Favorite Puzzle OPs Teams

Let me know what fun, new, oddball, or utterly devastating combos you guys put together to win for each color! My favorites this time around were:

Team-up: BRB, Polaris, 3*.Storm- Quick ramp up, from BRB's starting protect tiles being duped by Polaris to create an AP farm engine in blue and green, and on to tthe fully winfinite AP generation and optional stun lock that kicks in once you reach 10 green AP and have a board scaterred with protect tiles to get destroyed and duped repeatedly, generating more protect tiles with every time Storm's green hits one, or it gets caught in the resultant cascade. With a bit of luck you'll be able to match at least one of the starting protects early on, so the dupe AP engine starts fast, and you probably will be, considering the fact that the winfinite engine is bolstered by a strong supporting kit that includes- a cheap stun to help you get it going, a cheap team-up tile destroyer that builds towards the wincon of the challenge directly while also adding in some board shuffle cascades to rev the winfinite's engine, and a cheap way to generate protect tiles just in case the starting ones get buried or matched away.

I've played it before, but this was the first time that enemy was beefy enough to survive into the full blown winfinity, so this was a standout for me. It's also similar to a couple teams on my current list of mainstays- BRB/Polaris/Medusa & BRB/Polaris/Superskrull- but Storm's yellow makes it perfectly tailored to this challenge. And while Medusa generates the blue for stun lock and the purple for board shuffle off of the enemy tiles you put out with Polaris, Storm taps directly into the main engine by using green. Superskrull also works on a green tile destroyer to speed up the duplication and AP gen, but generates less green and less cascading generally, the trade off being the huge damage he does to the enemy team, making him the more lethal honestly, but not quite as fun as the infinite casting Storm can pull off.

Honorable Mentions-
Red- Samurai Daken, Valkyrie, & 3* Iron fist. Iron Fist's attack tile helps ensure you claim Valkyrie's bounty, Sam Dak's black makes repeater tiles that make the bounties even easier, and routinely converts itself to red, which lets Iron Fist spam his purple for flooding the board with black rather than for damage, and the 3 abilities, plus Iron Fist's green and Valkyrie's yellow, ensure the repeaters are reliable.


  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used my winfinite team of IM40, Kamala Khan and 2* Storm. It has been a long time since I last used this team.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    BRB/Polaris for green/blue
    Thorkoye for teamups
    Domino and C/D for black
    Prof X, Storm and Thor for red/yellow
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,164 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Hawkeye, Coulson and IM40 for red.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 789 Critical Contributor
    My 3* team of Black Widow, Storm, and Scarlet Witch cleaned house for team-ups.
    For yellow, I used 4* Marvel, 5* Cap'n Merica, and 3* Iron Man
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,164 Chairperson of the Boards
    shardwick said:
    BRB/Polaris for green/blue
    Thorkoye for teamups
    Domino and C/D for black
    Prof X, Storm and Thor for red/yellow
    Prof X **** or *****, Storm *, **, *** or *****, Thor **, ***, **** or ***** ?
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,164 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has anyone beaten the Killmonger/Karnak node? I've tried Valkyrie four times but the board is all blue and Karnak kicks the living death out of me every move. Her bounty does not seem to do any good either and there are scarcely any red tiles. 
  • TheDaniel
    TheDaniel Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    qandols said:
    Has anyone beaten the Killmonger/Karnak node? I've tried Valkyrie four times but the board is all blue and Karnak kicks the living death out of me every move. Her bounty does not seem to do any good either and there are scarcely any red tiles. 

    I was able to beat it with IM40.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,164 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2021
    I shall prevail and try out the old rust-bucket! How do you survive Karnaks kicking, though?
  • TheDaniel
    TheDaniel Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Luck, maybe? I know a few people have done it with IM40. Switched to him after getting crushed using Valkyrie and managed it in one go.
  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    Huh, I beat it with Valkyrie on my first try and I don't even have her champed. It's probably because I'm still not high level enough to play SLC 10, so Karnak didn't have his black power, and I was able to trigger my bounties.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,143 Chairperson of the Boards
    Black was Valkyrie, Okoye and someone else who kept black the strongest color.

    Blue was Valkyrie, 5-star Strange, and someone else who kept blue the strongest color.

    Red/Green/Yellow was Thorkoye.

  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 789 Critical Contributor
    qandols said:
    I shall prevail and try out the old rust-bucket! How do you survive Karnaks kicking, though?
    Use someone with blue, like IM40, and match as much blue as possible. It worked for me.

    The one that got me was Medusa and Polaris. I gave up several times before finally beating it with Hawkeye. How? No idea. I matched blue and "You Won" flashed across the screen. Maybe I got enough purple off of a cascade.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    qandols said:
    shardwick said:
    BRB/Polaris for green/blue
    Thorkoye for teamups
    Domino and C/D for black
    Prof X, Storm and Thor for red/yellow
    Prof X **** or *****, Storm *, **, *** or *****, Thor **, ***, **** or ***** ?
    All 5*.
  • TheDaniel
    TheDaniel Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Akoni said:
    qandols said:
    I shall prevail and try out the old rust-bucket! How do you survive Karnaks kicking, though?
    Use someone with blue, like IM40, and match as much blue as possible. It worked for me.

    The one that got me was Medusa and Polaris. I gave up several times before finally beating it with Hawkeye. How? No idea. I matched blue and "You Won" flashed across the screen. Maybe I got enough purple off of a cascade.

    It's thanks to Hawkeye's passive power. Whenever you matched Polaris' strike tiles you gained blue and purple AP
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,743 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2021
    NOBODY suggested the spider-verse teams???

    For blue, purple, or red AP, THIS team worked wonders...

    (All 4*s)
    Miles  (yellow at 5)
    Peter Parker (aka Infinity War spidey; blue at 5)
    2099  (yellow and blue at 5)

    It's quite simple... make webs.  Aim for the color you want, obviously, but if that's not there, match some webs.  Miles' passive states that you gain +1 blue, purple, and red AP for every web that's matched.  Thats for you AND the enemy team.  Since you're making webs passively through most matches due to Pete and Miguel's matches, the board will have plenty of webs before long.  Miles purple and yellow will make more webs, and Miguel can stun anyone who's getting annoying (sure, it uses blue, but I don't think anyone's having trouble with the blue one).  

    My only word of caution is to NOT fire Miguel's black -- it overwrites a few of your webs with CDs.  In normal matches, sure... but here, we WANT those webs out there, so ignore 2099's black ability.

    There's plenty of ways to overcome the challenges, and no 5* is needed.  TBH, while Okoye & a RTF support is nice for the team-up accumulation one, she only makes THREE TU tiles with her yellow power, and it's not like you need to tank anything, really.  The RTF gives a CHANCE at 1 extra TU for a match... but, I suggest 3* Storm instead.  it takes a bit more yellow, but you're GUARANTEED to gain 7 TU AP (as long as it exists on the board).  And while BRB is great for blue and green, for blue -- see web team above, and for green, Scarlet Witch making purple, while 3* Widow uses it to guarantee green matches is pretty darn awesome.  Just include a reliable stunner (like Gamora or Iceman) to keep some of the riff-raff from ruining your fun.

    I love what they did with the puzzle gauntlet so far.  It's only "Collect # X AP", but its a great breath of fresh air that allows so many other characters to thrive.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 789 Critical Contributor
    @TheDaniel Thanks. I realized that after I went back to look at his passive. I rarely use him anymore so I forgot about it.