Have I missed my chance with 5*s

Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

I have only recently started hoarding and getting maximum rewards for 5*s but I have alot of older 1s that just seem lost.. my onslaught,kingpin,magneto,moonknight and a few others all stuck around 5-8 covers then older 1s like spiderman(PP), storm thor ultron and many more all stuck around 1-4 covers as I only used to pull CLs back in the day. Gambit, ghost rider and Mr sinister not even rostered. Absolutely no sign of ever getting covers for any of these characters ever again.. are these just lost in limbo land forever? I know I'll hardly ever use most of these even if they were champed but they'd come in handy for boosted weeks and pvp



  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    For the most part yea. I’m kinda in the same boat as I only just hit SCL10 a few months ago and that’s when I first started hoarding resources too.

    Unless you get extremely lucky from pulling classics it’s gonna be forever before you see any of them getting champed unfortunately. If anything you’ll just have to play the long game and get them thru their 4* feeder. That’s what I’m trying to do with Okoye now as she just recently got up to 3/2/2 from her 2 feeders and recent vaults but even getting her there is going to take months for that to happen for me.

    Good news is though with the hoarding it makes it super easy to champ the new ones. I just recently champed both Hit Monkey and Riri within the past week so at least you can work towards doing that. If anything, if the 3 latest aren’t ones you care to champ you could then spend some of your hoard on classics and try your luck but good luck with that.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    Never give up!

    Things can have a funny way of turning out. For example when Crystal left latest I had 3 covers for her. Now she is 5/4/3 and 50- ish shards from being champed. Elektra had 2 covers now she is 4/4/4. I am not a massive hoarder and it is only the last year or so I have been able to keep up with latests. Special stores can be unpredictable in their content and feeders can help a lot too. You sometimes just acquire shards as you go without even realising. I never chased Carnage at all and yet today I was somehow able to champ him!

    Anyway. Good luck. 🙂

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    There are a few things you can do, but it’s a long haul. You can wait and only spend into new release stores that feature characters you want, you can commit to pulling only latest legends while setting your shard targets on feeders and direct 5s, or you can go full “RNGeezuz take the wheel” and pull out of Classic constantly. I got all mine covered by doing the middle one, and I’m currently trying to stay current by doing the latter. It seems to be working, but I have a lot of my 4s up over 320 where the incidental rewards are good.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,696 Chairperson of the Boards

    The short answer is no.

    Roughly 18 months ago I was in a similar place. I had 10-12 champed 5s.

    The longer answer is:
    If you can keep pace with champing every new 5 then you will slowest see your previous characters gain covers.

    I recently saw the majority of my 4s get into the 310 range. Once this happens you are going to see an accelerated 5* growth.

    3 months ago I thought I was iso positive, and a rapid fire 4* level jump after a major pull session put me with 4 5s needing to be champed and 3 more at 12 covers.

    Once i champ these 8 heroes I will be sitting at 50 5s, which is nearly 2 every month.

    Don’t worry about being behind just target older characters and their feeders, and never target new ones.

  • Sp1d3r
    Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

    Thanks for your advice by the sounds of it I'll be sticking to LLs for the new releases and playing the long game for the rest.. at the minute I have throg and BRB faved this is a long slog aswel BRB had 2 covers when I started this about 3 months ago now he's at 3,2,2.. milestone and pulling hoard shards helped with this aswel

  • Sp1d3r
    Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

    @bigjojo04 said:
    For the most part yea. I’m kinda in the same boat as I only just hit SCL10 a few months ago and that’s when I first started hoarding resources too.

    Unless you get extremely lucky from pulling classics it’s gonna be forever before you see any of them getting champed unfortunately. If anything you’ll just have to play the long game and get them thru their 4* feeder. That’s what I’m trying to do with Okoye now as she just recently got up to 3/2/2 from her 2 feeders and recent vaults but even getting her there is going to take months for that to happen for me.

    Good news is though with the hoarding it makes it super easy to champ the new ones. I just recently champed both Hit Monkey and Riri within the past week so at least you can work towards doing that. If anything, if the 3 latest aren’t ones you care to champ you could then spend some of your hoard on classics and try your luck but good luck with that.

    Who's the 2 feeders for okoye mine is currently at 4,3,4 as I used all my saved hps to buy the black history vault I think it was 3 times I really want her champed aswel I just need about 10 mil iso now haha

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just wait for special stores for the good ones you're missing.
    You will never care that you have a one cover Odin, or Abby, or about 20 others.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    Shuri and Namora. I’d recommend doing Shuri first as I would think eventually they’ll release a 5* version of her as Black Panther which would change that feeder and give you a nice head start on her if they do with the retro rewards.

  • Sp1d3r
    Sp1d3r Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

    @bigjojo04 said:
    Shuri and Namora. I’d recommend doing Shuri first as I would think eventually they’ll release a 5* version of her as Black Panther which would change that feeder and give you a nice head start on her if they do with the retro rewards.


  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,696 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bigjojo04 said:
    For the most part yea. I’m kinda in the same boat as I only just hit SCL10 a few months ago and that’s when I first started hoarding resources too.

    Unless you get extremely lucky from pulling classics it’s gonna be forever before you see any of them getting champed unfortunately. If anything you’ll just have to play the long game and get them thru their 4* feeder. That’s what I’m trying to do with Okoye now as she just recently got up to 3/2/2 from her 2 feeders and recent vaults but even getting her there is going to take months for that to happen for me.

    Good news is though with the hoarding it makes it super easy to champ the new ones. I just recently champed both Hit Monkey and Riri within the past week so at least you can work towards doing that. If anything, if the 3 latest aren’t ones you care to champ you could then spend some of your hoard on classics and try your luck but good luck with that.

    No offense buddy if you just hit scl10 your opinion isn’t going to be clear on roster progression for new 5* champ territory. You are most likely in the same boat.

    There are a few forum users that have the experience… just go head over to the Treading Water thread https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/81450/grand-experiment-2-treading-water-in-the-scl-10-post-shardpocalypse/p1

    to get an idea

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    Sorry for offering my opinion and experience

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,696 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    @bigjojo04 said:
    Sorry for offering my opinion and experience

    No I got you man. You are in a similar boat.
    The transition period is strange. I was there less than 2 years ago.

    Looking forward I had exactly the same idea. I could never clear out the older roster.

    You can do it, and it will happen.

    Just keep pace with your latest and target your favorite classics. You will catch up without realizing it.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Right, exactly. It's slow but it's not impossible.

    There is one way to make sure you miss out on those guys though -- if you just decide it's impossible to cover them and stop trying to.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just prioritise and focus on your favourite 5* and the rest will take care of it by themselves. I've so many 5* champed but many of them don't have my favourite mechanics. If you focus on only champing all 5*, then you'll be stressed. Prioritise.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    Carnage is a bit of a let down by the way. Don't go chasing him! It's weird coz he is so annoying in some of those CN nodes but man, he clearly did not wanna give me any symbiote love. I sort of want that iso back now.

  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker

    As someone who plays this game since 6 month after its release, I say yes it’s hard to get over the curve but it’s possible

    I for example put my fav 4* on the ones that feed 5*s I need atm it’s 2098 spider for chasm
    That can help

    With time you’ll eventually get there, you’ll see, 2 and 3 star farms cod help a lot, with all the new feeders and double feeders

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bigjojo04 said:
    Sorry for offering my opinion and experience

    Always offer your opinion and experience! Always! You might have saved me from Carnage! Maybe you still can save me from Carnage? I cannot save myself and so maybe I am putting too much pressure on you with Carnage. Sorry about that. BUT...always share your experience and knowledge. It is the shining jewel of these forums (apart apparently from @Borstock thighs) and so please share your journey.

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,046 Chairperson of the Boards

    As others above me have said your best bet to to slowly prioritize the 5s you have that are already in range with feeders and let the rest grow organically. In the spring of 2021 I finally made the jump up to 5*. I already had Kitty/CW Cap/CW IM at 13 covers and had saved up enough LL to jump in on Switch/Colossus/Knull. Most of my other 5*s were between 1-4 covers with a few that had 0 covers and a couple that had 8-9.

    After I took the leap I used feeders to get the initial cover for the missing 5s I had so that I would never miss out on essential 5 in PVE. Then I started prioritizing the 5* in the 8-9 cover range that had feeders and one by one got those guys into range to champ. I saved all LL tokens & CP until Shang-Chi released and then was able to champ him and Odin and got Electro to 9 covers during that period. After that I got LL back up into the 250 range and have been able to fully cover everything that has come out since Crystal using just LL while occasionally using CP in the special stores on metas. In 2 years I have 33 champs doing it that way and while I still have a few guys stuck under 4 covers most are in the 6-9 range and are slowly moving towards champing.

    With every character having a feeder it should go even quicker for you.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    I thought about this yesterday. Thanks for a helpful thread. It’s encouraging!