Liliana of the Veil: Official Thread

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards

manablackpng LILIANA OF THE VEIL manablackpng
At Level 60 (Leveling cost: 79,920)
0 manawhitepng | +3 manabluepng | +3 manablackpng | +3 manaredpng | 0 managreenpng 
Creatures: 5 | Spells: 7 | Supports: 7  

Liliana Vess was once a planeswalker short of compassion, seeing other individuals as mere  tools for achieving her goals, means to an end. Some of her past experiences, however, changed her perspectives drastically. Now, she returns to her birthplace one more time, called by the mysterious Raven Man, to find it invaded by Phyrexia. Liliana shall fight with all her power, not only for herself, but to protect Dominaria.


Necromancer’s Contempt  - Cost 8

Level 1: Each player discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand.

Level 2: Each player discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand. If the last card in your graveyard is not a Creature card - Convert 3 gems to Black.

Level 3: Each player discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand. If the last card in your graveyard is not a Creature card - Convert 3 gems to Black. Otherwise: Convert 3 gems to Loyalty gems.

Level 4: Each player discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand. Convert 3 gems to Black. Convert 3 gems to Loyalty gems.

Uneven Sacrifice - Cost 17

Level 1: Create a Curse of the Veil token. The opposing creature with greatest number of reinforcements gains Imminent Death.

Level 2: Create 2 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Target opposing creature gains Imminent Death.

Level 3: Create 3 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Target opposing creature gains Imminent Death.

Level 4: Create 4 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Target opposing creature gains Imminent Death.

An End for all Means - Cost 19

Level 1: Create a Curse of the Veil token. Destroy an opposing creature card at random. Destroy an opposing support card at random. Your opponent discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand.

Level 2: Create 2 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Destroy an opposing creature card with the greatest mana value. Destroy an opposing support card with the greatest mana value. Your opponent discards the last card that can be discarded from their hand.

Level 3: Create 3 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Destroy an opposing creature card with the greatest mana value. Destroy an opposing support card with the greatest mana value. Your opponent discards the card with the greatest mana value that can be discarded from their hand.

Level 4: Create 4 Curse of the Veil Tokens. Destroy up to 4 opposing cards with the greatest mana value. Your opponent discards the card with the greatest mana value that can be discarded from their hand.


Curse of the Veil

(Black) Support Card - Emblem (1) Token
“When a card enters your opponent’s graveyard: Your opponent loses X life. If that is a creature card - Convert X gems to Loyalty gems. Otherwise: Convert X gems to Black. X is this support’s shield.”


  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards

    Great mana bonuses but 2nd ability is too expensive. There's no reason to ever use when you can get 4x the power for just 2 more loyalty.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    @FindingHeart8 - I think the mana gains are pretty poor for a mono walker. Black 5 and red 4 would be more relevant.

    The skill set is pretty limited. The 1st (discard ability) is ok, but it competes with a number of spells and supports in permanent standard, which does each thing better though more focused. So only just ok.

    The 2nd is as you describe irrelevant when the 3rd is there at the same price.
    The 3rd is definitely strong, but you might risk it targeting the wrong cards, so you have to include removal cards to be able to target the things that you want to remove. Therefore, I see her as a somewhat problematic PW to run with.

  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards

    Her loyalty costs are now 8/19/25, @Oktagon_Support