5* Cap (First Avenger): 5/5/3 or 4/5/4?

Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker

I got enough covers on the Kang special store to finish my 5* 1st Cap, in either way. Before he was reworked, Yellow was definitely his best power. Since the rework, is 5 in Yellow better than 4 in Blue?

Mine is already at 4/5/3 with 2 blue and 1 yellow on the vine.


  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    I just posted this is the latest fun team thread. (See below) There are a ton of good colors in 5* land except for 1: Yellow. Definitely find ways to exploit firing this often and set it at 5.

    Both Red and Blue are decent, though blue is very conditional. 5/4/4 is fine, but you won’t even notice losing blue to optimize red at 5/5/3.

    It’s nice to see a fun character like this that only has active skills, no passives built in; rare breed. Try 5* Kitty Pryde and 5* Colossus to add defensive while exploiting his blue with special tiles.

    Otherwise, Enjoy the suggested team below as it would be very good if it were 2015 again. 😂

    “Building off old school teams with new flavor, I’m visiting 5* Cap (First Avenger). After his silent update, I must say it was a good improvement. His red is the most noticeable change, but yellow was number buffed and blue adds AP destruction.

    Red went from something silly ala 11AP/15k damage to a reliable 7AP for 22k (L455), it also returns 7AP in the teams strongest color +2 per Team Cap ally on the team (unchanged). All things considered, the AP gain on tile resolution isn’t a large differential to induce headaches over assembling a team, therefore I have settled on just bringing one affiliate along for a 9AP gain in the strongest color.

    (Personal thought: The implementation of having damage up front with AP return is much better than IM46’s iteration your team determining how much damage the skill will do and no return on investment. Kudos on this.)

    Back to business, he can do some serious work alongside 5* Hawkeye and Gargantos. He’ll be able to to start throwing his shield after turn 3 or earlier, which not only procs Hawkeye’s Red/Blue AP gain, but cycles Cap’s strongest color gain (+9 thanks to Hawkeye) after his 2-turn cd resolves. In this setup, that is Yellow for Cap.

    It was fun.”

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards

    I prefer 5 in Yellow. Are you planning to champ him? If so, you can try out different kits whenever you like. 🙂

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yellow is his best power for sure. Red is very good because it feeds yellow, although it does pretty good damage on its own.

    Blue can hit very hard in a team that's optimized for it, but you'd really need to build a team that's optimized for it.

    I like the buffed Cap a whole lot, and I agree with basically everything in Glockoma's post up there. Daredevil is another really good partner for him -- he's on team Cap, they don't overlap, and they feed each others' powers well.

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yellow is his best power for sure. Red is very good because it feeds yellow, although it does pretty good damage on its own.

    Blue can hit very hard in a team that's optimized for it, but you'd really need to build a team that's optimized for it.

    I like the buffed Cap a whole lot, and I agree with basically everything in Glockoma's post up there. Daredevil is another really good partner for him -- he's on team Cap, they don't overlap, and they feed each others' powers well.

    My favorite team before his buff was Daredevil and Ultron. 3 stuns (Yellow, Black, Purple), Ultron spread tiles very well, Ultrons red was the cheap nuke as strikes began to really increase in damage, 50% Daredevil could enter matches and immediately set out strikes/heal, then smack away with Cap’s blue.

    Excellent choice @entrailbucket

    Daredevil is still one of my favorite kits and I hope his rework is soon.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah DD is so much fun to play, wish he was viable.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    @Glockoma said:

    Daredevil is still one of my favorite kits and I hope his rework is soon.

    When does his disney+ series air? (DD: Rebirth?) That is a good bet for his rework schedule. He basically just needs an update to his health and match damage. I hope they DON'T change his kit too much as it has always been a very solid design.

  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker

    Thanks everyone for replies. They were very helpful.

    @Scofie said:
    I prefer 5 in Yellow. Are you planning to champ him? If so, you can try out different kits whenever you like. 🙂

    I don't have enough ISO to champ all my 5*s so I'm slowly leveling them all at about the same rate. I'm probably not gonna champ Cap very soon.