Marvel Snap changed the game an esthetic change is needed

Hellrey Posts: 5 Just Dropped In

Since the arrival of Marvel Snap to the market, I feel that several things have become evident in relation to MPQ.
Things that perhaps for many went unnoticed but are now more in evidence I refer to two fundamental aspects of the game art and visual effects.

I think that what Marvel Snap offers is offering a superior quality in the way the characters are presented with a more polished art, variables for the same character with different techniques and styles that invite you to get that skin. Not to mention the animation section which is clearly an element of interest for both the character and the scenario promoting a visually rich game.

I emphasized these visual aspects because it is evident that they affect the user experience and I think it would be a serious mistake to leave them aside. We must always remember that the visual imposes in the comics/cinema games you choose is a priority in order not to lose that nexus of interest. We all would like to have a character with a beautiful illustration and made with care and dedication but unfortunately except for a few exceptions this is not happening lately.

I think it is time to reflect on the fact that there is a competitor that is offering a very interesting product and start thinking of alternatives to improve what MPQ is.

I fully believe that MPQ's creative team is capable of improving and delivering a visually stunning product.

That there are also other factors outside of the visuals that also deserve due attention, but that will be for another time.

Without further ado, this was not, nor will it be a criticism, it is just a request for reflection from a fan.

Thank you for reading