
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2021
    Day 3, Infinite Pursuit - Green check marks in every node except Kraven’s and the challenge node. I did manage three clears off of Kraven thanks to boosted Karnak, Chavez, and Juggernaut. Perhaps not oddly, I have been having a lot more success with BRB (2/2/3, lvl 280) and Polaris in the pick 2 nodes than with boosted Grocket. There are too many countdowns and I can’t fill the board fast enough to keep them from going off.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Day 4. Finished progression while doing easy clears so only went to 5 clears of the first 5 nodes and 3 of the remaining. Unstable ISO8 starts tomorrow. Should be fun but I’m not entirely confident it will be doable with my early 4* roster.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ares with 175k health and can deal 6k per green ap reminds of a simple time when I was terrified of him.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    On a related note, Sentry is boosted to lvl650 on the 4th clear of the challenge node for the second day of Unstable ISO8. His red does 22k + 4k per destroyed red tile to the enemy team. With 300k health he almost has time to reach the 11ap cost. I haven’t yet been able to beat the 4th wave against tile movers as the match damage is insane and I cannot get the winfinite engine rolling but that only costs me in placement. Progression should be pretty easy, even if it takes a lot longer than SCL9.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2021
    Top 200 in Unstable ISO8. I even got enough shards for a Ronan cover, meaning the first time in SCL10 he was required as well.  With the Thanos winfinite it is possible to get to progression most events, it just takes longer. I’m taking the Spider Silk event off in SCL9 because I expect the next couple of days to be busy. I expect I will be back next weekend though.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2021
    Completed progression on Thick as Thieves with half a day to go. It is a pretty easy event with the only nodes I had trouble with getting 5 clears was the challenge and the 5e. Twice on the challenge because of Juggern4ut AoE slaughtering everyone one day and the Hood stealing my ap while Kingpin was being fed by a Maggia Don the next. I did manage to get the first 3 clears for each day on the 5e each day. I decided at the end that BRB, Polaris, and Grocket were more efficient one regular clears on the higher goon levels than the Th4nos winfinite. I’m not sure about more reliable as I had to back out once or twice because I ran out of matches, but the extra strike and protect tiles meant I could fill the board more quickly. Prioritizing protects meant I could stun goons more often. The only thing to be careful of is that protects get prioritized when Polaris copies so you can quickly delete all your strikes if not careful.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    I reached SR120 at the end of the last season, so have also been trying out SCL10 and thought I'd also leave my impressions here. Firstly, I should note that I've never been that fond of PVE. I generally just find it too grindy. Although the grind certainly got a lot quicker once I champed Polaris, Grocket and Juggs and particularly once I gave Polaris a 4* Taskmaster's Sword. Still, I would often only go as far as clearing the wave node for the heroic + elite tokens and the first clear of the 5* node on the occasions when I had the essential. It was only earlier this year when I did my first full progression clearance in SCL9 and that was to get the SWitch shards. Bearing all this in mind, I really like SCL10 as it allows me to play PVE casually and still get plenty of 5* shards. Single clears is more than enough to get the 50 shards and a little more gets you another 75. And so far I've been able to manage at least a single clear of the challenge nodes, so that's an extra mighty token every day. 

    With regards to placement, I also haven't been doing too badly. I've gotten into the habit of entering the first day late to improve the chances of being in a bracket with few other people, many of whom are also playing casually. It's much easier to be top 100 when there are only 200 people in the bracket!
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    With regards to placement, I also haven't been doing too badly. I've gotten into the habit of entering the first day late to improve the chances of being in a bracket with few other people, many of whom are also playing casually. It's much easier to be top 100 when there are only 200 people in the bracket!
    That is a good idea. How late do you tend to leave it before joining? 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I nearly champed Kitty, currently 5/4/3 lvl300. So I went into Spider Silk during the anniversary event. It went a whole lot more smoothly than any of the other events I entered SCL10 at, though it is difficult to tell if that is because Kitty is so much better than Juggernaut, my normal Polaris/Grocket third, or if it is because BRB and Grocket are boosted right now. In any case, I hope that I can maintain SCL10 going forward, though might drop for events like Deadpool vs. MPQ. Hopefully I can get Kitty's Pink to 5 soon.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    With regards to placement, I also haven't been doing too badly. I've gotten into the habit of entering the first day late to improve the chances of being in a bracket with few other people, many of whom are also playing casually. It's much easier to be top 100 when there are only 200 people in the bracket!
    That is a good idea. How late do you tend to leave it before joining? 
    I tend to aim for about 1 hour before the end of the first sub, but there's a lot of variation depending on when is most convenient. There's also this crowd-sourced spreadsheet that can give you a good estimate of the current state of each slice:

    I've also been wondering if there are times when I should be making more use of Kitty. After opening my hoard on FF store, she's now 3/3/2 and lvl330. You're suggesting that Gritty + Polaris is better than Gritty + Juggs?
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    With regards to placement, I also haven't been doing too badly. I've gotten into the habit of entering the first day late to improve the chances of being in a bracket with few other people, many of whom are also playing casually. It's much easier to be top 100 when there are only 200 people in the bracket!
    That is a good idea. How late do you tend to leave it before joining? 
    I tend to aim for about 1 hour before the end of the first sub, but there's a lot of variation depending on when is most convenient. There's also this crowd-sourced spreadsheet that can give you a good estimate of the current state of each slice:

    I've also been wondering if there are times when I should be making more use of Kitty. After opening my hoard on FF store, she's now 3/3/2 and lvl330. You're suggesting that Gritty + Polaris is better than Gritty + Juggs?
    Polaris does more than Juggernaut can possibly dream of with multiple high damage hits per round. I read on Reddit that Juggernaut/Grocket/Polaris dominate short fights, especially SCL8 and below. With Kitty boosting damage she excels in long matches. Particularly in SCL10. That has been my experience so far. I might change my mind the next time an event comes around.  I still think her pink needs to be at 5 to truly shine against goons. She needs Carol’s Communicator to survive match damage.

    In Spider Silk I got more use out of BRB together with Grocket and Polaris than any iteration with Kitty. But Brb and Grocket were boosted so there is that. It kind of makes sense since BRB and Polaris are a meta adjacent PvP team (my BRB is 2/2/3 lvl300). Though my Kitty is only 5/4/3 lvl300 so who knows how she will play when champed.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Great. I'll start trying with Kitty instead of Juggs then. My BRB is still sadly non-existent. I think I need to save CP now until he's in a store again.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    Yeah. BRB is awesome, especially once you get his yellow. I do every hard node in SCL10 with him, going winfinite with Polaris and either Th4nos or 1* Juggernaut. Luckily he pairs well with both Apocalypse and Kitty as well as Polaris.

    Since your Apocalypse is fully covered you might want to consider half-Thor as well. They form a PvE meta team, slightly slower than Okoye/iHulk. 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    So I nearly champed Kitty, currently 5/4/3 lvl300. So I went into Spider Silk during the anniversary event. It went a whole lot more smoothly than any of the other events I entered SCL10 at, though it is difficult to tell if that is because Kitty is so much better than Juggernaut, my normal Polaris/Grocket third, or if it is because BRB and Grocket are boosted right now. In any case, I hope that I can maintain SCL10 going forward, though might drop for events like Deadpool vs. MPQ. Hopefully I can get Kitty's Pink to 5 soon.
    This would be so much easier with Kitty’s pink at 5. I had trouble in the usual places, the 5* and Challenge nodes. Mostly with countdown tiles. Chavez, Karnak, BRB, and Grocket (and SM2099 but didn’t make it off the bench) being boosted at the same time helped a ton.  Hopefully they get boosted every event. I wish, lol.

     Poor Taskmaster did not stand a chance against Polgritty. Gritaris? I’m sure Juggernaut would had done fine in place of Kitty since he helped own Galactus and Ultron in Round 8. Heart of Darkness next. I thought I did that one before but apparently not.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Thor is definitely on my wish list too. Onslaught is another I'd like to have.

    For the last challenge node against Carnage, I found Ghostpool, Mantis (who I've only just champed) and Medusa to work well, albeit slowly. I was having a lot of fun in the 5* node with Chavez, Shang-Chi and Yellowjacket. I don't yet have a blue cover for Shang-Chi so can't quite get him to go winfinite and that's partly why Yellowjacket was there so that I could always guarantee a win in case the other two were taken out. On the final day I was very pleased that I could get through all 4 clears with them.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    The first two days of Hearts of Darkness are pretty easy, the final day is hard but luckily I had enough points for progression. Kitty isn’t the key to unlocking SCL10 like I hoped, though maybe she would do more champed. Lvl 300 is a good place for her for the time being. Five in pink helps against goons, but can get out of hand quickly. Polaris and BRB do more work. Since they are meta in PvP I think I will work on BRB before Apocalypse even though he has 3 fewer covers. 
  • Jimsta_rooney
    Jimsta_rooney Posts: 167 Tile Toppler
    Kitty was the key for me, don't forget to use the right boosts too. 
    I always took an extra stun just in case but most of the time it wasn't necessary. 
    As long as you are hitting progression you should consider it a success,scl10 a whole different ball game compared to the others.
    Seems to me you are doing great
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    Kitty was the key for me, don't forget to use the right boosts too. 
    I always took an extra stun just in case but most of the time it wasn't necessary. 
    As long as you are hitting progression you should consider it a success,scl10 a whole different ball game compared to the others.
    Seems to me you are doing great
    Oh yeah, I am comparing her and BRB at low levels. If her boosted, as she is in Webbed Wonder, is anything similar to her champed I get it now. I actually took on the first two rounds of the challenge node with her, BRB, and boosted Polaris, the first time I did not use the Thanos or Juggernaut winfinite (I switched to winfinite for the third clear though). Lvl 300 for her is fine, but I just need to adjust my expectations a bit and avoid the very hard PvEs until I decide to champ her. 
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    I was very pleased with her, Polaris and Grocket for the first challenge node of Webbed Wonder. I managed to get through all 4 clears with them and I don't think I even needed to use any boosts.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the next is Deadpool vs. MPQ. With Kitty and Polaris boosted I decided to try it. I expect to eat a bunch of health packs lol.