Which was your least favourite/ most hated meta team?



  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    Fighting Bishop was just awful.  Others noted that was mainly an issue for 5* rosters, but that's what I have so...
    Hulkoye is owned by Britty and the player has a huge edge in mirror matches.
    As for Gambit, at the time he was reliably beaten in mirror matches.  The only trouble was the silly gambattery stunlock with gwen combo so I had no issues with him.  If anything I wish they'd un-nerf because he would not be OP at all in the current game state.
  • Rosraf
    Rosraf Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    HammerBros (4* Capt America + 5* Hawkeye)

    Britty > Hulkoye (getting enough defence tiles will negate Hulkoye Aoe)

    Exactly.  The main ways to beat Britty involve fielding a specific team that sucks on defense.  So you get picked apart while you fight that tedious match.  Hulkoye teams can actually be beaten by solid defensive teams, and sometimes quite quickly and easily.  -But since it is chaotic and less predictable, people just choose to skip.  
  • Rosraf
    Rosraf Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    HammerBros (4* Capt America + 5* Hawkeye)
    I will take on a Hulkoye team over a Britty team every time.  

    I honestly think a big component in this is a lot of players wanting to return to an old meta that they already have and that less other players have (and have little ability to acquire). 
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    1000X Bishop. The jump to front/stun/AP gain was just so broken.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gambit 1.0 (pre-nerf)
    I'll be honest, I really only think they've introduced about eight  characters in this game that were completely broken. I started playing after the Spider-Man and the first 3* Ragnarok nerfs, so I really can't speak to those.  The second Ragnarok nerf (changing "Godlike power" and giving him blue,) was ... not really that significant, but it was nice not having to face the former every other turn in PVE even if it didn't do that much.  Anyway:
    - Magneto - this stands out as it was virtually the only nerf that didn't break the character completely.  His initial build was too abusable - on his own he was almost fine (other than the fact you could make a winfinite with his blue,) but coupled with strikes he was very bad.
    - Sentry - this was a long time ago, but Sentry was really broken, particularly combined with Hood.  Ah, the days of "Sentry Bombing."
    - 4* Thor - She was just plain broken on release - gave out too many charged tiles and did too much damage.
    - 4* Wolverine - As usual, they really overcompensated and that sucks, but his black was OP.
    - 5* Gambit - Ugh.  Just Ugh.  As others said, before they nerfed Gambit, you either had him or you did not play at the 5* level.  It didn't really matter who he was with (though Thor was probably his best partner,) he was just awful to face if you didn't have your own.
    - Bishop - While there were definitely ways around him (Apoc/BRB/Kitty worked decently so long as you manage to get Apoc out when Bishop fires his stun,) he was just too hard to deal with if you had a 5* team.  His threshold was just too damn low.
    I honestly think that Worthy Cap was too niche to be broken, but you can make an argument for Worthy/HE as being too much, but you really didn't see it in PVP so I kind of don't think so.  Likewise, OML was past his prime when they nerfed him, but you can definitely make the argument he was too useful at a lower number of covers.
    I can't think of anyone else, am I missing anyone?
  • Jacklag
    Jacklag Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    How can it not be Bishop? I actually avoided leveling my characters do I would'nt have to fight Bishop with my 5*s

    Regarding Hulkoye, doesn't Quake's yellow work as a counter? Or does WF add that much damage to Hulk's green that it surpasses Quake's reduction?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    The latter. If quake did a % based damage reduction that would be something, but a fixed number reduction means any team up at all in the bank and she is done. If she were boosted with the boosted health pool maybe it would work.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gambit 1.0 (pre-nerf)
    Although I had a Gambit at the time and they nerfed him way too hard (the second time), he was even worse than Bishop. Funny enough, they nerfed him once and his first nerf actually made him better!

    Bishop teams, while a huge pain since they penalized you for playing with a 5*, were beatable but at the time, if you didn't have your own Gambit in that era, you were toast.  There were so many less characters and the powers on those characters were much less powerful than during the Bishop era.

    Gambit used to generate red/purple AP much faster, destroy the opponents AP and overwrite almost all special tiles with his purple ability and he was a 5* health, which was much harder to beat with the lower damage capabilities at the time.  You also didn't have nearly the cheap AP stuns with longer duration options that now exist on several newer characters.  

    I wish that they would bring Gambit back to his pre-nerf days as he would actually be good but probably not meta in the current environment.