
Speed283 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
Might as well start a thread since I have extra time on my hands thanks to the new pvp...Evergreen! All of my good players are blocked! Grrrrr! Another pvp geared to favor the higher players. (What is the average in one year’s time of pvps favored toward higher players?)
Anyone else being forced to skip this pvp? 


  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 789 Critical Contributor
    I don't think Evergreen favors higher players. Instead, I think it favors collectors. Higher players indeed look at color combinations to have a good balance, but they usually only have a few really good characters that they rotate through regularly. Collectors, like myself, tend to have a copy of every single character with the trade off of not necessarily having them all champed. Newer players face the exact same dilemma as higher players in the Evergreen event in that they don't have a copy of every single character with a green power.