OKTAGON Q&A Session - February 2022 *UPDATE 3/11/2022

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,484 Chairperson of the Boards


    1. Will this game continue to stay operational for years to come?  Could it remain for another 6 years or more?  It seems like it still has a decent player base, but it's nowhere near as high as Marvel Puzzle Quest.
      Answer: As long as there are new card collections coming out for Magic: the Gathering there will always be room for the adapted version for Magic: Puzzle Quest.  We also have plans to extend the more recent Puzzle Masters (PMA) collection, which is exclusive for Magic: Puzzle Quest.

    2. What would your take on the upcoming "reconfigure" mechanic be for kamigawa? Would it be something on the line of "adventure" from eldraine?.
      Answer: Reconfigure is an Evergreen found only on Support cards:
      “When this card enters the battlefield or when you match this support’s gem, if you control less than 3 creatures, create this card’s reconfigure token.
      Supports with this Evergreen will Buff the player’s first creature only if the player does not control the related Reconfigure Token. Meanwhile, all theses Tokens posses the Reconfigured Evergreen:
      When you cast a creature, if you control 3 creatures, replace this one”
      Therefore, Support cards with Reconfigure will generate their related tokens if the player has available space on the battlefield and, if they can’t, the Support will Buff the player’s first creature at the beginning of combat. Also, if either the token or the Support is destroyed, their related counterpart will be destroyed as well. Btw, check out the Card Gallery here!

    3. Will you consider offering "bug bounties" as compensation to people who take the time to properly submit bugs that are later confirmed - even if they are never fixed? Proper submission meaning that people take the time and effort to submit a description, screenshots of battle logs, videos of the bug in action, and other data about the bug that take the burden off of others by speeding up reproduction of the issue.
      Answer: Thanks for sharing your idea with us. We currently don't have any plans for this, but we will share your suggestion with our team.

    4. What would be some alternatives to the reward system for Coalition events in which if we miss only ONE objective we place 251+ in standings!? Why even bother having reward tiers for placing 6-25, 26-50, 51-100, and 101-250?  It feels broken and misleading to us.
      Answer:  Thank you for the feedback. We know that this topic has come up several times already and there are some ideas, too, but we won't be able to share anything yet.

    5. There exist past coalition events now classified as retired. Many of these(speaking specifically about Hour of Devastation, Race to Orazca, Battle of the Four Tribes, and The Dragon War) featured not only the best rewards in the game's history but also some of the best gameplay.  Can you explain why these are considered retired and if we will ever see them again and why or why not that is?  Thanks.
      Answer: Thank you for the interest. These events also have been seen differently in the past by the players. I think there were even threads like "Please, no more Hour of Devastation" at some point. Also The Dragon War has received a lot of criticism due to the size of the event (5 nodes).  Also we have added new Coalition events from the newer set, and therefore have stopped using some of the older ones.

    Hi everyone,
    How are you?
    Here's another Q&A SESSION.
    We will answer the questions posted by February 25th, so please send your questions and doubts HERE.
    Make sure to submit only 2-3 questions maximum, this way the team is able to focus and will try to answer all questions in a given month.

    Thank you for all the support,


    • Magic:PQ Support Team
      Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,484 Chairperson of the Boards
      (3/11/22) UPDATE - Answers 
      Thank you all for participating 🧡, the March Q&A has already started here.

    This discussion has been closed.