New Character - **** M'Baku (Jabari Chieftain) ****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,319 Site Admin
edited February 2023 in MPQ News and Announcements

M'Baku (Jabari Chieftain)
4-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, Wakanda

"Strong and proud, M'Baku has led his Jabari well through their exile in the snowy mountains of Wakanda. A traditionalist, he and his tribe reject most technological advancements in Wakanda."

Abilities listed at level 70/270
Health: 5001/18523


Wakanda's Power - Red Passive
(PASSIVE) M'Baku shows the rest of the Wakandans, and the world, that might doesn't rely on fancy technology. M'Baku's match damage is increased by 60%. This is increased by 1% for each percent health he is missing.

M'Baku's strength galvanizes the Wakandans in battle. Wakandans match damage is increased by 5% for each Wakandan on the team.

  • Level 2: Match damage is increased by 100%
  • Level 3: Match damage is increased by 125%. Increased by 2% for each percent health missing. Wakandans match damage is increased by 10% for each Wakandan on the team.
  • Level 4: Match damage is increased by 190%
  • Level 5: Match damage is increased by 300%. Increased by 3% for each percent health missing. Wakandans match damage is increased by 15% for each Wakandan on the team.

Wakanda's Peace - Yellow Passive
(PASSIVE) M'Baku's intelligence allows him to reign with wisdom. His craftiness allows him to keep the peace despite bitter rivalries. M'Baku gains a burst of 120 health whenever an ally matches a Black, Red, or Yellow tile. This is increased by 1% for each percent health he is missing.

M'Baku's guidance allows Wakandans to fight more craftily. Whenever a Wakandan ally matches a Black, Red or Yellow tile, give a burst of 56 health to any Wakandans on the team. (Max level 235/108 health)

  • Level 2: Gains a burst of 157 health. Gives a burst of 77 health to any Wakandans. (Max level 308/149 health)
  • Level 3: Gains a burst of 194 health. Gives a burst of 90 health to any Wakandans. (Max level 381/174 health)
  • Level 4: Gains a burst of 286 health. Gives a burst of 116 health to any Wakandans. (Max level 559/224 health)
  • Level 5: Gains a burst of 443 health. Gives a burst of 167 health to any Wakandans. (Max level 867/323 health)

Wakanda's Pride - Black Passive
(PASSIVE) Resilience in the face of threats to Wakanda is the Jabari way. M'Baku takes 22 less damage from matches and abilities. This is increased by 1% for each percent health he is missing. At 10% health, M'Baku cannot be Stunned.

M'Baku's resilience girds the resolve of fellow Wakandans. Wakandans take 8 less damage from matches and abilities for each Wakandan on the team. (Max level 42/15 health)

  • Level 2: M'Baku takes 31 less damage. At 15% health, he cannot be Stunned. Wakandans take 11 less damage. (Max level 59/21 health)
  • Level 3: M'Baku takes 40 less damage. At 20% health, he cannot be Stunned. Wakandans take 14 less damage. (Max level 76/27 health)
  • Level 4: M'Baku takes 57 less damage. At 25% health, he cannot be Stunned. Wakandans take 21 less damage. (Max level 109/39 health)
  • Level 5: M'Baku takes 92 less damage increased by 2% for each percent health missing. At 40% health, he cannot be Stunned. Wakandans take 34 less damage. (Max level 176/63 health)

Feeder Updates

Release Schedule

Thick As Thieves - 2/23-2/26
M’Baku (Jabari Chieftain) Covers and Shards in Placement rewards, Event Token in Progression rewards

Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - 2/26 - 3/1
M’Baku (Jabari Chieftain) Shards + Recruit Token for Shield Offer in Progression rewards

Enemy of the State - 2/27 - 3/5
M’Baku (Jabari Chieftain) Covers and Shards + Vault Token in Progression rewards

Predator and Prey - Black Panther (T'Challa) - 2/23 - 2/27
M’Baku (Jabari Chieftain) Cover and Shards as Placement rewards

Might of the Jabari - M'Baku - 2/26 - 3/1
M’Baku (Jabari Chieftain) Covers and Shards + Recruit Token for Shield Offer in Progression rewards

M’Baku & Friends Vault - 2/26 - 3/1
80 Item Vault:
3x 4-Stars (M'Baku, Shuri, Random)
7x Tokens (1x Legendary, 1x Mighty, 2x Heroic, 3x Beginner Supports)
6x Iso-8 (1x 5k, 2x 2.5k, 3x 1k)
15x 3-Stars (3x Black Panther (T'Challa), 12x Random)
49x 2-Stars (10x Hawkeye (Modern), 39x Random)