A new Tier is needed!

Fliggl Posts: 58 Match Maker
I know, this isn't something new. It comes up every once in a while, but it's been a while since I last red about it...

Please @Oktagon_Support, please, introduce a new Tier! Diamond or whatever. 

I'm F2P for about a year now, and hit platinum for... don't know, half a year? I win more matches, than I loose, and even if I loose, cool... next match, go on.

But there is a huge discrepancy between platinum players and whales. Everyone who's playing this game longer than me and/or pays for it deserves to has more and/or better cards than myself, but I bet, you would do the platinums on top a favor, if you go and get them their own Tier.


  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 878 Critical Contributor
    I partly agree. I'm also F2P and I get beaten now and then by decks that only contain the best mythics and MPs by players who are VIP level gazillion. Maybe there should also be a distinction between paying and non-paying players. Just a thought.
  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 55 Match Maker
    edited May 2022
    Let's think this idea through for a minute. Let's say a new tier higher than platinum was created. The idea would be to segregate so-called whales from F2P players, with the expectation that these whales would be more likely to face each other in PVP events through the matchmaking algorithm.

    First of all, why do you need a tier at all? You could simply modify the matchmaking to take into account the VIP status of the players. The higher the rank, the more likely you are to face a player of similar VIP status.

    One big problem here is that you are creating a huge disincentive to remain a high level VIP. I do not know the exact population here, but I can assure you that these players would not be very happy to only be playing a much reduced pool of opponents. They would probably consider dropping out of the VIP program (maybe even just for the weekend) to be able to face less stiff competition. Some may consider not renewing their VIP membership again, which I am sure is not a result devs would like to encourage in the least.

    One workaround could be to simply allow VIPs to continue to face whichever opponents they are facing now, but non VIPs would NEVER have to play against one of these players' decks. That compromise could work, I guess. However, you are still favoring nonVIPs here, though, as you are curating the list of players they can face as it will exclude the super high spenders from their opponent list. This could once again lead to players who are supporting this game to stop supporting it, which none of us want.

    How could you compensate VIPs enough to have them want to remain in the program? Let's revisit the idea of creating a new tier just for them. We could call it Diamond tier. This tier would have to feature substantial rewards (not just more crystals or pinkies). Perhaps access to special exclusive, super powerful cards. Cool swag like animated avatars. Or access to VIP only events with exclusive content.

    I'd say that could be feasible. I'd be sad that I would never have access to this tier. I would also be robbed of the chance of facing and beating these whales, something I particularly enjoy doing.

    While the idea of creating a new tier is intriguing, I think the proposal as presented is making a fundamental assumption that needs to be addressed, and which has been discussed numerous times in these forums before. The idea that a player's collection is what determines his or her level of success in the game. I will concede that a player with more cards and walkers will definitely have more tools to work with, which can increase their success rate. But I've seen more than a few players with very modest collections thrive in this game as well. Once you get a few decent cards and learn about the nuances of beating Greg (it behaves pretty much the same way regardless of the rarity of the cards he's playing with), you will continue to win more often than not.
  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    I think OP just wants fairer match-making, but adding more tiers don't necessarily mean more fair fights.  The problem is that Greg doesn't really know how to play our decks, but with the right amount of threats and lucky cascades, Greg suddenly becomes frighteningly dangerous.  In addition, if the current meta is very accessible and "playable" by Greg (like the Wizard class deck full of common and uncommon spells, and any PMA Ajani deck), pretty soon, you will encounter this type of decks in every tier.

    The ideal situation is match-making where players of similar skills and collections are pitted against each other.  This is impossible at the current state of the game.  Besides, being a mobile game, most players prefer quick battles while gaining resources at the same time.

    I think that the solution to this is make all matches against the AI PVE (or at least give the player the option of choosing opponent PW and deck if the devs don't have time to create enough variety of PVE decks for the masses).  All PVP should be against real players.  C'mon devs, we're halfway there!