Infinite Pursuit Bugged Again?

MikeyMikeMike Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
So after the reset this morning i was asked to rejoin the event by clicking on the specific level bracket I wanted to be in. I clicked on Level 9 the max I can click on for a level 80 Agent for the Black Knight ranking rewards but it says I clicked Level 1 Bracket which is impossible because they don’t let people my rank go into low level brackets lol. Is anyone else having this issue? It was all good before this bug because I clicked on Level 9 like 6 hours ago 😂. I contacted customer support too I’m scared I’m gonna lose the chance to get my rewards 😭


  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    In PVE don't they let you choose any level? Its PVP where you can only go down a certain amount.

    Are you sure you didn't click SCL 1 on accident thinking that you were picking slice 1 in PVP instead? I know people do that from time to time.

  • MikeyMikeMike
    MikeyMikeMike Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Nope. I would never do that. I specifically clicked on Level 9 for the Black Knight cover like I did 6 hours before the event. I contacted customer support I hope they fix this issue for me smh.