Supports that generate AP (a compilation)

Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2023 in MPQ Tips and Guides

I've seen a couple of comments here and there about using supports to boost AP generation. As this is my primary focus when using supports, I have collated some information on the topic that I will now share.

AP generation from supports generally falls into two categories:
1) AP gained at the start of the battle, and
2) AP gained during a battle (usually from making a match)

One noteworthy thing to point out off the top: There are no supports that grant blue AP at the start of battle, and there are none that directly grant yellow AP during a battle (with the exception of the Mind Stone).

(In the tables below, "rank" refers to how many stars the support requires to unlock the perk. "AP" is how many AP of the color are generated. "%L1" and "%L250" are the chances that the effect will happen at levels 1 and 250, respectively; this percentage shifts in relation to the level.)

1: start of battle - 20 supports

rank       color   support                required        AP   % L1   %L250
----   ---------   --------------------   -------------   --   ----   -----
   1         red   Arc Reactor            Iron Man        5*     10      72
   4         red   Proxima Midnight       villain         3      10      75
   1      yellow   Avengers Tower **      hero            2       5      60
   5      yellow   Kimoyo Beads           hero            4      10      75
   4      yellow   Korg                   hero            3       8      70
   3      yellow   Sanctum Sanctorum      hero            5*     15      80
   3      yellow   SP//DR                 hero            5      15      80
   4      yellow   Vintage Shield         <any>           3      10      75
   3       green   Atlantis ◊             <any>           5*     15      80
   4       green   Cull Obsidian          villain         3      10      75
   5       green   Hope Summers           X-Men           5*     15      80
   3       green   Spider-Sense           Spider-Man      3       8      70
   3       green   Yaro Root              <any>           5      15      80
   5      purple   Black Widow's Batons   <any>           5*     15      80
   4      purple   Corvus Glaive          villain         3      10      75
   1      purple   Quantum Realm          <any>           5*     10      72
   3      purple   The Milano †           Guardian        3       8      70
   4       black   Ebony Maw              villain         3      10      75
   4       black   The Milano †           Guardian        3       8      75
   5       black   The Tinkerer           villain         5      15      80

(* generates 6AP at level 250)
(** Avengers Tower also has an in-battle effect)
(◊ Atlantis also has an in-battle synergy effect)
(† The Milano can generate 2 colors)

start of battle
synergy perks

            support                required        trigger     % L1   %L250   effect
            --------------------   -------------   ---------   ----   -----   -----------------------------
            Element Guns ⌑         Star-Lord       Guardians     25      85   3AP per Guardian on team

(⌑ Element Guns also has an in-battle effect)

2: in battle
making a match - 12 supports

rank       color   support                required        AP   % L1   %L250
----   ---------   --------------------   -------------   --   ----   -----
   2         red   Chimichanga ‡          <any>           1#      8      40
   3         red   Shuri's Lab §          hero            2      10      40
   2         red   The Dora Milaje        Black Panther   1#      8      40
   5       green   Shuri's Lab §          hero            2      15      50
   3        blue   Kimoyo Beads           hero            2      10      40
   5        blue   Web Shooters           Spider-Verse    2      15      50
   1        blue   Wong                   hero            1       5      35
   4      purple   Chimichanga ‡          <any>           2      12      45
   4      purple   Sharon Carter +        hero            2      12      45
   4     team-up   Destroyer Gun          <any>           2      12      45
   2     team-up   Royal Talon Fighter    hero            1#      8      40
   5   strongest   Mirror Image           villain         1      70     100   stolen
   5   strongest   The Blackbird          X-Men           1Δ     15      45
   4   strongest   Vibranium Ore          <any>           1Δ     12      40
   5       extra   Hulkling ¶             hero            1¶     12      60

(‡ Chimichanga can generate 2 colors)
(§ Shuri's Lab can generate 2 colors and has an in-battle synergy effect)
(+ Sharon Carter also has an in-battle synergy effect)
(# generates 2AP at level 200)
(Δ generates 2AP at level 250)
(¶ Hulkling also has an in-battle synergy effect; gain only for Young Avenger)

in battle
firing a power - 4 supports

rank       color   support                required        AP   % L1   %L250
----   ---------   --------------------   -------------   --   ----   -----
   5       green   Element Guns ⌑         <any>           3      20      67
   5   strongest   Avengers Tower **      hero            2      10      60
   1      random   Stepford Cuckoos       X-Men           3       5      34   stolen
   3      random   Vanessa Fisk           villain         3       5      34   stolen

(⌑ Element Guns also has a start-of-battle synergy effect)
(** Avengers Tower also has a start-of-battle effect)

in battle
synergy perks - 6 supports

            support                required        trigger     % L1   %L250   effect
            --------------------   -------------   ---------   ----   -----   -----------------------------
            Atlantis ◊             Namor           match-5       20      67   1 green, 1 black, 1 purple
            Carol's Communicator   Nick Fury       turn start    25      40   1AP gained in lowest pool
            Hulkling ¶             Wiccan          turn start     8      32   2AP gained (if less than 6)
            Sharon Carter          Captain America cd expires    25      67   2AP gained (blue/yellow/red)
            Shuri's Lab §          Shuri           turn start, 4 fortified tiles in color, gain 1AP
            The Carol Corps        Capt. Marvel 3* power fired   25      85   2 red or 2 black

(◊ Atlantis also has a start-of-battle effect)
(¶ Hulkling also has an effect for making a match)
(+ Sharon Carter also has an effect for making a match)
(§ Shuri's Lab also has an effect for making a match)

The other group of supports that generate AP are the Infinity Stones. At rank 1, each has a chance (from 5%-35%, depending on level) to generate 1 extra AP of its color (or 2, at level 250). (The Soul Stone generates black.)

In addition, the Soul Stone and Time Stone have effects at rank 5 that will gain AP. More usefully, the Reality Stone (which many forumites have) has a 5%-25% chance to convert 2 team-up AP into your strongest color at the start of each turn.

(My apologies for the odd coloring in the fixed-width tables; setting it as "code" generates some undesirable effects that I don't know how to correct for.)

Edit: some formatting adjustments


  • SuperCarrot
    SuperCarrot Posts: 214 Tile Toppler

    Great write up!

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is gold. I will move it to guides and pin it after everyone comments.

  • Kwahder
    Kwahder Posts: 180 Tile Toppler

    Saving this.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    This is great! I was JUST scouring the forums for this info and didn’t even come to close to this level of understanding. Thanks!

  • CoxLargo
    CoxLargo Posts: 57 Match Maker

    thank you

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,001 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is great. I might suggest a slight format change to make it easier than having footnotes for everything--what if you lined it up like such:

  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I agree that the footnotes got a little more out of control than I anticipated when I started using them. However, while your suggestion does eliminate a few of them (for the supports that gain extra AP at rank 5/level 250), it doesn't really eliminate the majority.

    Also: While your version is certainly more complete and precise -- since, who is likely to have Batons at level 1? -- I made a deliberate choice not to offer the percentages at level 50, 100, etc., in order to keep it as simple as possible. In fact, if I changed anything, I would consider removing the chances altogether, since they're largely similar; this would have the knock-on effect of allowing me to move exceptions like Black Widow's Batons in line.

  • BobDucca
    BobDucca Posts: 29 Just Dropped In

    Great post. I have a question for those with higher ranked supports than I have.

    The language for Vibranium Ore says that 'when you make a match in the teams strongest color, that you get a chance for additional AP'. This is different than the other 'AP at match' supports which require it to be the character making the match themselves.

    Can this stack with another 'AP at match' support? For example, if I had Chimichanga on Shang Chi and Vibranium Ore on America Chavez, could both supports process and my team receive double extra red AP? Or will only 1 ever process? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help test this!

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    @BobDucca said:
    Great post. I have a question for those with higher ranked supports than I have.

    The language for Vibranium Ore says that 'when you make a match in the teams strongest color, that you get a chance for additional AP'. This is different than the other 'AP at match' supports which require it to be the character making the match themselves.

    Can this stack with another 'AP at match' support? For example, if I had Chimichanga on Shang Chi and Vibranium Ore on America Chavez, could both supports process and my team receive double extra red AP? Or will only 1 ever process? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help test this!

    Yes, it creates an engine