Omniscience is ruining the game

Funkotronic Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
edited June 2022 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Any event where this card is allowed is just **** ruined. I canceled my 14-month Master plan, because that card has absolutely ruined any legacy event. Savior of Ollenbock is starting to ruin Standard. I'm just at the point where I feel like nobody cares about the balance of the game. I've spent a lot of money, and I kept spending $30 a month, because of sunken cost; I felt like since I already spent so much (I bought a lot of bundles in the beginning) that I should keep going, but I just can't handle it any more. Two games in a row, I was one turn away from winning AT FULL HEALTH only to have my opponent drop Omniscience and destroy me in one turn. Unacceptable.

Congrats on all the money you got out of me, but you won't get any more. 


  • Firstofhisname419
    Firstofhisname419 Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    I agree with you that Omniscience is waaaay too powerful.  The only thing keeping it from breaking the entire game is the fact that it's so hard to obtain.  

    A big check on its power, without screwing over the players who worked/paid to acquire it, would be to force Greg to cancel the first time the loop timer pops up.  The main objection I've seen is that it would make the game easier.  Ok, so what?  The game would be modestly easier for the very few instances that Greg gets a loop longer than the timer.  But those instances are so Gosh-awful, it justifies making a change for those edge cases.  

    Also agree on Savior of Ollenbock.  It's an auto-include in any white creature deck if you own it.  Cheap, efficiently clears the board, and easily overcomes one of the ways to deal with creatures (dropping a Defender).  Yes, I have the card, and run it.  But I'd be more than happy to see it nerfed. 
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only thing I hate about Savior is that Greg will return all creatures possible, including ones that work against him, but players know to avoid picking the creatures that would go back to Greg. I'd like to see the card be re-written to force players to return all creatures so that we experience the same downside that benefits us when we destroy Greg's Savior.
    Otherwise, I'm fine with the card.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm surprised to see that this is not a resurrected post from 2017
  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    Omni is gonna omni. It wasnt reworked then.. it won't be reworked now. 

    TIMEWARP Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Omni is super powerful, but its very beatable. Just put in the work and combat it. dont expect your unprepared, interactionless deck to make it.
  • KrizzB
    KrizzB Posts: 92 Match Maker
    The only thing needed is to teach Greg how to stop his own loops with the Loop timer, as soon as that is fixed Omni will just be another super powerful card in the sea of powerful legacy cards 👍
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any event where this card is allowed is just **** ruined. I canceled my 14-month Master plan, because that card has absolutely ruined any legacy event. Savior of Ollenbock is starting to ruin Standard. I'm just at the point where I feel like nobody cares about the balance of the game. I've spent a lot of money, and I kept spending $30 a month, because of sunken cost; I felt like since I already spent so much (I bought a lot of bundles in the beginning) that I should keep going, but I just can't handle it any more. Two games in a row, I was one turn away from winning AT FULL HEALTH only to have my opponent drop Omniscience and destroy me in one turn. Unacceptable.

    Congrats on all the money you got out of me, but you won't get any more. 
    Question, is it also unacceptable if you win in one turn? Because Omni isn't the only 1st turn kill combo out there. 
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Gunmix25 - interesting question. The short answer is “it is unacceptable” the long answer is most likely off topic.
  • Pirhotek
    Pirhotek Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2022
    I has definitely ruined Trial of the Planes.  Basically TotP comes down to if Greg gets Omni off before you win, you are 95% guaranteed to lose.  That seems to be half the games. Otherwise, most games there seem fairly typical affairs. 

    Also with Whir basically every deck has two copies of it in their deck so it unlikely you get down your defenses like Archon before it happens.  And seems about 1 out 10 times it is played something hard locks the game anyway making you have to quit.

    I think there needs to be a category of cards that are PVE only when in Legacy.

    Or TotP should not be full Legacy, but maybe rotate weekly through a subset of Legacy releases along with current Standard.
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    Pirhotek said:

    Or TotP should not be full Legacy, but maybe rotate weekly through a subset of Legacy releases along with current Standard.

  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Tremayne said:
    @Gunmix25 - interesting question. The short answer is “it is unacceptable” the long answer is most likely off topic.
    No its not. 
    If someone comes up with a really powerful combo deck and has the rare chance to get it working on turn one, it's not unacceptable. 
    Its luck, rng, chaos, you name it. 

    Its not like omniscience by itself will win any match on turn 1 everytime. 

    Just build better decks that are capable of dealing with it. 

  • Stormcrow
    Stormcrow Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    An Omniscience thread? What year is it? Did I just accidentally time travel?

    In all seriousness: Omniscience isn't ruining Legacy. Omniscience is a teeeensy hair....the most broken thing in Legacy, which is why you see it all the time. Which is apparently preventing you from realizing just how many other Legacy cards are about 97% to 99% as OP as Omniscience.

    Power balance for Legacy is veeeeery different than Standard. If you don't like playing against decks which can do the kinds of things Omni decks do, then Omni is one of a rather long list of cards that would need to be nerfed in order to make Legacy not an utterly degenerate format.

    Or you could just accept that the ship has sailed and Legacy is and always will be a totally degenerate format, embrace it (or at least accept it) and limit yourself to complaining about Standard cards that make you feel like you're playing against Omni. (*cough*Wizard Class*cough*)
  • Gormhaus
    Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    It sucks to lose at all in this game because greg plays so poorly so when it happens it can feel frustrating. Sometimes i learn a trick from a deck i lose to and sometimes i quit early when i know im beat. I have 1 or 2 decks that use omni but they rarely get played.  I think i used it most when i first got the card and i was excited to have finally aquired it. The card doesnt bother me. There will always be cards like it.
  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker

    Those that don't have Omni, can buy it now, be quick it won't be for sale for long!