is these joke tokens. it would not surprise me as the change comes, they retire these tokens and rebuild the stores from the ground up.

    that's my hope anyway.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    I would imagine they would if they’re going to be implementing the ability to get shards for supports now to level them up that way. Since I wouldn’t think you’d get shards just for any old token you pull, more than likely only getting shards from support tokens, it would make sense to revamp them so they’re a lot more frequent since you only get them now once in a blue moon. Obviously it remains to be seen what exactly the plan is in that regards but with the way they seem to be going in changing things to supports I’d imagine that’s going to be forthcoming here eventually. When that eventually is going to be, who knows at this point.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards

    I hoard for more or less the same reason as everyone else here - I have most of the supports I want at 3, a handful at 4, and like two at 5, so the chance of me pulling anything at all useful from a support token is so vanishingly small that it's not even worth my time to pull it.

    When Kamar-Taj enters the store I'll consider it, but I'll probably wait until we get an idea of what the support revamp looks like before I do. Right now I have 92 beginner and 9 Advanced support tokens.

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards

    I started hoarding a few months ago because I got tired of getting nothing but dupes, plus I already have almost 9 million red iso. I don't even bother doing the puzzle gauntlet anymore unless the featured support is at level 2 and can be upgraded. I'm currently at 31 beginner tokens and 1 advanced and waiting to see what they do with supports before I open anymore support tokens.

  • illusionist_KA
    illusionist_KA Posts: 137 Tile Toppler

    there are bunch not on the forums regularlyy, they have over 300 between the basic and advanced. i have around 150. As some have stated and shardwick hit it on point - too many dups ,and advanced supports do not need to carry a 2* in there. the entire spectrum of supports needs an overhaul.

    But in all honestly, i wish the support update was "that there are no more supports and it was removed in it's entirety".

  • fitfestus
    fitfestus Posts: 22 Just Dropped In

    I can't remember the last time I opened a support token, probably at least 2 years ago. I have 144 basic, 30 advanced and 1 master. I don't remember how I earned the master token, but I haven't spent money to obtain any of them....Was hoping one day they would add more supports, so they would be useful.
    With that said....I heard all tokens, so just normal for me these days.

  • Grizwald
    Grizwald Posts: 134 Tile Toppler

    I have 27 Beginner, 21 Advanced, and 1 Master token. I had more but would occasionally open a few for Daily Quests. Kept waiting for the right set of supports to be in the Vault and it never really happened.

  • Domitronas
    Domitronas Posts: 179 Tile Toppler

    Can't wait to break my hoard of 2 beginner and 1 advanced support tokens when they rework them!

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m not optimistic for supports. The shades they gave us will place all supports at lower level than they already exist.

    I see no reason to save this stuff

  • RacEcaR
    RacEcaR Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    Amusing, the claims of bad rates and dupes while “everyone” is hoarding. Hopefully, developers take notice of such actions and evaluate properly.

  • Wilger
    Wilger Posts: 99 Match Maker

    Yup just like everything else only pull when some thing interesting come's along. currently only Destroyer Gun and Poket Radio left as 2* rest is 3 or higher not counting the impossible to get unfairinity stones

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 817 Critical Contributor

    I have 3 at the moment but yes, though slightly disappointed that so far only 2 new ones are 5*s