DisciplesOfD LFM (casual/ events)

Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
edited June 2022 in MtGPQ Coalitions
At one time we were RumTrollops, but after introducing my White's Tree Frog, The Detective, the team came up with the new name.

So we're a casual play coalition, looking to break into the top 100. We're so close each week, but need 4 warm bodies (10 if I kick my phone account) to get there. 9 (10) warm bodies may just see us in the top 50!

We're beginners, experts, bronze to plat, level 25 to 130+ . . . we cover the gamut. That means players of all levels, experience, and intensity are a great fit. 

Don't believe me? Join and find out! 


  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    D says we have room for 6 or 7 more players.  Look at him begging!  Okay, he wanted crickets, but I'm sure he'd be pleased as pie to have more friends!  No need to knock, the door is open - come on in!

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    4 spots remain!  5 if I remove an alt so if we're full, just send me a message and I'll boot the alt.  :)
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    I can't believe it! After wiping the roster back in May, we have only One remaining spot! We moved from a consistent top 100-150 to 70 the past couple events.

    We focus on life /play balance. Casually competitive
     I call it. 😄 If that sounds like you, the door is open. Come on in!

    "D" knocked his hiding spot over so of course I snapped a pic before tucking him back in. Sleep well, little chunk.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited August 2022
    We are full!

    "D" received a terrarium upgrade, larger, taller, and bioactive, which makes this a spectacular month.  He's a happy dirty boy!  His froggy friend stands vigil as "D" sleeps in his froggy cup.

  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    Congrats!  Getting a coalition to 20 players is no mean feat!
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Thank you!

    We have one spot open.  A member misunderstood the purpose of us setting up a Discord server and left before we could explain.  Yikes!

    We've been placing consistently in the 60s in events.  If you're looking for a no-pressure, low requirements, casual team that's kicking butt despite said low requirements - that's us!  All I ask is that every couple weeks members try their hand at the events.  Discord can be used (but it's Not a requirement) to get help with deck building, planeswalker advice, pictures of Mr. Detective . . ..  I even have a section for prolonged absences (more than 2 weeks) so we don't accidentally send you on your way.  :)

    And now for the real purpose of the post . . . our Overlord and Protector, Mr. Detective!
    It's a molting balloon!  No, wait - it's Mr. Detective!
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    We're all full again.  :)
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    We had a member leave due to phone compatibility issues.  I waited a couple weeks to see if they'd be able to return, but thus far we still have a vacancy.  I woke up our mascot, and overlord, Mister Detective, to extend an invitation.  First come, first serve!  🐸

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    (I did not actually wake him on purpose, please join before he attempts to eat me for insubordination!)
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    4 vacancies. Come join a group of people who game/life balance. Drama free since 2016. :D

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    Some came, others got swallowed up by life. Good news is that means there's now room for you! We take beginners, novices, seasoned players, and everything between. The door is open. Come on in and see if you dig hanging out with us.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    We have a couple vacancies. come on in - weather is always 74°-76° with humidity of 50-65%. Mood is chill. We have Discord, and we even use it here and there. See you soon!

    Obligatory 'D' pic:

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    "Play as you have time. As long as I know
    you're still trying to to play, we can wait.
    That goes for everyone. If you don't want to
    play, that's okay, too. just leave the team, and
    you can come back if you change your mind.
    I'm keeping the team public so folks can come
    and go as needed"

    Actual Coalition post. Look, we understand everyone has lives, and games go stale. I've tried the iron fist rule, I've tried the Care Bear approach. fact is, we come and go as life dictates. Do your best. It you get bored, try the Greener grass. We'll be here to receive you with open arms.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    edited September 2023

    We have five openings. The door is open, no need to apply, just hop on in and start playing. Talk, don't talk, it's up to you. We are a life/ play balance team. Some of us play all the time, others play as they can. Some of us are brand new, some of us have been around since the game came out. Dang near anyone is going to fit in with our group. 😊

    Silly shot from his cam.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    DisciplesOfD is looking for players. Lax activity policy. Need a few more live bodies,beginner, experienced,etc, to fill the vacancies. We're stubborn, if nothing else, and continue to climb in overall ranking, Join us, and see how much further we can go!

    Obligatory Detective photo (not aware of Any other teams boasting a mascot!)

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    If you need an active coalition with a generous attendance policy, stop on in!

    If you're a Coalition leader with a player who can't quite meet your attendance needs, send them our way.

    All we ask is that an attempt is made every couple of weeks in the coalition events. We're so close to getting our toes into the top 50. Maybe you are, or have, the answer.

    To sweeten the pot, we have a mascot. That's not a boast many coalitions can make! We are DisciplesofD, a 5-yr old White's Tree Frog named The Detective.