Thoughts about old and future trajectory

Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
On the 7th anniversary, devs seemed really proud and grateful to us players.
They released a funny webcam collage on their rooms.
Yes, it was 2020, the beginning of the pandemic, and the collective isolation in many countries (in any other game I've received so many free gifts wishing me to stay healthy, and I'll never forget that).
In there says this game is played by millions of players. Obviously I can't prove the opposite and I'll believe that.
I play on Android. If you go to PlayStore and look at it, it says more than 10 millions downloads. 
Of course not all of them will be active players. That data only devs will know.
Still being a Marvel game, and saying more than 10 M downloads, I won't need really much more for to download it if I was looking for to play a new game (if you leave a free slot on your alliance, a new player will appear everyday).
In there they also introduce puzzle ops.
And now comes the critic part. In there says they will be working for give us new content for the next months and years.
Those were bad years, we are starting to raise head on the economical crisis and inflation. Still we always can ask for something more.
In 2 years the new content has been passing puzzle ops to monthly puzzle gauntlet, some rebalances,UI improvement, and I'm not sure if weekly godboost .
They could go forever like this. Pves and pvp on autopilot, and puzzle gauntlet offering supports.
However I think there are advanced players who could enjoy a bit more of challenge (although they initially would complain for whatever reason,of course).
The infinity pursuit bug has proved that there is room for new content not competitive.
And there are hundreds of teams we usually don't play.
Also all games release hard modes in order to satisfy all players.
I think the wise move would be to release regular gauntlets running for a week, changing teams periodically and with adjustable difficulty on SCL levels ( that means all players could try the challenge level they wanted, although potentially losing some amount on rewards).
Something exciting and interesting, thanks.


  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    I'm all for new content. Would love to see something like this. I suggested adding a PvE version of the PvP S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator a long time ago, and I'd still love to see that. What would really be great is if they added seasons to PvE- maybe a month long event of 75 nodes where you can play them all on day one or over the course of the season and use any team you like, like with the PvE Simulator, plus a Puzzle Guantlet, and all the standard PvE events counting as part of the PvE season of the month. Maybe a weekly challenge event of increasing difficulty each week to test yourself against- multiple win conditions would be fun, like Puzzle Guantlets where you also have to down the enemy team. Maybe monthly quests, like the daily ones, but with harder to achieve goals- like open 20 cover packs rather than 4- or with different goals altogether- like win 10 matches with an all X-Men team or win 10 matches with at least 20 special tiles on the  board or use 30 different characters.

    What I would love to see most of all is something I have pitched a number of times- an event with expanded teams, like pick 5 characters rather than 3. Think of all the crazy teams you could make. Put them up against a series of waves,  where the waves get increasingly longer and more difficult and culminate in a boss fight for the last wave. Add in stuff like those tiles that clear a row or column, or do what they do in Puzzle Guantlet, where tiles have an increased chance to be a certain color or an enemy special tile or where certain colors won't fall. Make a new enemy type with an ability that makes abilities cost more as long as there is an enemy countdown tile on the  board, or add in a puzzle condition where enemies can't be stunned or sent airborn until you reach it, or give each wave a boss that can't be targeted as long as they have minions on the board. Really up the difficulty and make the players work for it and come up with gnarly teams in order to win. Different seasons could have different conditions- one where it's a total free for all, make your own team of any 5 characters- one where you need a character from each star rank- one where it's gotta be 5 heroes or 5 villains or 5 mutants or avengers or whatever. I think it would be totally awesome, but it'll never happen sadly. I'm sure it would take way to much coding for it to be a viable use of the dev teams's time and resources. One can dream though.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Indeed, one can dream.
    Still something really basic, like a non competitive gauntlet during a week, SCL difficulty levels and fighting modern foes could be implemented.
    The feeling would be close to the unpopular Simulator PvE but imo there would be differences which could  make of it a seeked experience:
    - there wouldn't be the 3 days, 1 day sub running stress
    - there wouldn't be the competitive stress
    - the player could play totally at his place, enjoying the battles as the clock won't run against him.
    Pve simulator initially was changing foes but it's unchanged right now in all it's runs.
    A new content like I'm describing, during one week like puzzle gauntlet, changing teams like puzzle gauntlet does, and selecting SCL difficulty, could be a solid new content and a new solid amount of incoming rewards.