5* repeater tiles the good the meh and the bad

wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2021 in MPQ General Discussion
With 5 clops coming out with more repeater tiles I wanted to take a look at 5* characters with repeater tiles and how they are used successfully and how they can be epic failures.

the good:

Iceman Green: 7 AP puts out 5 2 turn repeater tiles.  Tiles do damage but also do AOE damage.  The reason this is good is it is a cheep power and can do damage when matched.  It is mainly good with Okoye or Apocalypse buffing damage.

gambit black: Passive 2 turn repeater gives 3 purple 3 red.  Gambit is bad because his red does poor damage but his repeater is good.  No waiting on the repeater and generate 6 AP.

5 Carol green passive 3 turn repeater generates 3 green AP.  Less than gambit but anyone can use it.

Edit add:

Apocalypse yellow.   7 AP This is only of the best in the game.  4 2 turn repeaters that put out protect 2 protect tiles each.  What really makes it shine is the damage boost it gives friendly powers.

Thor yellow 9 AP.  A one turn repeater that puts open protect tile.  When destroyed flips protect tiles to strike tiles.  This is a good repeater typically forgotten mainly by me because of who he is paired with 

Kitty pride Purple.  Passive if an enemy CD, Strike/attack/protect on board places a 1 turn fortified repeater.  When resolves overwrites enemy special tile.  If no special tiles available deals damage.

the Meh:

5 Carol red.  8 AP pots out 2 turn repeater does damage and 3 strike tiles.  If this power did damage and put out 3 strike tiles when fired it would be great.  As is waiting 3 turns for one tile is high risks for little reward.

doc Ock green 6AP.  3 turn repeater does burst health.  When matched away does damage.  With each fire reduces CD and health and damage.  This is a very under rated power and the damage can be really big especially when buffed by Okoye or Apocalypse.

edited added:

OMD Black:  when you get 6 black convert 3 AP to two 3 turn repeaters.  Repeaters deal damage.  OMD is becoming the forgotten 5*.  This power is cheep and can do decent damage.  This power like this character is underrated.  Not great but not bad

the bad:

ghost Rider green.  9 AP.  3 one turn repeaters that destroy G,R,B surrounding it.  This power was suppose to help counter Gambit in his peak and it has be a failure.  It takes to look to generate the AP back you spend and the repeaters get matched or fall to eventually do nothing.

kingpin green: 9AP.  Fortified 2 turn repeater does 9K direct damage.  This power is just too expensive and then once fired it takes 2 turns to actually do anything.  Only positive is it is fortified.

Loki green: 11 AP 3 turn fortified repeater does 7k AOE.  Probably the worst repeater in the game 11AP to wait 3 turns for low AOE damage.

cyclops red 9 AP.  Creates 3 3 turn repeaters that each destroy one green tile and generates AP.  Using this power is using it for the 12k damage.  The reality is the repeaters will probably never actually collect AP much like Loki’s green.

Edit add:

Magneto red: 9 AP creates 2 strike tiles and 2 3 turn repeaters that convert 2 enemy strike/protect/attack tile.  Will deal damage.  This one is bad because it is  expensive slow and in a color of so many other great powers.

In looking at the good powers they are cheep or passive.  The cheep also do something when matched away, the passive come back right away and generate AP.  The repeaters are not that long.

the bad ones are expensive.  They have long repeaters and typically do nothing when matched away.

what boggles my mind is it is easy to see what can make a good repeater tile and what makes a bad repeater tile.  Please let me know if I missed any powers and your thoughts on the list.


  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,116 Chairperson of the Boards
    Apocalypse yellow and thor yellow are missing.
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Apocalypse yellow and thor yellow are missing.
    Apocalypse yellow deserves it’s own god tier.  Thor yellow bridges meh and bad.

    Agree with most of OPs list but would move Ghostrider green to meh.  I’ve found good use for it when he’s boosted in PVE - which is more than I can say for the rest of the bad tier.
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    Magneto red
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    What all of these are missing is a Repeater Tiles Matter character. We have GG who can fortify them but that is about it. Some of these might become good to great if we had a 5* character who could say trigger all repeater tiles on the board or passively made them tick by 2 or 3 each turn. I would love to see more 5*s like that. Ones that fundamentally make me rethink how I look at existing characters. Even if they are not meta they at least have some synergies with characters that are fun or interesting. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,268 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghost Rider’s in my experience should be rated higher than this. They do 300% match damage on the tiles they nibble, which adds up, and they gather all the AP they chomp. If he were a bit newer with better health I would attempt trying him as a hulk counter.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Apocalypse yellow and thor yellow are missing.
    Thanks added
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bubba3210 said:
    Magneto red
    Thanks added
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,343 Chairperson of the Boards
    They definitely know how to do repeaters, as 4* land has some decent ones.  Not sure if they are making 5* repeaters bad on purpose or if they just don't care.
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    I feel like repeaters either need to be a 1 turn or fortified.

    a 3 turn repeater takes so long in this game my teen jean will become adult jean before it even goes off.

  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Kitty purple - good > god tier

    Honourable mentions to Strange purple which acts like a repeater tile (just colourless) and Surfer black which is a bit of mix of a countdown & repeater.
  • Cannibalqueen
    Cannibalqueen Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    Samurai Daken  is missing.  I would rate his as a little below meh.
    maybe solid meh tho,   He’s a pain to get working.  But very fun to use when boosted.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Samurai Daken  is missing.  I would rate his as a little below meh.
    maybe solid meh tho,   He’s a pain to get working.  But very fun to use when boosted.
    Added.  This one is a above bad solidly in Meh.  Like other repeaters it needs boosted damage dealers like Okoye or Apoc.  These repeaters actually have a good chance of resolving as well which makes them useful.  

    I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed using him when I champed him.
  • Theghouse
    Theghouse Posts: 315 Mover and Shaker
    A single 3 turn repeater is straight trash  except for ock's which is a unique case and still just meh.  Even Danvers' which is passive doesn't go off enough to make it better than meh.

    I think the devs had the right idea with multiple repeaters that are great if they can all survive and still good as long as you can save a couple for repeated activation ala Iceman.

    Apoc's are obviously in a class all their own as a damage booster.

    I think most times when the devs design a single repeater power, they think of it like a countdown tile power.  Historically these were lower AP with strong effects to balance the tile possibly being matched away.

    But then they think "well it might go off multiple times" so then they jack up the AP cost for only a fraction of the effect.
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    How much better would Ghost Riders repeaters be if they wouldn't fall like Surfer's Black Hole?
  • Amsha3gar
    Amsha3gar Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Magneto red: 9 AP creates 2 strike tiles and 2 3 turn repeaters that convert 2 enemy strike/protect/attack tile.  Will deal damage for each tile converted.  This one is bad because it is expensive slow and does nothing if no special tiles are out.

    The repeaters actually do damage regardless of the converting and are 2-turn, it's not that bad.

  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I quite like ghost rider's repeaters. The timer is short so you usually get some value from at least one of them, they do a bit of board shake, a little nibble of damage and it keeps certain colours off the board. They suffer from the 'do a few things but none of them particularly well' syndrome that affects a few of these powers but I would rank them at meh, rather than bad. 

    On some rare occasions I've enjoyed using Loki's green. If you have a couple of them on the board going off on different turns it helps keep the board flush with his black countdowns. That keeps his purple's value as a low cost nuke in play for longer than usual. The repeater itself isn't great, obviously, but it can sometimes be fun. 

    I enjoy playing a team of iceman, carol and goblin. Goblin fortifies all the CDs and repeaters which increases their value by a lot, even on carol's less than stellar powers. 
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Amsha3gar said:
    Magneto red: 9 AP creates 2 strike tiles and 2 3 turn repeaters that convert 2 enemy strike/protect/attack tile.  Will deal damage for each tile converted.  This one is bad because it is expensive slow and does nothing if no special tiles are out.

    The repeaters actually do damage regardless of the converting and are 2-turn, it's not that bad.

    Thanks I edited and added damage.  I still feel it is bad as it is expensive slow and in a color of so many other great powers.
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    Kitty's purple is missing, and i would say it goes in the good tier. Passive 1-turn removing special tiles then does damage when there are no more tiles to replace.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Loosie said:
    Kitty's purple is missing, and i would say it goes in the good tier. Passive 1-turn removing special tiles then does damage when there are no more tiles to replace.
    Added.  I always think of hers as a CD but it is a repeater and very good