5 Star (Epic)
Match Damage: High
(PASSIVE) As Dracula feasts to maintain his immortality, his following grows. When Vlad Dracula's team makes a Red match, increase his health by 390 and convert 1 Yellow tile to a strength 112 Black Attack tile.
(At level 255)
- Level 2: increase health by 487, convert 1 Yellow to a strength 140 Black Attack tile.
- Level 3: increase health by 609, convert 1 Yellow to a strength 175 Black Attack tile.
- Level 4: increase health by 761, convert 1 Yellow to a strength 219 Black Attack tile.
- Level 5: increase health by 951, convert 1 Yellow to a strength 274 Black Attack tile.
Dracula's hypnotic gaze compels others to do his bidding. Stun the target for 3 turns and give them the following ability while stunned: "(PASSIVE) While stunned, drain the highest AP pool and deal 70 damage to allies for each AP drained."
(At level 255)
- Level 2: "...deal 84 damage to allies for each AP drained."
- Level 3: "...deal 97 damage to allies for each AP drained."
- Level 4: "...deal 109 damage to allies for each AP drained."
- Level 5: "...deal 120 damage to allies for each AP drained."
Dracula's network of loyal servants, cultists, brides, and minions are prepared to resurrect him if he is slain. If one does not exist, create a fortified 2-turn Resurrection Countdown tile. At the start of the turn, if Vlad Dracula is downed, remove the Resurrection Countdown tile and return Vlad Dracula with 40% health.
(PASSIVE) Whenever Vlad Dracula's team makes a Black match, increase the count of his Resurrection Countdown tile by 1.
(At level 255)
- Level 2: Create a 3-turn Countdown tile.
- Level 3: Create a 4-turn Countdown tile.
- Level 4: Create a 5-turn Countdown tile.
- Level 5: Create a 6-turn Countdown tile. (PASSIVE) ...fortify and increase count by 1.