Reevaluate ISO earned

Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

Since the anniversary month where double ISO was prevalent, I have since had the feeling of burnout.

I was able to catch up on a fair amount of characters since my time away (I take many retirements), but the rates at which we take on characters doesn’t feel entirely commensurate with the ISO given.

I had many L370 4*’s and was releveling duplicates, but I felt as if I was sinking more ISO than I had been generating. I likely play above average to optimize rewards. Is this all intended?

I know 2x ISO seems welcome if not needed, but could small changes, say ISO earned from sales of covers or even increased bonuses, be acceptable for the devs to implement. Would it be enough?



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've been playing for close to 5 years and I haven't experienced the type of burnout that other players are facing. I'm not sure if it's due to my lack of "champ it all" mentality that that helped me and the ability to let go of "missing rewards" due to taking small holidays from MPQ. I'm also suffering from lack of iso-8 (94, 340 now) but when I look at those characters needing iso-8, I simply ignore them. I champed about 10 5* 2 weeks ago. Out of those 10, I used only 3 of them on a regular basis and I didn't even use most of the rest even once.

    On the other side of the spectrum, there are players with over 10 million iso-8 with nothing to use on.

    I realised players with "champ it all" mentality are more prone to burnout. In reddit, some player started a couple of days about burnout from various reasons like "being forced" to clear pves at a specific time, insufficient iso-8 to "catch up" + other reasons.

    I think a quick summary of champ it all asap mentality is something like this:

    I play only X amount of MPQ and earn Y amount of resources. However, I want to champ all characters within Z timeframe but the amount of resources I need is Y + 1 or more, which will lead to the timeframe needed being Z + 1 or more.

    Even though logic or reason dictates they can't catch up based on their current playstyle, but they continue to set this goal for themselves, which caused them to feel burnout even quicker.

    Players also need to learn to prioritise. I've duped 4* unchamped but I don't feel the need to champ them right now. I know that I'll be able to champ them in the future, but not now.

    I don't think increasing iso-8 helps from a big picture point of view because if those players continue to set goals they want to achieve within an unrealistic timeframe, they will continue to feel burnout. Even if iso-8 problem is solved, players are going to complain about covers being slow to accumulate.

  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2022

    I think a good way to go about it would be to increase the ISO from selling off a champ, give a little bit more of a reward to the end of farm, like 80k instead of 65k for selling off a max level 2* or something. Takes so long to complete a farm that a little boost to the completion would feel good without ruining the economy I think.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2022

    I’ve burned out and left the game a few times. My goals are pretty well set. There are a lot of covers and shards being given away, but without iso being increased the rate we can champ characters will stay the same. I now am anticipating which 4s will become feeders in order make sure I can participate in the upcoming shardmas this year, since I missed out on a couple characters last time due to not being champed. Ultron and Gamora sit there ready and waiting since I know I will rarely use them. I’m not sure what will happen to Shulk and Emma when covered. This might not be a problem if boosts weren’t a thing.

    I also want iso drops increased across the board. It is now years before new players can catch up to their iso debt, with added time every character release roughly +1 million iso a month with three characters being released. This ignores the added debt every time the 2 and 3* and eventually the 4* farm cycles. Increasing iso will not remove the need to plan and prioritize your roster. The only thing that will do that is removing iso all together. It will be new player friendly though.

    Double iso sounds about right, but even that is temporary relief. Someday I hope to be post iso and able to complain about it accumulating without anything to spend it on.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2022

    I think I am largely post iso as of this anniversary….I’ve been cover limited for a long time, and generally speaking by the time a character has the covers I need I’m able to champ them within a day or three if not immediately. It’s really the mid-game 4* player that has way more covers/covered characters than they can reasonably champ, and even though I’ve pushed through that desert I tend to think they could use a little help in it also.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,427 Chairperson of the Boards

    I had managed to get up to about 3 million iso, but with the new devs changing champ rewards and giving retro rewards I suddenly found myself able to champ some of the few classic 5's I had not completed. That and finding myself with more and more duplicate 4 stars ready to champ has left me iso poor. It's so easy to blow through several million iso but so hard to get that much.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Milestone rewards give an additional 6800 iso-8 every day or 204,000 a month.

    I do agree that reducing championing cost for 4* is a probably a much better solution for most players. Since most players are highly unlikely to sell their max champed 4*, those 320k iso-8 is unlikely to be gained or realised. Even if the dev reduced 4* selling price along with champing cost, the impact is likely to be minimal. The same can be said for 5*. Currently, the dev still can't seem to figure out how to deal with players with excess iso-8. So, reducing champing cost for 4* and 5* will not cause those group of players to have even more iso-8.

    2* - 75k
    3* - 129k
    4* - 280k (revised)
    5* - 420k (revised)