For the LOVE of all that is HOLY

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do SOMETHING about these wizard class loops. And anything that just loops to infinity. I just played a round that lasted over 45 minutes because it didn't trigger whatever piece of garbage loop detection is currently in place. Please. I don't want to build every deck to try and stop loops from cards like Wizard Class, and Omniscience, and Blue Sun Zenith. Please. Please. Please. Put in a card per turn limit, or a mana per turn cap, or a REAL time limit to Greg's turns. Something, ANYTHING that actually WORKS. Make it so it only effects Greg, so all the players with these cards can still enjoy their unfair, overpowered decks, but I cannot even explain how frustrating it is to lose a collation event node fight to a overpowered, unstoppable loop deck because I put in 3 cards to try and do the bonus objectives. It is NOT fun. It is NOT entertaining. It is NOT fair. No one with any sense will disagree with me, but after that match, i honestly don't want to pick up this game i am a VIP monthly fee to play. 


And make tokens all appear at once. Please. 


  • Ridethepiggir
    Ridethepiggir Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Having this kind of non-interactive garbage in Standard is a massive oversight, and even goes against how WotC generally balances Standard in the actual game. Near-infinite combos either get banned in short order, or the designers keep those interactions out of the game in the first place.

    I personally think D3 does a great job maintaining/balancing MOST of these things normally, but they absolutely screwed the pooch on this one and should fix their mistake. No offense to them, but they need to own up to it.
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Youzerfriendly said:

    And make tokens all appear at once. Please. 

    That would be wonderful.  It's like a little stab to the heart each time a token is displayed - especially when Greg gets to slap down 30 or more.  Just slam that hammer down on me rather than tapping slowly away at my hope of a win.  :D
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    Lol at least now you only see the card of the token twice then just the flash animation. Old cards and even PW abilities show the card for every single token that enters. :D
  • Mkvenner
    Mkvenner Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2022
    There’s two cards in standard (that I know of) that stop Wizard Class in its tracks: Test of Talents or Rolling Vortex. You can vary any deck with blue enough that you play WC and can still meet the other two objectives. I’ve got 3-4 different decks that do that. 

    When it comes to Legacy I can’t say that I run into that many Omni decks. However, when I do I have a pretty good win rate because I also play combo but I don’t have Omni or the white card that gets your creatures or the older mythic/masterpiece green converters.  I use this with Daxos:

  • Youzerfriendly
    Youzerfriendly Posts: 53 Match Maker
    I appreciate your intentions here, but the fact that counters exist doesn't make the card any less broken. It's obviously possible to beat Wizard Class and Omniscience, but that doesn't change the fact that they're beyond overpowered. Also, any deck, even one's designed specifically to beat those cards, can easily lose  to the deck. What if you don't draw Test of Talents? What if you play it and it gets instantly destroyed, because I can't even count the number of times that's happened. This also is a color specific solution, not that other colors don't have SOME defense for it, but the point is that the combination of the cards and the system is broken.

    They put IN a loop prevention system. The issue of loops was RECOGNIZED as something that needed to be dealt with. But the system doesn't stop ANY enemy loops. 
  • Youzerfriendly
    Youzerfriendly Posts: 53 Match Maker
    stikxs said:
    Lol at least now you only see the card of the token twice then just the flash animation. Old cards and even PW abilities show the card for every single token that enters. :D
    Stikxs, you don't play with card animations off? You're brave.... ;-)
  • Metroplex78
    Metroplex78 Posts: 74 Match Maker
    If the loop happens and you know the fight iis lost, just leave, no point sitting there for 40 minutes waiting for the inevitable outcome.
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker
    stikxs said:
    Lol at least now you only see the card of the token twice then just the flash animation. Old cards and even PW abilities show the card for every single token that enters. :D

    I had forgotten about that!  Thanks for reviving that memory, lol.