Returning player looking for alliance

Slymas Posts: 3 Just Dropped In


Coming from a 2 years break or so.
Joined a random public alliance, looking for one that is at least active in events and can help me grow.

I usually play daily and participate both in pve and pvp events. I am no way hardcore, but active and doing my part.

Have all 2* (no spider bag), almost all 3* and 40+ 4* champs. There been release of new 3* while I was gone so can’t say I have them all anymore.

Trying to farm and expand.

Let me know if there is a spot for me at your alliance.



  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 110 Tile Toppler

    Pm sent

  • JohnRhino
    JohnRhino Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    Revolt Nation 2 is looking for players. Over the holidays RL got in the way and we lost a few members. We are a PVP focused alliance looking for our members to get 600 points per season event and 6000 points over the entire season. Also we expect everyone to participate as much as possible in the Alliance boss events. When we were full, we were easily Top 100 in each PVP event and season, and usually finished the boss events getting all the alliance rewards early Saturday - more than 24 hours to spare. We understand RL is important, if something comes up, just post in the chat and everything’s fine.

  • Jaymz976
    Jaymz976 Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    Slymas, Casual Cats would like to have you back! Hooe to see you soon!