No damage being dealt, and not sure why

So, I'm kind of stuck here.  No damage is being done to the enemy team, and I don't see any power or tile that would cause that.  Any ideas?   


  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,440 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2021
    It's hard to get anything meaningful out of this screen shot. Are you saying when you make a match that there is ZERO damage done (not the minimum 1 damage). If so, it would be useful to have a video capture rather than a screen shot (which shows you have damaged the enemy team).
  • grenadier
    grenadier Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    It was showing a damage number with each match, but then no damage was deducted from the enemy health totals, as if something was absorbing it.

    The screenshot was mainly just to show who was in the match, in case I missed something about one of the powers.

    Anyway, I kept playing, and a few turns later damage started hitting again.  I do not know why, so this may just be a fluke, but I figured it might be worth reporting in case a pattern emerges if others see a similar problem.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,440 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah, OK, I've seen this too a few times recently (always with Polaris, then again I use her a lot so maybe not related to her). I'll make a match and see the damage number but nothing gets subtracted from the enemy.
    However, it only lasts 1 turn and everything is normal on my next turn. It seems to me to be related to when all Polaris's passives go off esp on cascades and it seems like the game doesn't realize whose turn it is.