From The Vault Changes (12/21/2020)

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,484 Chairperson of the Boards
Note: ODY, JUD, and TOR boosters will be available on the Vault until January 2021.

From the 4.7 release, there will be new behaviors and rules regarding the From The Vault series. Now that we had already released Odyssey, Torment, and Judgment, we decided to put them together in a block, the Odyssey Block.

Regular Booster

Instead of a booster for each set (ODY, TOR, and JUD), we combined the three sets in one booster that will enter the rotation of regular boosters in the Vault.

  • Now, the cards from the sets of this block are considered regular and will lose the Exclusive tag.

  • There will be 02 (two) options:

  1. Booster Pack: 5 cards booster;

  2. Super Pack: 3x Boosters Pack (5 cards each).

  • The individual boosters will still be available in events and rewards.


  • Take a look at the drop rates for the Odyssey Block boosters below: 

Booster Crafting

The cards from the  Odyssey Block will now be available in the Booster Crafting.

  • The three sets will be together under the From The Vault category.

Crafting Cost

Uncommon: 400 Mana Orbs

Rare: 800 Mana Orbs

Mythic: 4,000 Mana Orbs

Masterpiece: 8,000 Mana Orbs

  • This is the amount of mana orbs you will receive for duplicates in the ODY Block boosters.

    • Uncommon: 20 Mana Orbs

    • Rare: 100 Mana Orbs

    • Mythic: 500 Mana Orbs

    • Masterpiece: 2500 Mana Orbs

Future Sets

Here are some guidelines in advance about how potential From The Vault series will be treated in the future.

  • New From the Vault sets will not become part of the ODY Block.

  • New sets will have their own boosters at first, just like  ODY, TOR, and JUD did. 

  • New From the Vault sets will not be added to the Booster Crafting yet

  • When we release other FtV sets, we will at some point combine them into a block, just like the Odyssey Block

  • This new block will be added to the Booster Crafting under the From The Vault category together with the other older sets.

Note: ODY, JUD, and TOR boosters will be available on the Vault until January 2021.


  • Ypgi
    Ypgi Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2020
    Can you confirm whether they will be available in legacy VIP boosters?

    if not, why not?
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Will the Odyssey block be craftable from the 4.7 release, or will we have to wait until the new FtV set comes out?  

  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you for communicating this in advance and in-app!
  • Narcoticsagent
    Narcoticsagent Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    I am tickled pink that I will finally have something to do with my orbs. The recent forum topic on transcendence made me sad cause I couldn't participate due to now owning the card. Now I will be able to craft it. 
  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker
    critman said:
    Quite a drop in the rarity percentages there.
    It’s a change, for sure, with the chance for a masterpiece down roughly a third, but there’s only a few percentage points difference at other rarities. Of course, you also get more cards now!

    I wouldn’t personally describe this as “quite a drop”, but either way, you have an opportunity to purchase now with the current rates if you prefer.

     I’m not completely sure how to compare these rates on a per-card basis since these percentages are the chance of “at least one card in this rarity” in the pack. More cards with a lower drop rate certainly feels worse per card. Does anyone have more insight into these statistics?
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,710 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Bubbles_CS - quite a while ago, I managed to get Oktagon/D3 to state that the droprates are connected to the number of cards in a pack. If I recall, it was the EMN pack that caused some confusion with its very different droprates. Don’t know if that is still the case, however the droprates have so far mostly been consistent with this response.

    So what I concluded, was that if there are fewer low-rarity cards in a booster then the droprates for high rarity cards increases. How Oktagon have created this formula is unknown to me, perhaps it is simple statistical math. 

    Regardless, then and now, I still struggle with this explanation, because I fail to see why the droprates for a specific rarity type can’t be set to a fixed percentage, e.g. MP has a droprate of 25% in a standard booster (I know wishful thinking :smiley:). 

    Furthermore, I must mention that there has been examples of inconsistencies (or seemingly so) in some booster packs over time. Specifically, in new sets that had a completely different composition of cards in each rarity, still had exactly the same droprates. So don’t expect a straight answer to this question, it is probably a highly classified business information.
  • Bubbles_CS
    Bubbles_CS Posts: 332 Mover and Shaker
    Amazing, thanks, @Volrak !

    As always with statistics, it looks and feels so simple, but I am left to simply trust that what you have said is true because I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. Thanks for the thorough explanation and I appreciate that you took this to a full value comparison.

    It is never nice to see the drop rates go down, but I agree that these are still exceptionally good.
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    critman said:
    Quite a drop in the rarity percentages there.

    Offset by the ability to craft the cards, imo
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    The fact that you can't target a specific set will greatly decrease the probability to chase a specific card with cristals. 

    Booster crafting IS a good option for a chase ... Except if you aim at masterpieces (and you probably do) and do not have vip 6.

    I don't particularly like this change because it will hide my chasecards in the middle of 2 sets i don't Care about anymore .... But i think it's a reasonable change overall. 
  • Volrak
    Volrak Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2020
    As always with statistics, it looks and feels so simple, but I am left to simply trust that what you have said is true because I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. Thanks for the thorough explanation and I appreciate that you took this to a full value comparison.
    No worries.  But don't take it on faith - I'm happy to sit down and show anyone how to work through something like this for themselves (though a more interactive medium would work better for that).

    critman said:
    Volrak said:

    It'll still be by far the most generous drop rates in the game (outside of non-dupe packs).  Compared to Super Packs for the usual card sets, MPs will be about 20 times more plentiful, and mythics about 3 times.
    Better value than things that aren't good value? Cool.
    Somewhat more cool than that true but meaningless qualitative comparison is the quantitative comparison it was derived from.  (For ODY block MPs) the comparative magnitude is like having all ZNR mythics instead of two of them.
  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    there goes buying my  torment  superpack buying  to get 3000-6000 orbs (Almost everytime) strategy with the mythic/mp % 

    this was the best orb farm in the game and it allowed me to craft  ALL my rares. (which is something I never thought I would do)