Cant even load the start screen: the trial of an exhausted 6 year whale

I have been unable to even reach a start screen for more than a week. Ive been playing this game for more than 6 years. I have spent thousands on it. I am an elite subscriber and have been for 3 years. I can now no longer access my account at all.

I have reaches out to Octogon Support. For a week. Because they dont offer live chat, this has meant I have had to wait days for answers. This could be acceptable if I could find resolution. But their advice has not been effective. Indeed, it has often been both incomplete at times, and repetitive.

I have done everything they have asked. I have said time and again the issue is the game wont load. I have plenty of capacity, so the issues is not on my end. I reinstalled (the game just all of a sudden, under my previous install just stopped letting me reach a start screen) and that led nowhere. Wiped cache and data, same. Both wifi and data connections come up empty  These were both suggestions I followed. They keep telling me to sign in via Facebook or Google. I have told them I dont get a functioning start screen. I then have to wait a day, often to get repeat bad advice that is repetitive and, because it seems to ignore the email chain, already been addressed.

I have discovered that there are others on Reddit and in their own commenta on the Google Play store that this is happening to others. And I got a can response to talk to the customer support that has so far been unable to resolve. I have attempted to state to CS that I need to speak with a higher up that may be able to help. I havent received any response

So I therefore turn here, my last resort. If this is in the wrong thread Inapologize. But this isnt just happening to me. After 5+ years and a lot of money, I have been treated like dirt on this. I will post if things change. But realize that I feel completely ripped off by a program I cant fix from my end and a faulty CS system is unable to assist with. This game, therefore and until a change is made, is a scam that has robbed a faithful player of a lot of time and money. You should be ashamed. I either want a complete refund or just a fix. So I turn to this last place to try to find resolution. Cheers. Gillkonam, captain of D3listed, a coalition whos leader cant even sign in.


  • gillkonam
    gillkonam Posts: 70 Match Maker
    If you say this shouldnt be here, please inform me where I can make said plea, as CS has failed to resolve this.
  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,386 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello @gillkonam,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble accessing your account. Your issue has already been submitted to our team and they are investigating what could be causing it.

    As soon as we have an update on your issue the support team will contact you, please do not close your ticket.
    If for some reason the support team is unable to contact you, I will DM you.

    I apologize for the inconvenience this issue is causing, we are working to resolve it as soon as possible.


  • gillkonam
    gillkonam Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Ok Rebeca. But this is getting very frustrating ans I have spent a lot. I will delete this post upon resolution, but so far, the help is scant and I am still paying 30 bucks a month for a game I cant play. They need to be a bit more direct then asine suggestions every other work day. Manana doesnt cut it. They need to email me more frequently than once every other work day like the support is an intermediary. And this is happening to others too, as I have seen. The support team, the members working on this, need to reach me and work with me. They have not done so yet. The support has been highly intermitten. Being opaque on your end just infuriates people further. This is a major issue and as such, they need to be FAR LESS removed. If its a translation thing, then YOU GUYS need to facilitate that.
  • gillkonam
    gillkonam Posts: 70 Match Maker
    It has now been 2 weeks. Your customer service/support has been completely anine, ask questions and I have to wait on an answer. As someone who has spent 5000 dollars+ on this game, again a master subscriber, and I have been treated horribly. This issue is on your end. I cant fix it. And yall have not dedicated anyone to this. And I have seen there are more of us having this issue. So I have nothing to do but consider legal action and broadcast your failure to help a long time customer for an issue on your end. I will contact Google among others to let them know what had happened. I will emphasize how crooked and inept you guys are. And my hope, so this doesn't happen to others, is my efforts will have your game pulled from Google Play so it doesnt victimize others.
  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker
    edited February 2022
    @gillkonam have you tried signing on with a different device maybe?  Buy a burner trac phone or whatever and just devote it to this game. (I think of the video of the Asian dude riding a bike with 20 phones all playing PokemonGo lol)

    "my hope, so this doesn't happen to others, is my efforts will have your game pulled from Google Play so it doesnt victimize others."

    That's not the solution, bro.  I know this game has issues.  You feel slighted, that sucks.  Doesn't mean you have to try to take away a game from others, that's seems a little childish imo.  I can see where you're coming from... but let's put it into a different context. "That soup I enjoyed and spent thousands on over many years made me sick, the company won't change their recipe or reimburse me in total, I'll just sue them for all they're worth and make them take all their product off the shelves."
  • gillkonam
    gillkonam Posts: 70 Match Maker
    So are you going to refund my money? Am I supposed to buy a new phone? I am to work for a game I pay for? My goal is to play a game that works. Consider that I am consider others who I have seen having the same issues. So it isnt selfish. What would be unselfish and realizs that the game worked until two weeks ago. And then it stopped. I have a high ens phone. Been playjng since the start. I am to purchase new phones on a maybe? Tell me, someone who has spent so much, who is more selfish. Me, a person trying to get this company to fulfill their promise for everyone, the company who has put a broken product that were it fixed I might play again even as if there was no issues and delete this post I never wanted to write, or some random soul telling me I am wrong to want these things, who "got theirs", lol sorry?

    What if it happens next to you? 

    I am not ruining the game. I am making sure ir works for everyone. Sadly, sometimes the only way to have that happen is to force the issue, legally and in ways that I am afforded. Some only actually respond to that. Last thing I want to do is ruin the game. So I wasnt immediate. But the game has ruined my 6 year play of it. And others I have heard from and seen.

    And by the way, folks, it has been two weeks now. Customer support has offered, after two delays, the most asinine troubleshooting ever. They see my account. They know what I.spent and would probably spend. 5000+. You would think a whale like thst.might be offered more prompt, comprehensive service. But everytime I answer their questions, which always tack toward trying to find out if the issue is on my end, which I deny with true compliance and any proof they want, my answer, rather than shunted off to a seperate exchange when its obvious my issue is unique enough to warrant attention, especially considering the money Ive spend and, importantly, the fact that I am again representative of many others who I have and who have reached out to me, goes right back to the end of the line to be processed with all the other slush (which is legit) like its the other slush, rather than something that requires more dirext attention.

    Tl;Dr, they have tried to troubleshoot, piecemeal, at a 2 times a week clip because they cant extend a more direct line. Thats not troubleshooting. And its robbing me and others of a lot of money and investment. I wanf it fixed, but if it aint, then I want my money back or, if not, I will be pursuing other options. 

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker
    edited February 2022

    "So are you going to refund my money?"
    Me? No way, lol. I'm poor.  Like, legit, lowest income bracket gets food from food banks one paycheck away from being in the street poor.

    "Tell me, someone who has spent so much, who is more selfish. Me, a person trying to get this company to fulfill their promise for everyone, the company who has put a broken product that were it fixed I might play again even as if there was no issues and delete this post I never wanted to write, or some random soul telling me I am wrong to want these things, who "got theirs", lol sorry?"
    Sure, apology accepted.  Not that it means anything, cus I'm just "some random soul" and I can't answer your inquiry cus, well, I can't help you and you've made it clear you don't like my idea, and that's ok.

    "Am I supposed to buy a new phone?"
    That was my suggestion.  Trac phones are like $30 and I figured that'd be small change for you based on the assumption that you don't mind spending $ on this game, you've said so many many times in this thread.  It was just an idea that maybe you hadn't tried yet and might get you back into your account.

    Also... Did you really flag my last post for abuse? Lol. Sorry.  Definitely didn't mean offense by a response to your public rant with a question, a suggestion, and a meaningless opinion.  I'll see myself out now, good luck finding resolution.
  • Scottyp_123
    Scottyp_123 Posts: 83 Match Maker
    Enigma said:

    Also... Did you really flag my last post for abuse? Lol. Sorry.  Definitely didn't mean offense by a response to your public rant with a question, a suggestion, and a meaningless opinion.  I'll see myself out now, good luck finding resolution.
    It's sad when someone responds to a valid solution or work around with anger because it wasn't the solution they were looking for.  You can actually buy a Tracfone that will run this game for $9.99. That seems like a small investment to me if you are willing to spend thousands on the game. 

    If you don't want to pay anything, you can play the game on a PC using an Android emulator like Bluestacks. Then you could play the game until the next update (which fixed the game for me the last time I couldn't play it). I know I'm taking a risk of being flagged for giving this advice, but I will take that chance if it can help others that may have this issue themselves. 
  • gillkonam
    gillkonam Posts: 70 Match Maker
    I need to delete this. While it was a proper representation of what was. They have sincr reached out. It is not resolved yet, but its been goos faith.