Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#356: Craig teaches the watcher how to poop

XaOs72 Posts: 442 Mover and Shaker
Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#356: Craig teaches the watcher how to poop
* Decoder Contest
* R262
​* FCoTW: Killmonger (Erik Stevens)


  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2022
    Killmonger is one of my favorites.  No build for him is wrong; he's one of the few characters that would really benefit from being 5/5/5.

    I find his greatest utility to be in PvE.  Since he will give a 150% match damage boost when you match the lead enemy's strongest color, try this: Pair him with a couple of boosted 5* with rainbow coverage and the enemies will just melt.  For extra fun, toss in some +50% match damage boosts.

    The trickiest part of this is that it's sometimes hard to tell on old goons what their strongest color is. The power is incorrectly coded, so it tells you what the enemy team’s strongest color is, rather than the targeted enemy. (I have learned that it's often yellow with Maggia and red with The Hand.)