3* Magik black passive bug

justsing Posts: 512 Critical Contributor

3* Magik’s black passive is bugged.

Drag Me to Limbo says “Magik’s Black matches do 250% more damage”, but that match damage boost is applying to her teammates as well, e.g. 5* Colossus.

Demon Queen of Limbo says “All matches do 250% more damage”, but team up matches don’t get that boost.


  • DevpoolMPQ_BCS
    DevpoolMPQ_BCS ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 136 Tile Toppler

    Thanks for the post! I’ve asked the QA team to create a ticket for this!

  • DevpoolMPQ_BCS
    DevpoolMPQ_BCS ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 136 Tile Toppler

    UPDATE: team is moving quick on this one. Looks like a fix will be going up with the next data push. Thanks again!