Mana Crystal Sale

Currently there are no sales on Mana Crystals, which is odd for the release of a new set. Was this an oversight or intended since the last one wasn't that long ago?


  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    They had a mana crystal sale a few weeks ago, right? I thought they were generally staggered.
    Glad to be proven wrong. That's from my recollection.
  • Narcoticsagent
    Narcoticsagent Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    They normally do a sale during set releases. I have bought the 3000 pack at nearly every set release during the 5 years I've played. $70 was hard to justify for a mobile game. $100 is impossible. I really feel like the devs are looking out for my best interests and doing their best to encourage me not to buy things from them. 
  • Michael_WC
    Michael_WC Posts: 74 Match Maker
    Your post made me laugh @Narcoticsagent, it definitely seems to be the case.

    @jtwood Yeah, that is why I am curious if that is why we didn't get one this time. Did they forget or is it too soon for another one? I skipped out on the last one and was going to wait until the new set dropped to buy some. I'm with @Narcoticsagent though and am not going to spend $100 on a single pack. I'm not above it, just not going to do it anymore. I'll buy crystals, but only on sale.
  • Avahad
    Avahad Posts: 296 Mover and Shaker
    Iirc the previous sale was ‘content boosted’ rather than sale value discounted.
    So the £100 one was still £100 but gave something like 30% more crystals rather than being discounted by 30%.
    Maybe they were testing to see which was better? 
    From my point of view tho- IF I was still buying (which I’m not) rather than subscribing I would go for the overall purchase value being cheaper and wouldn’t buy the boosted amount.
  • Michael_WC
    Michael_WC Posts: 74 Match Maker
    @Avahad I think you are right, price was the same, but the bonus amount was increased. Either way, I am with you. I will buy what I want at a cheaper price rather than being locked in to the $99.99 price point.
  • TheHunter
    TheHunter Posts: 336 Mover and Shaker
    And btw $100 US is currently less than £75 UK so please @Oktagon_Support why are we getting charged £100? Just because the numbers look a bit the same isn't a good enough answer. 
    What are other people paying around the world, I'm wondering who gets the best value for money?

  • Michael_WC
    Michael_WC Posts: 74 Match Maker
    Xucachris said:
    And btw $100 US is currently less than £75 UK so please @Oktagon_Support why are we getting charged £100? Just because the numbers look a bit the same isn't a good enough answer. 
    What are other people paying around the world, I'm wondering who gets the best value for money?

    Didn't Steam just get in trouble for this? I agree that just because the numbers look similar Exchange rates will rip you a new one.
  • Avahad
    Avahad Posts: 296 Mover and Shaker
    Well.... the sales on now..... I pity anyone who bought the crystals at full price on set release day....