new player - Versus

dot_ditto Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
Hi, new casual player here, just having some fun with the game on occassion, so not trying to rank or anything. However, I started trying to poke at the Versus option.  Every time I go in, regardless of options I pick, I'm only presented with match ups with opponents over level 100.
My biggest characters are only 3*s, at level 40 ... 
When you choose your tier .. it indicates "opponent's of level xxx to yyy" .. but that seems to be completely bogus?

So how is a new player supposed to enter/play Versus ?  I'm assuming I'm doing something horribly wrong, but there's no real indication anywhere on what to do in this regards.

I have found and read the tips/guides around, but haven't seen anything on this.  All the mentions in Versus are usually "fights are easy for a while, then quickly get hard" .. heck . I'd be fine with that if I could get at least a couple "easy" fights off .. :(


  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    So PvP is pretty difficult early on. The MMR calculates your opponents based on your top five highest level characters, and you often get targeted by players with more advanced rosters than you. In your case, the problem is you could well be the only person with lvl 40 characters on your roster who entered your SCL.  It should become easier to find matches after you have a couple of 2* characters champed. In the meantime, if you enter right when the PvP starts you should be able to fight about 8 seed matches, with only the required character and two low level 1 stars, generated by the computer. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,868 Chairperson of the Boards
    SCL makes no difference at all with regard to who you can be matched against - it simply determines who you are up against for placement in your SCL bracket. However, the time slice you choose does determine who you can or cannot fight. There are 5 possible time slices and they vary in terms of variety of opponents and amount of points.

    Now for the crushing truth - Versus mode for rosters that do not have a few solid 3* characters with your champed 2's is a horrible experience and is something that you grow into.

    Sekilicious is correct that early days you should go for seed teams and then just see what else you can get until your roster is developed a bit more. Versus mode will open up more as you go.
  • dot_ditto
    dot_ditto Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    ahh ok .. thanks .. good to know !!!

    I just ignore it for the time then ... and wait until I get some more options up there .. 


  • Tanglefoot
    Tanglefoot Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2021
    There are 2 parts to the problem.
    1. You are in a PvP tier with other players in the identified level range. So if the range of your tier is 1-12, every player you meet will be level 1-12. BUT, not all levels are equal. If you spent $0, and the enemy you face has spent $700, he will have way more powerful heroes on his roster.

    2. hero level is essentially meaningless in the PvP matchmaking. It all depends on who else is in your group/tier in the PvP. If you have all level 40 heroes, you could get a significant number of matches against teams with heroes ranked 125 and up, if that’s who is in the same group as you.

    you MIGHT be able to encourage the game to give you better matchups. Look for the number of points you would gain on a win, and look for opponents in the 54 and up range - the higher the better. On the OTHER enemies, keep hitting skip until you get either a competitive enemy, OR get charged iso to “skip”.

    deliberately lose to the higher player. You will lose 1-8 (usually) points, but it will also reset your list of opponents. Repeat the above. 

    I have done 1 loss and gotten a series of competitive opponents, and I have had to do 12 or more if I was in a bad time slot. I have given up on a couple PvP challenges because I just could not get decent matches.

    But, PvP may be impractical until you get a few higher level heroes. I probably did not really start winning regularly in PvP until I had 3 or 4 2* heroes at or near champion level. 
    I have been playing a little over 2 months, so it is fresh for me. I now have 13 championed 2*s, and a handful of championed 3*, and I rarely finish a PvP out of the top 25, and have finished top 10 several times.