People with color blindness can’t play with Phyrexian gems!

NickBKK Posts: 98 Match Maker
edited October 2022 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I am color blind and struggling to play with the new Phyrexian gems.

The new symbol design is blocking most of the unique color symbols on the gems, and partially blocking out the color parts of the gems too. 

With many Phyrexian gems on the board, I can’t see the color patterns of the whole board to strategize for cascade, or even to see all the available matches. It almost forces me to make a random match. 

If this issue is not fixed, then I will probably be forced to stop playing this game after all these many years. 


  • Undead44
    Undead44 Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I came here to post this as well.  Please address this issue quickly, so that color blind people can play the game again.

    I know that fixes have been implemented for other gem types that had a similar problem (like improved gems). 
  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    We need this issue fixed as soon as possible! I recall some players had similar visual issues with the way improved gems were displayed. Thank you for your understanding.
  • souki12
    souki12 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    I believe it's just an oversight on your part, @Oktagon_Support.

    Please fix this issue asap and let all the color blind MtGPQ enthusiasts play the game again.
  • Blighted
    Blighted Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Please fix this.  I will often play this with my kids and match gems with them.  Being colorblind makes it impossible to match the correct colored gems and renders the game unplayable.
  • arct
    arct Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Please fix this issue in the shorter time!!, there are several players struggling with matching the gems. They will really apreciate it.
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    I don't have color blindness, but I too have difficulty reading the colors of Phyrexian gems! The symbol overlayed on the gems itself isn't the problem, but the white sheen applied to all the different colors of gems makes it much more difficult to tell the colors apart when scanning the board.

    A color blind option would, I'm sure, be a good idea, but I'd like to see the default display of Phyrexian gems tweaked as well. 
  • Gormhaus
    Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    I am severely color blind and it definitely is an issue. Please fix. Thank you!
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's the reddish overlay that they added to the symbol that is throwing things off, I think. Fortunately, it should be an easy fix. 

    1. Get rid of that reddish overlay asap.
    2. Make the phyrexian symbol a smaller icon in the corner that doesn't obstruct the gem color symbol.
  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Love the Phyrexian gems mechanic but I have similar problem, please fix this.

    Would be better for future design that may affect the gem visual are limited to their border, like aura glow, outlines, emboss effect, etc. Pls dont put any overlay on top of the symbol
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    Hello everyone,
    Thanks for letting me know about this, I've already informed the team, and we're working to fix this with top priority!
    I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience on behalf of the entire Magic Puzzle Quest team, and thank you for letting us know about it.
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hello guys,

    The team is already working on a change to Phyrexian gems, but a change like this might take a while because it requires a new version of the game.
    We're doing our best to resolve this as quickly as possible, but since this might take longer than we'd like, I was wondering if, in the meantime, is there anything we can do to make the experience a little better for you?

  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Oktagon_Support while you’re fixing things, can you change the cards so they say Phyrexian gems instead of Phyrexian Gems gems? 

    Also, people with perfectly normal color vision can’t see them either. 
  • Kmiesse
    Kmiesse Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I also am struggling to distinguish between different colors of phyrexian gems. Being color blind, I sort of have a little trouble distinguishing between red and green gems anyways, so I have to really scrutinize the play field in order to find matches.

    The overlay of phyrexian gems just completely ruins any chance I might have had to make matches properly, however. I hope that a color blind mode might be available in the future, but in the mean time something must be done about the overlay. I’m not very creative to think of a great solution, but perhaps a border or “aura” on the gems could suffice without cluttering the screen too badly?

    Thank you very much for recognizing the issue and working diligently to resolve it. Perhaps posting some examples of color/border/other distinction means here for evaluation by the player base would be a good idea prior to implementation.  I would hate for you to spend time developing a solution that turns out to be ineffective. 
  • Asylamb
    Asylamb Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    Same as some commenters above, I'm not color blind, but I still find it challenging to tell one Phyrexian gem color from another. As a suggestion, why not make Phyrexian gems white (or some other neutral color) as base and and the Ф symbol colorful (yellow for white mana, of course).
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hey everyone,
    In the last release the team made some changes to Phyrexian Gems, and we would like to know if this solved the problem?
    Please let me know if there's anything else we can do about this.

  • ambrosio191
    ambrosio191 Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    I am not color blind, but the recent changes to Phyrexian Gems solved the issues I was having with them. I can distinguish the color of the gem, and can clearly see the mana symbol. I can also clearly tell which gems are Phyrexian Gems.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker

    Many in my coalition are pleased with the changes. Again, no reports from people with color blindness, but no one without it seems to mind.

  • MforVendetta
    MforVendetta Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    I just wanted to drop in and share my appreciation for fixing this so quickly! I also didn’t realize there were so many other colorblind people here haha. The new look is gorgeous and definitely appreciated!

  • NickBKK
    NickBKK Posts: 98 Match Maker

    Thank you for the fix! I just notice the new gems design in game today. Yes, it is now just fine and playable for people with color blindness such as myself. I really appreciate your quick response and action! Now I can start putting cards with Phyrexian mechanics into my decks. 👍👍
    PS. Moving forward, please please design future special gems with color blind people in mind. Thank you!

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor

    Much better thank you :)