DaRealAvengers recruitment. Plenty of space

Ab_capone Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
edited April 2021 in MPQ Alliances
Updated 4/20/21
SO our alliance is finally filled; while new players are welcome, everyday players are a plus. If anyone is looking to join a friendly, helpful alliance, PLZ DM me and I can find a spot for you. The bigger the roster the better. Not try hard but I do emphasize alliance events be competed and completed. The more players earning points the more rewards we can earn as a group. 
Update 3.0:      as of today,12/29/20; we currently have no openings. Feel free to message me here or through other various communication methods to check if there may be openings due to people leaving,etc. 
 Thanks for considering on join DaRealAvengers. 
XBL GT- Mr Ab Capone
discord: mr ab capone#6474
pSN- Ab_Capone
how ever you choose to message, I am available to respond fairly quickly. Thanks again for taking interest in my alliance. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy during these trying times. I know for me, gaming is a form of venting my frustration and/or passing time and having fun. C YA!!!

UPDATE 2.0: .     1 spot remaining. 

 There are 5 spots remaining. 

What’s up to all MPQ-ers!!!! DaRealAvengers is looking to expand their alliance roster. If you’re new or a veteran and are looking for a spot where you can play at your own pace and relax without having any pressure put on you, whether it be what kind of roster you have, what kind of PvP rank you have/place, etc. If those are things you are trying to stay away from yet want to be in an alliance that will get max rewards during alliance events... well if we can get plenty of players to join we can get there. Rosters matter, to an extent. I know there are some who are leveling up at a slower pace then others. That’s fine. As long as you’re playing and having fun. As far as requirements; there are basically none. Just a few points: don’t be rude, respect everyone, racism will absolutely not be tolerated, automatic  boot; help each other, and have fun. Which is what the game is all about after all. 
Being competitive is a plus but not mandatory. Getting all and any kinds of rewards is the plan of this alliance. While smaller rosters are acceptable, strong ones are encouraged to join. Let’s get them alliance round 9 clears!! Feel free to message me for any questions. The alliance is public w/public purchases. Sharing means caring. All CPs earned/gifted help everyone strengthen their rosters. 
Thanks for taking the time and interest in an alliance of this kind. 
Join up and let’s begin ascending our clan/alliance.                      
Please try and play daily, 2k iso daily helps out big, long term. 
Casual, and rewards chasing players welcome

P.S. sorry if any misspellings