When counting on your Alliance lets you down

NemoAbernnigan Posts: 189 Tile Toppler
Most of the time it doesn't make much of a difference to me whether my Alliance plays or how well we place, but with only like 9 of my Alliance members playing this event at all, and only 2 of us trying for full progression I'm only able to play this Alliance event when the nodes automatically refresh every 8 hours or so, as we as a group aren't clearing rounds well at all. I think we're on 4 right now, and that's mostly thanks to me and my one other really active alliance member. At this rate I'm not sure I'll even make full progression on the personal rewards, despite winning every fight against Gargantos and clearing every node that has been available so far. It's a little disheartening honestly. Anyone else in a similar boat? I'm not interested in joining a required play or top ten Alliance or anything, but it would be nice to have more than 9 members playing at all in a boss event. Starting to consider starting my own at this point, though I'm not sure how to do that or if I could even find similarly minded players. Any advice for me MPQ community?


  • stef_focus
    stef_focus Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    You could check on the Alliances board in the "Alliance recruitment" thread somewhat regularly if a more active and/or team event focused alliance is looking for members, or post in the "player looking for alliance" thread. There is more to the forums than just the General Discussion board.
  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 189 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I know, I more meant about creating and building your own Alliance. Most Alliances posting on here are a bit more intense than I'm looking for, with daily play and full progression requirements and discord groups and stuff. Personally I usually play to full progression on PvE and PvP when I do play, but I don't play every day. Sometimes I don't play more than DDQ for a week or two. So I'd like to create an Alliance that is super casual, no regular play requirements, but still capable and willing to go full focus for Alliance events. Ideally with players who are at least in 4* land like me, so we would be able to fully complete alliance events, and place well on events where we do happen to have a number of members playing to full progression. I don't know how to go about doing that though.
  • Mrcl25
    Mrcl25 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I know, I more meant about creating and building your own Alliance. Most Alliances posting on here are a bit more intense than I'm looking for, with daily play and full progression requirements and discord groups and stuff. Personally I usually play to full progression on PvE and PvP when I do play, but I don't play every day. Sometimes I don't play more than DDQ for a week or two. So I'd like to create an Alliance that is super casual, no regular play requirements, but still capable and willing to go full focus for Alliance events. Ideally with players who are at least in 4* land like me, so we would be able to fully complete alliance events, and place well on events where we do happen to have a number of members playing to full progression. I don't know how to go about doing that though.
    There are a lot of alliances that are casual but go hard on boss events. You can search for one here or on Reddit. You can also look for a spot as a merc in another alliance just for the boss event, and then return to your alliance later.

    Creating your own alliance and finding other 19 players with the same play style and goals is really tough. But if want to try, create an advertisement post here, on Reddit, Facebook, etc, and see if there is a good response. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Create your own alliance, make it public and you have players joining you automatically. The tough part is having to kick players frequently, but one day, you'll have built an alliance with a common goal. If your pve or pvp performance (like T10 or T25) is good, you can also attract good players more quickly.
  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    You need a better alliance. My alliance (Boss Events) has an opening right now. My IRL friend and I started this alliance for exactly the reasons your specify. Our only requirement is daily play and FULL participation in alliance events. We're looking for a player with all characters effectively rostered (due to essential nodes), and something approaching 5-star transitioning. It's where most of the alliance is, and only fair to the rest of the members that new members are capable of pulling their weight.  Apply within if interested. Good luck in your search.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2022
    My alliance hits full progression every event and I usually hit about 2 million in points on alliance events.
    Not gonna get anywhere close to either this time because only about 8 have done anything at all and only a couple still going.
    This event just sucks. I don't blame people for skipping it.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    I have only 7 playing for full progression but all of us will make all personal rewards and probably 2 cold Scorpion covers in alliance rewards . We realize this event is an outlier and no consequences will result for refusing to play it. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,083 Chairperson of the Boards
    My co-commander and I formed our own Alliance a number of years ago after being in another one together and being dissatisfied with all the in-fighting. My co-commander was a 5* player and I was a barely there couple champ 4* player. At first it was tough but we stuck with it and built our Alliance over the years. We have no rules apart from if you disappear for weeks you get dropped. We encourage playing Boss Events but we won't punish you if you don't. So basically what I am saying is that if you stick with it you can build an Alliance from next to nothing and have it grow. We are on Round 6 with 17 players involved btw.
  • primetime21
    primetime21 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    My alliance only got 2 Scorpion covers.  This one hurt as the reward was a cover for a new 5*.

    I honestly don't understand the pushback for this event.  I found Gargantos simple; most times I killed him before he went invisible, and if not I killed him as soon as he came back.  I never came close to even losing one character in any of the battles.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's better for you to create your own alliance and to specify the requirements, an alliance semi casual but going all for the boss event.
    Because if you landed on mine possibly I would kick you off if you don't score anything in some events.
    Every member wants some extra help with resources and having people slacking off only causes other valuable members finally quitting the alliance and going to another one.
    However if you start a really casual alliance with people almost not daily logging in, it could be that nobody notices that a boss event is coming until the second or third day.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Starting your own from scratch can be tough.   I'd ask around in the Facebook and Reddit groups to see if there are any family of alliances that are looking to grow by having a casual alliance and then linking up with them.  

    You still be running the day to day,  doing the kicking and such but with a much bigger pool to pull from.  Good luck!
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    I just managed to get to 900000 points to secure my KK cover with the last batch of enemies. I had no enemies left to fight. My alliance was in round 5 with just 64k points (of 1.97 million!) to go for a Scorpion cover. Didn't make it in the end  :(
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,756 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm in a casual alliance where the only requirement is that you go all in on Boss events: so we did clear it, but with only 1 round let (usually we clear the event on the Friday or Saturday).
    12 of us reached the 900K and our newest member (a 2* player) achieved 90K, so all in all a good result. One of our 4* players didn't participate, so was removed.
    Find yourself an active alliance that fits your playing style and you'll enjoy this game a lot more!
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like the OP and a few others on here should look at joining or creating a daily casual alliance.  

    Normally these require only 2 things: 

    1.) Play at least one match daily 
    2.) Try and participate as much as possible in Boss Events for better rewards

    I have been in one for years and it is far better than random public alliance if you can find one.  There can be some turnover but thankfully we only lose a few people every year, so it isn't a giant rotating door.  How many of these are out there? I don't know, but check the alliance forum subs.  Better bet may be to create one on your own and bring your worthwhile current alliance members with you and then post on the forums to recruit.