Thoughts after Restarting: Final Post!

bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2022 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi everyone, after 7.5 months the time has come that I’m quitting the game again.  I’ve had my fun with this roster restart, but this game takes too much time to play.  I’m actually quite happy about all the free time I have now to do other things.  So instead of disappearing silently from the forum, I thought I would make 1 final post of my progress and what I’ve learned.  

Day 228 (7.5 months)
Rank 124, Slots 216
3* Tier: Between 200 - 266
4* Tier: 21 Champs, 17 more champable
5* Tier: 28 Rostered….5 Champs
    Lvl 459 Crystal
    Lvl 453 Shang
    Lvl 451 Elektra
    Lvl 451 Sersi
    Lvl 450 Gamora
    Lvl 360 Ultron 5/4/2
    Lvl 257 Moony 4/3/2
    Lvl 257 Abby 1/3/3
    Lvl 256 Gargantos 1/3/1
   5*: Chewie    
   4*: Batons, Quantum, Shuri’s, Henchmen   
   3* = 11

Total Legendary Pulls: 534 (494 from Latest)
Averaged 17% rate for 5* covers
In the past 4 weeks, I’ve averaged 24 pulls / week
PVP Season score averages 15K
PVE grind time (SCL 10) is around 35 minutes 

So I recently champed another 5* being Elektra, which was my goal to quit.  I also recently got my first max champed 3* and dupe, which is Dr Strange.  If I continued playing, I would hoard pulls until Crystal leaves and then likely champ Moony with Gargantos being close behind.  

Things I’ve Learned….
1. Having 1 great 5* (Shang) let’s you hit above your weight and get better rewards but…
2. PVP is dominated by boosted champed 5*s, so the more 5* champs you have, the more opportunities you’ll have to fight with boosted 5*s.  
3. Newer rosters can progress faster by focusing on champing the latest 5*s instead of hoarding & waiting for “the next 5* meta”.  
4. The Latest 5*s are still viable to play with even if they are not in the top 10.  
5. Since the difference in placement rewards is so small, it’s probably more enjoyable to play the game however you like and not worry about your placement in events.  But getting full progression rewards is worth the effort.  
6. The ideal PVE clearing order is prioritizing nodes based on your points-per-minute.  
7. Persistence is the key to success 


  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,066 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    Thanks for the final post and your stats.

    Amazed you pulled a 5* Chewie. (I still only have a 3*). How much would you say it's helped you since it's one of the very best supports. Getting lucky there could have an outsized affect on how you were able to progress (winning crashes, beating harder nodes etc).

    Also your +2% better than expected 5* draw rate helped a lot more than you realize. 534*.17=~91 covers. If you (or someone trying to progress like you did) got just a bit unlucky instead and got -2% they'd get 534*.13=~69 covers. That would be 22 fewer covers. If you take 22 covers away from your 9 5* that would mean ~2 fewer covers per 5* and you would not have champed Elektra/Sersi/Gamora (or in a really bad case not even a single 5* since you only have 9+3+1+1=14 extras and 5 champs).

    Enjoy your retirement and see you in another year or so for your next go-round.


    P.S. The one stat you didn't post but would be helpful to know is approximately how many hours a day were you playing to achieve this and what was your final spending total.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Imo there is no game which doesn't require a lot of time to play it, that's specially true on the start until getting resources for to upgrade characters. 
    It's legit to take a breakout. I've done it on the other game I usually play, I've been out for 3 months, I've lost chances to get meta characters, I've lost "friends" who noticed I was quitting...
    But I returned. I decided that, actually that game still could enternain me if I played it less wildly competitive.
    And I could do that because I didn't erase my account. All that commited play, resources and money worth for something. 
    That's my advice. Now it's your call.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Obviously, different strokes for different folks. There are games I enjoy the grind like Diablo 3 (until I quit) and there are game I enjoy the level wing experience like wow, which I also quit.
    I encourage people to play the way they enjoy it, because if they don’t enjoy it the. Then is no reason to play .

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I pulled the 5* Chewie early on, which helps me greatly to win crashes.  Basically, any 1 cover 4* can win their crash with a 5* Chewie.

    My 17% draw rate is from 494 Latest pulls only (I didn’t track the other stores).  Here is the breakdown from Latest:  

    1/0/0 Odin
    4/5/4 Shang + 3 more covers
    5/4/2 Ultron
    5/3/5 Gamora
    5/5/3 Sersi + 1 more
    1/1/2 Wheel
    1/3/3 Abby
    5/5/3 Elektra + 1 more
    3/5/5 Crystal + 9 more!
    4/3/2 Moony

    So if I got 15% instead, that would be 10 fewer covers spread out over 10 characters.  So perhaps I wouldn’t have champed Gamora, but the others would still be completed.  

    As for money, I don’t have that info on hand, but I think I spent around $750, which is $100 per month.  As for time, I don’t know exactly, but I would guess 4-5 hrs a day on average.  That time includes opening tokens and applying them, making plans, analyzing stuff, chatting with the alliance, checking and posting on the forum.  That’s why I’m crunched for time; I’m all in and dedicated, but that’s not sustainable.  

  • Hellblazer666
    Hellblazer666 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    I am not quitting per say I am taking a break. I haven't played MPQ in two days do to chromebook issues and I really didn't miss it. Having played every PVP/PVE event multple times over a couple of years its starting to get a bit boring.

    I agree on opening up some time for other stuff now that I don't have to worry about being ready for when a new PVP starts.