Loaner only event

revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
This boss event got me thinking that it might be interesting to occasionally shake things up with a loaner only PVE event.  Perhaps run in the offseason, the event could be curated to be challenging with only loaner characters provided and required.  This would scratch that itch that the folks wanting a training mode have and give the devs a chance to create really interesting content that highlights new synergies that aren't really being pushed out.  

A 5*/4*/3* loaner team with 3/3/3 builds like what we are seeing in the boss node could be really interesting especially against solid opponents and could even be thematic.  

5* Apocalypse/4* Professor X/3* Magento versus 5* Black Bolt / 4* Medusa / 3* Kamala Khan

5* Captain America / 4* Peggy Carter / 3* Falcon versus 5* Odin / 4* Thor / 3* Loki

5* Green Goblin / 4* Sandman / 3* Doctor Octopus versus 5* BSSM / 4* Spider Gwen / 3* Spiderman

The other plus to this type of event is that it might shake up the leaderboards.  We all know that speed is king in every mode of this game and that the rosters with the fastest clearing characters who also use the right clearing order bunch up at the top.  That would still most likely occur but it would add the variable of lower level rosters getting a shot at competing with the big guys every once and while on a level playing field.  I don't think this type of event should be run more than once an offseason but it would be a nice change up to the rotation.