New Character - **** Reptil (Humberto Lopez) ****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited September 2022 in MPQ News and Announcements

Reptil (Humberto Lopez)
4-Star Rarity 
Affiliations: Heroes, Avengers, Enhanced

"From a young age, Humberto Lopez wanted to be a hero. Finding a fossilized amulet on an archaeology dig with his parents, 'Berto would get his chance as the super powered hero Reptil! Thrust into the hero life with little training by the Initiative, Reptil comes to the rescue of innocents with the ability to transform into multiple different prehistoric dinosaurs. Still learning the limits of his powers and the control needed to master them, Reptil is a powerful, if somewhat unstable, force on any battlefield he is called to in order to protect others."

(Abilities listed at level 70, followed by 270)
4223 Health / 15642 Health

Cretaceous Chomp - 6 Red AP
Reptil takes a razor-sharp bite out of his enemy, dealing 166 damage and converting a random basic Red tile into a strength 19 Strike tile. If Reptil is in the form of the Quetzalcoatlus, fortify the tile and empower it by 25% (Max level 323 damage, strength 38 tile)
  • Level 2: Deals 269 damage. Strength 29 Strike tile. (Max level 523 damage, strength 58 tile)
  • Level 3: Deals 274 damage. Strength 48 Strike tile. Empower it by 35%. (Max level 533 damage, strength 96 tile)
  • Level 4: Deals 478 damage. Strength 67 Strike tile. (Max level 930 damage, strength 134 tile)
  • Level 5: Deals 792 damage. Strength 114 Strike tile. Empower it by 50%. (Max level 1541 damage, strength 228 tile)
Reptilian Rampage - 8 Green AP
Reptil uses the power of the amulet to transform into a mighty Quetzalcoatlus, destroying 6 random tiles. After 5 turns, Reptil reverts to human form.

(PASSIVE) While in the form of Quetzalcoatlus, Reptil deals 25% increased damage, and whenever Reptil makes a match or uses and ability, he deals half that damage to two other random characters, with a 30% chance to hit an ally. If Reptil damages his allies more than 2 times in this way, Reptil reverts to human form and is stunned for 1 turn(s). (Extra match damage is based on Reptil's average match damage.)
  • Level 2: 30% increased damage. 25% chance to hit an ally.
  • Level 3: 40% increased damage.
  • Level 4: 55% increased damage. 20% chance to hit an ally.
  • Level 5: 80% increased damage. 15% chance to hit an ally.
Ankylo-Armor - 5 Yellow AP
Convert a basic Yellow tile into a strength 19 Protect tile. If Reptil is in the form of the Quetzalcoatlus, fortify the tile and empower it by 25%. (Max level strength 38 tile)

(PASSIVE) Humberto's made better by his friends and family: he takes 5% less damage and deals 5% more damage for each Avenger on his team, and Supernatural allies deals 10% more damage with matches and abilities.
  • Level 2: Strength 32 Protect tile. Takes 6% less damage and deals 6% more damage. 13% more damage with matches and abilities. (Max level strength 64 tile)
  • Level 3: Strength 48 Protect tile. Empower by 35%. Takes 7% less damage and deals 7% more damage. 16% more damage with matches and abilities. (Max level strength 96 tile)
  • Level 4: Strength 76 Protect tile. Takes 8% less damage and deals 8% more damage. 20% more damage with matches and abilities. (Max level strength 152 tile)
  • Level 5: Strength 133 Protect tile. Empower by 50%. Takes 10% less damage and deals 10% more damage. 25% more damage with matches and abilities. (Max level strength 266 tile)

Release Schedule


The Hunt - 9/8 - 9/11

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) Covers and Shards + Event Token in Placement Rewards

Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - 9/11 - 9/15

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) Shards + Event Token  in Progression rewards

Operation Spider Silk - 9/12 - 9/16

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) Shards and Covers + Event Token in Progression rewards


God of Lies (Loki) - 9/8 - 9/11

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) Cover and Shards as Placement rewards

Cretaceous Clash (Reptil) - 9/11 - 9/14

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) Shards + Event Token  Progression rewards


Reptil & Friends Vault - 9/11 - 9/15

80 Item Vault:

  • 3x 4-Stars

    • 1x Reptil cover

    • 1x X-23 (All-New Wolverine) cover

    • 1x Random 4-Star cover

  • 7x Tokens

    • 1x Legendary token

    • 1x Mighty Token

    • 2x Heroic Tokens

    • 3x Beginner Support tokens

  • 6x Iso-8

    • 1x 5,000 Iso-8

    • 2x 2,500 Iso-8

    • 3x 1,000 Iso-8

  • 15x 3-Stars

    • 3x Beast (Classic) cover

    • 12x Random 3-Star covers

  • 49x 2-Stars

    • 10x Storm (Classic) cover

    • 39x Random 2-Star covers