DisciplesOfD, LFM Casual EST Coalition

Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
edited April 2023 in MtGPQ Coalitions
Hi folks! I've taken leadership of my previous Coalition after a 1-year sabbatical. I purged the membership and want to revive this coalition. We're at 658th currently, but used to be in the top 300.

Established in 2016, everyone kind of fell off the face of the earth with life responsibilities. I didn't want to let that prestigious 2016 date go, so I asked CS if I could have leadership. My wish was granted! Can you help complete my wishlist by joining? 

I will participate in Coalition events over all other events to help with upward mobility. I understand life often pulls us into adult mode and ask only that a "hello" be given every 2 weeks to let me know you're still playing. Guess what?! If you Do get removed for inactivity, you can Always come back! I'm not trying to be #1, but I would like to put together a team of active players. Save me from talking to myself and join the DisciplesofD! New, old, experienced, terrible, top tier . . . all are welcome! 

~ Shyanha 


  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    edited April 2022
    We are now a we, and no longer only a me. 😁 17 spots remain open. Hurry on over before they're gone! Hey, everyone (re)starts somewhere! 

    New, old, experienced, casual, serious, and more are welcome. 
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Coalition event is in effect, making this a great time to join! Hop on over for casual play and helping us reclaim our previous glory. 
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    RumTrollops is looking for more heat!  Need warm bodies to push our little coalition up through the ranks.  The players we have currently are highly active (don't even think about poaching them - I have nails and am not afraid to use them, haha!).  With a scant 6 people, spanning 3 countries so far, we placed top 100 - 150 in the last event (can't recall the exact position because I'm old).  With a few more lively players we could easily burst that bubble and get into the top 100, if not higher.

    Casual play, focused on PVE.  2 week inactivity policy because life happens (I own a construction company, have a husband, 3 dogs, a cat, and a frog so I understand life is busy!).  Check in every 2 weeks, and prioritize the coalition events and we're happy.  Need to take time off?  No problem!  Just let me know you'll be gone x days / weeks / months and I'll keep you on the team, space permitting, so you can keep your contribution points.
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    We're consistently placing in the 130s.  If you want to help us break into the double digits, come on over.  The door is open.  :)
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Half full!  With 21 hours on the clock, Avacyn's Madness is at 22%. Not bad for having several beginners and only 10 players.  Mr. D (aka Mister Detective) thinks you should join.  How can anyone refuse that face (just look at that nose!).
  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    RumTrollops are still active, still have room.  :)  Join our illicit bootlegging operation, est circa 1998.  Rum Running Trollops has left its mark, albeit a small one, a mark nonetheless, across the gaming world.

    2 week activity policy (it counts as attendance even if you log in every 2 weeks just to say, "busy, be back next week!" or some such to let us know you're alive and planning to return.

    Help in the coalition event as much as you're able. Even if you're a beginner and get some crazy match ups (really, a level 10 vs level 60 . . .) that's fine!  We all run up against rough patches in the game, and that's why we have teammates to help in many ways.

    Mr. D is doing well, and wanted me to give a ribbit out to everyone.  "Rrrribbit!"

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    edited March 2023

    Hi folks! We have four spots open. The coalition is public so all one needs to do is join. We keep it simple.:)

    Does your coalition have a good player who can't play Every event? Our policy is one event every couple weeks. You're welcome to refer them to us as we're a casual group who generally hits the top 75 each event. With a few more bodies contributing, we easily hit 50.

    We've climbed from rank 640 to 330. Just need a few more faces the continue the trend upwards.

    Oh, and we have a mascot, The Detective. Not many other teams can boast that!

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker
    edited April 2023

    Come one, come all! We will have 7 spots open once I clear the roster. The door is open, no need to apply. Walk right on in, say hi, or don't.

    All we ask is that Coalition events are a priority to you, as they are to us. I clear the roster monthly, so there is plenty of opportunity to add points to the pile. Even with life pulling folks away from the game we're still moving up in rank. Up from 600 something when I started rebuilding to 378, and we climb with each event.

    Once you join, you're welcome to hop into our Discord where I post pictures of The Detective, our White's Tree Frog mascot. You're invited to share pictures of your own critters and event decks.

    New, old, and returning players are all welcome.

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 57 Match Maker

    Spots remaining. :)