Undercovered five stars

Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
So, I'm in five star land, I have BRB, Kitty, Okoye, Storm, X and Strange champed, Thanos is 250 shards away from being champed.  On the way, I noticed that an undercovered BRB was waaaaaay better than my four stars for the most part.

So here is my question, at what level do the five stars really start to take off?  Where should I soft cap my undercovered five stars to get the most bang for my iso while I collect covers for my next Champs? 


  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    Generally when one says they are in 5* land it means they have champed 5*s (L450+).
    If that's not the case then you are in 4* land with several fully covered but under leveled 5* (this is where I am).
    How far you level them up depends on where your highest 4*s are (<280 or <300 or <330 or <360 etc). If you level your 5*s past your 4* you will increase your MMR. My highest 4* are around L330 so I keep my fully covered 5* at L330.
    The power curve for 4* and 5* starts to really take off once you get past L330 (goes exponential) so L330-L360 gives a lot of bang for the buck.
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks KGB, yes, I have six, soon to be seven 5* Champs.  Just trying to get as much as I can out of the other forty or so five stars.  330 sounds like a target.  Thanks! 
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2021
    KGB said:
    Generally when one says they are in 5* land it means they have champed 5*s (L450+).
    What would you say of me then? I have a few 4*'s champed (Polaris, Medusa, X-Wolverine) but I don't have even a third of the full 4* roster (which is the largest of the tiers by far). Other than that I have a few other 4*'s, most of the 3*'s already champed and like 2 or 3 of the 3*s not rostered yet and a few 5*'s at 1 or 2 covers (Archangel, Knull and Electro at 2 covers, Kitty at 1 cover and Iron Man at 1 but soon to be at 2). Am I really in 4* land or not?
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    Your in 4* land because your MMR puts you there (your top characters are L270ish). What you are typically called is a '4* transitioner' meaning you are leaving 3* land behind and using 4* characters for the majority of your battles because they do the job better than your 3*s do.
    This is especially true if you have a couple of the meta 4*s champed (Polaris, Grocket, Juggs, Karnak, America etc) that you heavily lean on for PvE/PvP. I have every 4* champed (minus Blob) and most of them at L300+ and yet I use the meta characters for 95% of my battles.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2021
    I see... so going by that logic, Roland is doing the 4* to 5* transition then? I mean is he still within that transitional phase?

    And about that, I thought one would "take off" after having at least some meta heroes champed in their respective tiers? I mean, what if I had champed lets say, Kitty, BRB, Apocalypse, iHulk, Okoye, etc while ignoring all the other non-meta heroes completely. Would I be "taking off" by then?
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    I think at this point, I've transitioned to five star.  I'm still a baby, but I pretty much use my fives and Polaris to the exclusion of my four stars. 

    Odin really intrigues me, I think his ability to raise other characters levels will be huge for where I'm at, and I've been pulling latest tokens to try and champ him.  He's at 11 covers so I'm thinking he has a good chance to become number 8 for me. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,664 Chairperson of the Boards
    Roland113 said:
    Thanks KGB, yes, I have six, soon to be seven 5* Champs.  Just trying to get as much as I can out of the other forty or so five stars.  330 sounds like a target.  Thanks! 

    If you level to 350 then on a boost week you basically get a champed 5* which gives you an idea of what they are like if you eventually did champion them.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,664 Chairperson of the Boards
    I see... so going by that logic, Roland is doing the 4* to 5* transition then? I mean is he still within that transitional phase?

    And about that, I thought one would "take off" after having at least some meta heroes champed in their respective tiers? I mean, what if I had champed lets say, Kitty, BRB, Apocalypse, iHulk, Okoye, etc while ignoring all the other non-meta heroes completely. Would I be "taking off" by then?

    The minute you champ a 5* character you are in 5* land, whether you like it or not and you will need to use that 5*. The reason for this is there is such a huge difference between a baby champ 5 and a max level 4 (80 levels) that the game will struggle to find you matches that are not mostly 5* characters. The same is not quite true for the 3-4 transition as your MMR is more forgiving there and there are more viable options in the playerbase for the AI to work with.
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks again for the advice, I've been slowly leveling those that I can up to 330.  

    My strategy started when Odin came out.  With his ability to raise other characters powers, it seemed like a great way to get a lot of use out of my undercover five stars.  I pushed pretty hard for Odin and am 50 shards away from being able to champ.  Once I get him champed, the I want to really start experimenting with my undercovered ones.

    Side note, in my chase for Odin covers, I should be 75 shards away from Shang Chi who is turning out to be a beast.  So, if everything goes as planned, I should be up to nine 5* champs by Christmas:

    Storm, X, Okoye, Kitty, Strange, BRB and soon Thanos, Odin and Shrang. . . Kind of enjoying five star land.
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    Shang Chi who is turning out to be a beast.

    ShangChi is very fun to play. I managed to do some of the shield training difficult fights today with him doing the most damage.  

    Pairing him with Wanda (5star) and Ironmanhulkbuster is the most reliable pairing I have used. Run imhb as 3 5 5 and use wandas pink on red tiles.  

    Another fun pairing is using him with Rescue against enemy special tile spammers (polaris brb etc teams). I used rescue to turn the enemy special tiles into red. Instantly got 30 red ap and more than half the board cascaded. Very fun team